Note for Kindle readers

1. Introduction

2. Making note-taking an effective strategy

Note-taking is a strategy for making information meaningful

The importance of working memory

PART I: Selection strategies

3. Highlighting important information

An example

What highlighting does

What should be highlighted?

4. Headings highlight structure

Do headings help memory?

How do headings help memory?

Learning to use the topic structure strategy

Do some individuals benefit more from headings than others?

5. Summaries

Topical summaries and overviews

Advance organizers

Creating summaries

6. Graphic summaries

Outlines and Graphic Organizers

Multimedia summaries


Visual language

PART II: Connection strategies

7. Understanding connection

An example

What this means for note-taking

8. Elaboration strategies

Making comparisons

Asking questions


9. Concept maps

When concept maps are useful

Mind maps

PART III: Applying your strategies

10. Taking notes in lectures

How taking notes in a lecture is different from taking notes from text

Are there special strategies for taking notes in lectures?

11. Using your notes

Providing a record

Focusing attention

Helping you select what’s important

Organizing information / Helping you make connections

Helping you review

Reducing cognitive load

12. Learning style and individual differences

How individual differences affect your strategy

Cognitive style

Personal preferences and strategy choice

13. Choosing the right strategy

Assessing the text and the task

Choosing the right strategy

Summary of note-taking strategies

Personal profile

Web Resources

Concept & mind maps

Glossary of terms

Answers to exercises

Chapter notes


Other books by Dr Fiona McPherson