
Thanks to Joanna Powell Colbert and Ellen Lorenzi-Prince for encouragement like a breath blowing embers into flame.

Thanks to Elysia Gallo of Llewellyn Worldwide for helping make my dream come true.

Thanks to editor Andrea Neff. Virgo authors are the worst, and I felt safe and well cared for in your hands.

Thanks to Kim Diane of Ord Brighideach, Kathy Jones of the Glastonbury Goddess Temple, and especially Mael Brigde of Daughters of the Flame for connections, resources, and support.

Thanks to Domi O’Brien for translation help. Any errors in the Irish are mine, not hers!

Grateful blessings to the nineteen wisewomen who so generously added their voices to honor Brigid: Wendy Alford, Jenny Beale, Sharon Blackie, Joanna Powell Colbert, Jen Delyth, Pat Fish, Selena Fox, Mara Freeman, Erynn Rowan Laurie, Ellen Lorenzi-Prince, Mael Brigde, Margie McArthur, Mickie Mueller, Domi O’Brien, Rebecca Reeder, Susan Smith, Ruth Temple, Lisa Thiel, and Marvelle Thompson.

Slán abhaile, Dennise Brown; I will make good use of what you bequeathed me.

Finally, thanks to Mickie, Dan, and Pj for kitchen-testing the beer. Sláinte!