Acheson, David (U.S. Attorney): 104, 108–109, 137, 188
and Ray Crump’s guilt, 137, 139
relationship with Cord Meyer, 108–109
view of Detective Bernie Crooke, 188
Acheson, Dean (father of David Acheson), 104, 180, 194
reaction to William Sloane Coffin’s stand on Vietnam, 194
Ahlander, Leslie Judd (Washington Post art critic): 31, 432
review of Mary Meyer’s show at Jefferson Place Gallery, 3
Albarelli, H. P., Jr., (author), 458, 469
author of A Terrible Mistake, 324, 458, 469
and death of Frank Olson, 458, 469
interviews with author, 482, 483, 484
and “William L. Mitchell,” 329
Alonso, Alicia: as referenced ballerina by Robert Schwartz, 164
Alpert, Richard (Harvard professor)–see Ram Dass. 216, 241
Alphand, Madame Herve: presence at Mary Meyer’s funeral, 64
Alsop, Joseph (columnist), 226, 263–264, 443, 452, 472
alleged LSD trip at home of, 226
and Georgetown home of, 226
place of rendezvous for affair of Mary Meyer and JFK, 226
and JFK’s life expectancy, 264
and William Attwood, 263, 443, 452, 472
and June 10, 1963 cocktail party, 263
Ames, Aldrich: client of Plato Cacheris, 350
Anderson, Aldrin (“Andy”), 430
and Lee Harvey Oswald debriefing, 430
Anderson, Jack (Washington Post journalist), 386
and Joseph Shimon, 386
Operation Mongoose, 386
Santo Trafficante, 386
Angleton, Cicely (wife of James Angleton), 3, 38, 70, 73, 77, 78, 136, 162, 207
and interview by Nina Burleigh, 71
letter to New York Times, 77, 78
relationship with Mary Meyer, 3, 70, 78, 80, 136, 162, 207
Angleton, James Jesus [“Jim”] (CIA), 2, 3, 32, 65, 69, 70–71, 74–81, 84–85, 110, 114, 224, 312, 323, 325–326, 345, 348–350, 356–358, 361, 364–372, 386, 389, 401, 404, 435, 466, 485, 488
alleged wiretaps of Mary Meyer, 312
at Mary Meyer’s funeral, 345
and Bernie Yoh and AIM, 325–326, 357
CIA Counterintelligence Chief, 69, 70–71, 75, 78, 110, 114, 224, 326, 348, 430
and Clare Booth Luce, 370
and Clare Petty and The Petty Report, 369
colleague of Wistar Janney, 65
collusion with Bradlee on diary, 74, 78–81, 85, 114
comments of John Williams, 358
comments of Joseph Shimon, 386, 389
comments of Toni Shimon, 386, 389
conspiracy in JFK assassination, 404
and David Atlee Phillips, 370
and David Martin’s Wilderness of Mirrors, 326, 466
death of, 349
decision to terminate Mary Meyer, 356
and disposition of Mary Meyer’s diary and papers, 2, 77
end of life reflections, 372
and FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, 404
friendship with Cord Meyer, 32, 65, 78, 80
godfather to Meyer children, 370
and having authority over assassinations, 488
hobbies of, 65
interview by David Heymann, 224
interview by Ron Rosenbaum, 364–365, 368
and Joan Bross, 435
and Lee Harvey Oswald, 2, 345, 361, 367, 370, 488
and March 31, 1993 telephone notes of Damore call with James H. Smith, Esq., 401
marriage to Cicely Angleton, 371
master fly fisherman, 371
moles within CIA, 368
National Enquirer, 371
nicknames for, 371
on Mary Meyer’s LSD use with JFK, 80, 224
Operation Chaos, 2
and phone call of Anne Truitt, 76, 77
and reactions of John M. Newman, 345, 367, 485, 488
reaction to Newsweek, 326,
regard for Ben Bradlee, 73, 75–76, 78–79, 367
relationship with and loyalty to Allen Dulles, 237, 286, 370, 372
