For Ken Druse Studio:
George Waffle, Business Manager; Ann Kearney-Dutton,
Photo Editor; John Beirne, Plant ID; Louis Bauer,
Horticultural Consultant; Jill Hagler, Webmaster.
Helen Pratt, Literary Agent.
At Clarkson Potter/Publishers:
Chip Gibson, President and Publisher; Lauren Shakely,
Editorial Director; Olivia Silver, Editorial Assistant;
Marysarah Quinn, Art Director; Jane Treuhaft, Associate
Art Director; Amy Boorstein, Managing Editor; Mark
McCauslin, Associate Managing Editor; Nancy J. Stabile,
Copy Editor; Teresa Nicholas, Director of Production; Joan
Denman, Senior Production Manager; Tina Constable,
Senior Publicist; Merri Ann Morrell, Compositor.
Special thanks to House Beautiful magazine:
Oliver Louis Gropp, Editor in Chief; Peggy Kennedy, Editor;
and Betsy Hunter, Senior Editor.
The author also wishes to thank: Suzy Bales; Edmund Cyvas;
Norman C. Deno; Marcia Donahue; Helen Druse; Bill Fidelo; Bobbi
Fischer; Kelly Grummons; Eric Hammond; Dan Hinkley;
Vicki Johnson; Tom Koster; Jody Lathwell; Jean Lundberg; Seamus
Malarkey; John Mapel; Craig Masching; Bill Mills; Robin Parer; Bob and
Brigitta Stewart; John Trexler; Rosemary Verey; Nigel and Lisa Wright;
Robert Zeleniak; Wave Hill and the staff and gardeners headed by
Marco Stufano; The Garden Club of America.