Sugar, the true Asian secret ingredient.
1 cup sugar
¼ cup plus ½ cup water
5 quarts sugar
5 cups plus 10 cups water
1. Heat sugar and ¼ cup water in a saucepan over medium-low heat for 12–15 minutes. Let sugar melt. Do not stir. It will sizzle, so be careful around it.
2. While waiting, set up a large bowl or sink with enough hot water to dip the bottom of the pan into it.
3. Once mixture caramelizes into a dark black color and turns super-thick like molasses, dip the bottom of the pan in the hot water bath to stop the cooking process. Be careful of water spilling into the pan and watch out for the steam as well.
4. Add remaining water to pan. Be careful. It will also sizzle. *Yikes!*
5. Next, remove pan from water bath. Bring pan back to your stove over medium heat, stirring until the caramel dissolves in water. The flavor should be bittersweet.
Use this sauce for the delicious recipes that call for it, such as Braised and Caramelized Vietnamese Coco Pork Belly, and Bun Cha Hanoi.