relationship with Jim Truitt, 74, 371
relationship with Richard Helms, 65, 237, 372, 373
relationship with Robert Crowley, 267, 323, 348–349
relationship with William Corson, 267, 348, 350
and Robert Morrow’s belief of Mary Meyer’s murder, 313–315, 358
and search for Mary Meyer’s diary, 74–87,
and Soviet complicity in the death of Mary Meyer, 69
Special Investigations Group within Counterintelligence (CI/SIG), 369, 442
surveillance of Mary Meyer, 38
and squirreling of Angleton’s CIA papers, 70, 78, 84–85, 114, 371
and termination by William Colby, 326
termination of Mary Meyer, 370
and Tracy Barnes, 181, 286, 379
and wife Cicely Angleton’s premonition, 3
and Winston Scott, 84
Applewhite, Edgar (CIA), 192
(See also: Operation Mockingbird)
Arvad, Inga (“Inga Binga”), 210, 213, 227
and Adolph Hitler, 210
affair with JFK, 210, 213, 227
FBI file on Walter Winchell article, 210
Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB), 290–296, 298–299, 430, 467, 476, 477
“Hawkeye” classified photographic facility, 291, 291
and Inside the Assassinations Records Review Board, 293–294, 430, 467, 476
interview with Audrey Bell, 296
interview with Dr. Malcolm Perry, 295, 298, 478
interview with Homer McMahon, 291
and JFK autopsy witnesses, 294
and JFK throat wound, 295–296, 298–299
and Zapruder Film, 291
Assassinations, CIA 275, 277, 474, 503
Ngo Dinh Diem (Vietnam), 277
Attwood, Simone, 275, 474, 503
on knowledge of affair of JFK and Mary Meyer, 275
interview by author, 275, 474, 503
Attwood, Ambassador William (“Bill”), 149–153, 275–276, 429, 452, 452, 472, 474
Ambassador to Guinea, 149
and Carlos Lechuga, 275
and Choate School Winter Festivities, 149, 151–153, 452
death of, 429
diary entries of, 151–153, 452, 503
and Geoffrey Monroe Bruère, 149–150
and Jean Daniel, 276
and Joe Alsop’s cocktail party, 152
rapprochement with Fidel Castro, 149
and regard for Pinchot family, 443
relationship with Mary Meyer, 149, 151–153, 156
and The Reds and the Blacks, 452, 472
and The Twilight Struggle, 275
and White House aide Gordon Chase, 275, 474
Autopsy of Mary Pinchot Meyer, 54–56, 111, 438
clothes removed at, 54
D.C. Morgue, 54
Detective Bernie Crooke, 54
Dr. Linwood Rayford (coroner), 54
and professionalism of assailant, 55
Randolph M. Worrell (technician), 54
time of, 54
Banta, Ronald (D.C. Homicide detective), 48
on search for Ray Crump’s jacket and cap, 48
Barnes, Tracy (CIA)
and daughter Jane Barnes, 380
inner circle of Jim Angleton, 379
loyalty to Allen Dulles, 181
and Mario Kohly, 314
relationship with Robert Morrow, 314, 315
Barrows, Herbert (CIA): 463
and Evelyn Patterson Truitt’s letter to Anthony Summers regarding, 463
and stealing Jim Truitt’s papers, 463
Bartlett, Charles (journalist), 64, 229–230, 168, 173, 304
Chattanooga Times, 229
and disposition toward Mary Meyer, 230
and funeral for Mary Meyer, 64
and JFK’s feelings toward Mary Meyer, 230
and President’s boat parties, 230
and reaction to Nina Burleigh, 230
relationship with JFK, 230, 304
Bartlett, Martha (wife of Charles Bartlett), 229–230
dinner party that introduced JFK to Jackie, 229
funeral for Mary Meyer, 64
Bay of Pigs (Cuba), 232, 234–237, 244–247
and CIA manipulation of, 235–237
