


2 large eggs

2 pinches kosher salt

2 pinches sugar

1 pinch ground black pepper





40 large eggs

2½ teaspoons kosher salt

2½ teaspoons sugar

1¼ teaspoon black pepper


1.    Crack eggs into a bowl and beat lightly. Add salt, sugar, and pepper.

2.    Heat a pan over medium heat with some cooking oil. Pour eggs in pan, and swirl mixture around the pan making sure egg distributes evenly. Cook without disturbing the egg for about 1–2 minutes, or until the egg is solid enough to check the underside. Flip half the egg over the other half, or flip the entire omelet to cook through for 1 minute. Do not brown. Remove from heat and pat dry excess oil. Then julienne omelet, and set aside in a bowl.

            If you want to go all French-style omelet, roll the omelet from one side of the pan to the other while reducing the heat to get the perfect roll. It’ll come out really pretty, except you’ll probably want to cook the egg through (for this recipe) or else it’ll be a runny mess when trying to julienne.