Glossary of Kirgiz words
Aksakal village (community)elder
Agai respectful address to older man
Ata father
Bai rich landowner
Baibiche term of respect for older woman
Boorumoi condolence expression by arrival to funeral
Hanym term of respect for a woman
Jeiran steppe deer
Jenge term of respect for older brother’s wife
Jigit bold young man, ‘brave’
Kainene mother-in-law
Kainata father-in-law
Kaini younger brother
Kaindy the name of the village
Kelin daughter-in-law
Kichik apa younger mother
Kichine bala term of respect to younger brother of husband
Komuz national string instrument in Kyrgyzstan
Manas epic warrior-god whom all Kirgiz are said to originate
Shaman medicine man
Suuinchuu gift or fee for good news
Tandyr oven with a round opening dug into the ground beside a house
tokol the second wife ( or the last one in the harem)
tsob-tsobe giddy-up in Kirgiz
ustake term of respect to craftsman
yurta nomad’s felt tent
Tolgonai the name, which means ‘Full-moon’
Bektash the name, which means ‘be strong as a stone’
Zhanbolot the name, which mean ‘he will survive’
Jainak the name, which means a fresh ride horse
Maselbek the name, which means ‘born to be a role model’
Prepared by Rahima Abduvalieva