and Daniel Schorr, 236
and historian Trumbull Higgins, 232
Khrushchev’s feelings about, 244–247
Mario Kohly 314
Bazelon, David (Judge–U.S. Court of Appeals), 52
and public defender George Peter Lamb, 52
Beardsley, Mimi: affair with JFK, 213
Bell, Audrey (nurse at Parkland Memorial Hospital), 296
and Dr. Malcolm Perry, 296
Bennett, Esq., Robert S. (Clerk for Judge Howard Corcoran in 1965), 119, 138, 449, 451
and Alfred Hantman’s gum-chewing, 119
author interview with, 449
and Ray Crump’s guilt, 138
Bernstein, Carl (Washington Post reporter), 342
and reference to his Rolling Stone article “The CIA and The Media,” 456
Bethesda Naval Hospital, 294–296
autopsy of JFK, 294
and JFK’s x-rays, 295
and JFK’s casket arriving, 294
postmortem surgery occurring at, 295
and telephone calls to Dr. Malcolm Perry, 296
Bethune, Mary McLeod (mentor to Dovey Roundtree), 92, (see: Dovey Roundtree)
Bignotti, Frank (D.C. Police Officer), 122–124, 135, 321
(see also: Roderick Sylvis)
Billings, Lem (Choate roommate of JFK), 150, 209, 212
and JFK reference to Inga Arvad, 212
letters from JFK, 150
and warning to Jackie Kennedy, 209
Blue v. U.S., 99
Bolshakov, Georgi (KGB) 243, 304–305
meeting with William Walton, 304
relationship with Bobby Kennedy, 304–305
and secret correspondence between JFK and Khrushchev, 243
Bolton, Bennett (journalist), 283, 476
Bouvier, III, John V. (“Black Jack”) 150, 209
father of Jackie Kennedy, 209
philandering of, 150
Bradlee, Antoinette (“Tony”), 1, 63, 68, 70, 73–76, 78–79, 80–82, 163, 187, 224, 229, 231, 253, 256, 309, 366–367, 440, 449
alleged interview by David Heymann, 224
as “ideal” woman of JFK, 229,
belief in Ray Crump’s guilt for the murder of Mary Meyer, 366
and Ben Bradlee, 70, 73–76, 187
and burning of Mary Meyer’s diary, 70, 78–79, 81–82, 440
and contents of Mary Meyer’s diary, 70, 75, 80–81
and daughter Nancy Pittman Pinchot, 366
declining interview with Leo Damore, 366
and discovery of Mary Meyer’s diary, 75, 80
and friendship with Robert Schwartz, 163
and “husband dumping trip,” 187
interview by Ron Rosenbaum, 70, 73
interview by Sally Bedell Smith, 229, 449
JFK’s faux affection for, 366
and JFK’s 46th birthday party, 231, 253, 256
and JFK’s funeral, 68, 73, 309,
and Jim Angleton, 73, 75–76, 78–79, 367
letter to Leo Damore, 366
and Pinchot dedication to U.S. Forestry Service, 63
relationship with Anne Truitt, 78–79, 367
and Steuart Pittman (first husband), 366
and spiritual traditions of George Gurdjieff, 366
Bradlee, Benjamin C., 19, 30, 59, 63, 68, 72–73, 76, 78–81, 85, 113–114, 187, 221, 229, 249, 250–251, 338, 341–342, 356, 363–365, 435, 441, 454, 464, 464, 468
at D.C. Morgue to identify body of Mary Meyer, 19
and author Deborah Davis, 221, 435
and Carol Felsenthal, 251, 435
CIA relationship with, 72, 363
Conservations With Kennedy, 72–73, 454, 464, 464
and Cord Meyer, 341
courtship of Tony Pinchot Pittman, 187
and declining interview with Leo Damore, 364
Detective Sam Wallace, 59, 85, 113, 341
and diary of Mary Meyer, 74, 78–81, 113–114
Dovey Roundtree cross examination of, 113–114, 341, 365
final disposition on diary in 2007, 113–114, 229, 338
friendship with Bishop Paul Moore, 68
