Discussion Questions

  1. Let’s start by tackling the age-old question: Can men and women be just friends?
  2. When you’re on vacation, do you prefer to map out a plan, or do you sometimes enjoy seeing how lost you can get?
  3. Have you ever done something while out of town that you would never do at home?
  4. Do you like surprises? Talk about one of the best surprises you ever received. How about one of the best surprises you ever gave?
  5. Cole’s grandmother taught him that food is love. Share a treasured memory you have in which food and love intertwined.
  6. Is there a movie you love as much as Laila loves You’ve Got Mail or Cole loves Ghostbusters? Is there someone in your life you share that love with?
  7. If you were set up on a blind date with your teenage celebrity crush, who would be waiting for you at brunch?
  8. Who would you cast as Cole and Laila in a film version of the book?