“What are you talking about, Max?” Cisco demanded, bracing himself for the worst.
“Romance, pure and simple,” Max said emphatically. “I’ve decided both you and Gillian need my help picking out a mate.”
“Hold on,” Cisco interrupted. “Just because you got away with manipulating your niece and nephews into marriages, doesn’t mean you can do it to me. Besides,” he reasoned, “I’m not even family—I’m only your attorney.”
“Don’t kid yourself, Cisco. You’ve become one of us McKendricks, heart and soul, and it’s only fair that I give you the same opportunity for happiness that I gave my other three heirs.” He paused and continued in his wily way. “I’m not as old as the hills for nothing.” Max winked and smoothed his long Lone Star mustache with his finger. “Don’t think I didn’t notice how attracted you are to Gillian.”
Cisco was about to give Max a piece of his mind when Gillian laid down the gauntlet.
“I’m game if you are, cowboy.”