interview by Ron Rosenbaum, 365
interview by the author, 441, 464, 468
and Katharine Graham, 221, 365, 435
and Katharine the Great, 363, 435
knowledge of affair between Mary Meyer and JFK, 435
and Myles Lane, 363
and N St. residence of, 30
and 1995 memoir A Good Life, 72, 338
William Safire’s review of, 77–78, 330
on Phoenix, Arizona outburst of Philip Graham, 249, 250
and relationship with JFK, 249
relationship with Mary Meyer, 249
relationship with Philip L. Graham, 250
and Robert Crowley, 364
and search for diary of Mary Meyer, 78–81
telephone call from Anne Truitt, 76
telephone call from Wistar Janney, 341, 364–365
telephone call to Alfred Hantman, 341
United States Government Office Memorandum, 363
Washington Post, 365
Washington Post procurement of Newsweek, 356
Branch, Bill (mechanic at Esso Service Station), 41–45, 48–49, 117, 121, 140, 334
and alleged coaching by Alfred Hantman, 121
Dovey Roundtree cross examination of, 140, 334
Broadhurst, Frances L. (journalist), 23–24
author interview with, 24
book review of Leo Damore’s The Cape Cod Years of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 23
and Cape Cod Times (newspaper), 23–24
Brooks, David (journalist): commenting on Leo Damore’s book Senatorial Privilege, 23
Brown Construction Company: Ray Crump’s employer, 56
Brown, Reverend Jesse A., 89–90, 93–94, 110, 136, 444
and Dovey Roundtree, 90, 93–94, 110, 136, 444
and Martha Crump, 89, 93–94, 110, 136, 444
Second Baptist Church, 89
Brugioni, Dino (CIA-NPIC), 287–290, 291–292, 463, 477, 477
author interviews with, 292, 463, 477, 477
CIA’s “Hawkeye” facility, 291–292
reactions to Zapruder Film, 287–290, 477
relationship with Arthur C. Lundahl, 287–289, 289
Budd, Robert (artist), 204–206
and Dr. Charles Oller, 205–206
Ken Noland, 206
orgonomy, 205
Washington Color School, 204
Buehler, Frances (daughter of William Walton), 304
author interview with, 304
memory of post JFK assassination visit to Hickory Hill, 304
Bundy, Gus and Jeanne, 199–200
and Bundy Divorce Ranch, 199
Bundy, McGeorge (“Mac”): attending Mary Meyer’s funeral, 64
Bundy, William (“Bill”): reaction to William Sloane Coffin’s letter, 194
Bundy Divorce Ranch: (see Bundy, Gus and Jeanne)
Burleigh, Nina (author), 23, 26, 71, 86, 139, 206–207, 225, 230–231, 312, 314–315, 347, 364, 373, 379, 432, 433, 435, 459, 461
and A Very Private Woman (1998), 23, 26, 71, 347, 432, 433, 435
and dismissal of Robert Morrow, 314–315, 379
interview with Cicely Angleton, 71
interview with Dovey Roundtree, 139
interview with Jane Barnes, 379,
interview with Joanne Bross, 312, 435
interview with Ken Noland, 206–207, 459
interview with Myer Feldman, 231, 461
interview with Timothy Leary, 26, 206, 225
and Jim Angleton, 312, 364, 373, 435
knowledge of Wistar Janney’s call to Ben Bradlee, 373
Mary Meyer as “person of interest,” 311
1996 interview with Peter Janney, 373
and Ray Crump’s guilt, 23, 139
and reactions of Alexandra Truitt, 86
and reaction of Charles Bartlett, 230
reactions of John Williams to Burleigh’s call, 314–315
and Ron Rosenbaum, 71, 364, 373
Byers, Frederick (D.C. Police Harbor Precinct), 48, 129, 336–337, 437, 447
and Dovey Roundtree’s cross examination, 129, 336, 437
and Ray Crump’s jacket, 48, 129, 336–337, 447
telephone call to, 48
and time of telephone call, 48
time Crump’s jacket was found, 48, 129, 336
C&O Canal Towpath, 1, 30, 35, 42–45, 47–48, 51, 60, 71, 93, 97, 102, 106–107, 112, 116, 122, 124–130, 136, 140, 220, 320–321, 333, 336, 336, 338, 340, 357–358, 364–365, 401–402, 404, 406, 410, 414, 418, 422, 431, 432, 446
and “Bermuda shorts runner,” 35, 321
and Crump trial, 107
daily walking of Mary Meyer, 1, 30, 71, 97, 333
Detective Art Weber, 44–45, 47, 51, 60, 129
Detective Bernie Crooke, 44–45, 47, 51, 60, 129
and Detective John Warner, 44–47, 58, 112, 122, 124–130, 140, 336
and discovery of Ray Crump, 140
exits of, 58, 102, 111, 116–117, 122, 136
exploration of by Dovey Roundtree, 93, 102, 116, 136
and Fletcher’s Boat House, 116, 122, 320–321
and Foundry Underpass, 42–43, 48, 116, 124, 129
and H. P. Albarelli Jr., 324
and Jerry Hunter and George Knox, 102, 134, 446
and Joseph Ronsisvalle (mapmaker), 116–117, 136
and Lt. William L. Mitchell (runner), 93, 320–321
and murder of Mary Meyer, 220
“Negro male” on, 320
and notes of Damore telephone call to attorney James H. Smith, 401–402, 404, 406, 410, 414, 418, 422, 431, 432
Park Police Officer Ray Pollan, 97
and Officer Frank Bignotti, 122–124, 135, 321
and Officer Roderick Sylvis, 43–44, 58, 112, 122–125, 128, 132, 135, 140, 321, 330, 336, 424
Ray Crump and Vivian, 94,–96, 131, 332, 334, 444
and Robert Crowley’s account of murder, 357–358
and search for murder weapon, 48, 58, 60–61, 96, 107, 112, 136
security of, 38
Sgt. Pasquale D’Ambrosio, 44, 47, 129
“Towpath Murder,” 74, 93, 326, 356
and “young white couple,” 321
and Wistar Janney’s call to Ben Bradlee, 338, 340, 364–365
Cacheris, Plato (attorney), 350–351, 353, 361, 486
Aldrich Ames, 350
author interview with, 486
and Bill Corson’s safety deposit box, 350–351, 353, 361
and Fawn Hall, 350
and John Mitchell, 350
and Joseph Trento, 350–351, 361
relationship with Bill Corson, 350
Robert Hanssen, 350
Cameron, Dr. Dale (St. Elizabeth’s Hospital), 101
and Ray Crump’s competency to stand trial, 101
Cameron, Joe (station manager of Key Bridge Esso Service Station), 117, 140
and Henry Wiggins, 117,
record of repair for Nash Rambler, 140
Cameron, Dr. John (Chestnut Lodge Sanitarium), 252
and psychiatric care of Philip L. Graham, 252
Canal Road, 41, 45–46, 114, 116–117, 121–122, 320–321, 331, 333, 336 449
and C&O towpath, 331
concrete wall on, 46
Fletcher’s Boat House, 116, 122, 320–321
4300 block of, 41, 45, 117, 449
and Henry Wiggins, 333
Officer Roderick Sylvis, 336
and tow-truck, 42, 62, 93, 99, 102, 107, 111, 114, 117, 121
Capote, Truman (author), 198
on Jackie Kennedy, 198
philandering of JFK, 198
Castaneda, Carlos, 20
Castro, Fidel, 20, 64, 149, 235, 242, 275–277, 314, 385–386, 290
and Carlos Lechuga (UN ambassador), 275, 277
CIA Mafia plot to assassinate, 20, 235
and Cuban Missle Crisis, 242, 386
and Gordon Chase, 275
impressed by JFK’s American University, 64
interviewed by Lisa Howard, 275–276
and Jack Anderson, 386
and Jean Daniel interview of, 276
Kennedy assassination plot theory, 276
and 1963 Kennedy overture, 385
Operation Mongoose, 386
rapprochement with, 149, 275–276, 290
reaction to Kennedy’s assassination, 276
Cavendish, Billy, 211
death of, 211
and Kathleen Kennedy, 211
Chamberlin, Anne, 64, 75, 77–78, 223–225, 271, 367
as friend of Mary Meyer’s, 223
friendship with Katharine Graham, 271, 367
and fourth account of discovery of Mary Meyer’s diary, 75
funeral of Mary Meyer, 64
knowledge of Mary Meyer’s murder, 367
leaving Washington for Maine, 367
letter to author, 224
and Mary Meyer’s LSD group in Washington, 367
and Mary Meyer’s use of LSD, 225
telephone interview by Leo Damore, 224–225
Truitt-Angleton letter to New York Times, 77–78
Charles, Roger (investigative author), 267, 322–323, 350
as executor to estate of Bill Corson, 267
investigation of “William L. Mitchell,” 322
as Marine Lieutenant Colonel, 267
and Plato Cacheris, 350
and quote of Bill Corson, 350
relationship with Bill Corson, 350
and quote of Bill Corson, 350
and Sea of Lies, 323
and 60 Minutes II segment “Abuse at Abu Ghraib,” 323
and Soldiers for Truth, 322
Chavchavadze, Helen: affair with JFK, 213
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal: (see also C&O Canal Towpath), 35, 501
as National Historic Monument, 35
murder of Mary Meyer, 501
and Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas, 35
Chestnut Lodge (CIA-affiliated psychiatric facility), 204, 251–252, 265–266, 268–269
and Dr. John Cameron, 252
and Dr. Leslie Farber, 252
and former CIA official, 251
and Frank Olson, 204
and Katharine Graham, 251, 265–266, 269
and Operations MKULTRA, Artichoke, Paperclip, MKNAOMI, 268
and Philip L. Graham, 265, 268–269
Shepard Pratt (Baltimore), 251
utilized by CIA, 268
Chicago Assassination Plot to assassinate JFK, 282, 354
author’s interview with James Douglass, 354
cancellation of President Kennedy’s visit, 282
and destruction of Secret Service Protective Survey Reports, 354
and Thomas Arthur Vallee, 282
Church, Senator Frank, 21, 267, 342, 385
CIA fear of, 342
and Joe Shimon, 385
and Richard Helms, 342
and Senator Richard Schweiker, 21
and Watergate, 342
and William Colby, 267
and “The High Cabal,” 21
and Iran, 234
support of CIA-sponsored Iranian coup, 234
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), 1–2, 18–22, 32, 34, 54, 60–61, 64–67, 69–72, 78, 83–85, 93, 110, 112, 114, 128, 130–131, 157–164, 180–182, 184, 186, 191–195, 203–204, 218, 221, 230, 233–234, 237–238, 232–234, 236–237, 242, 246, 248, 251–252, 254, 258–259, 261, 267–268, 276–277, 282–283, 286–292, 293, 295, 300–302, 305, 308–309, 312, 314–315, 320–324, 326–327, 328–342, 345, 348, 350, 355–356, 358, 361, 363–365, 367–369, 370–373, 377–380, 382, 384–387, 389, 404, 408, 412, 420, 430, 436, 443, 463, 468, 485, 485, 488, 530, 531
and Allen Dulles, 2, 65–67, 180–181, 184, 186, 203, 233–234, 236–237, 248, 286–287, 301–301, 308, 312, 326, 363, 370, 372, 378–379
and Arthur (“Art”) Lundahl, 287–290
assassination of JFK, 110, 286, 488
assassination of Mary Meyer, 19
Atsugi Air base (Japan), 355
and Bay of Pigs, 385
and Ben Bradlee, 19
and Chestnut Lodge, 204, 251–252
and Castro assassination plots, 305
and “CIA brats,” 380
and CIA wives, 32, 184, 339, 355
Counterintelligence, 1–2, 65, 69–71, 78, 110, 114, 234, 237, 326, 348, 368, 372, 430
covert action arm of, 186, 230, 267, 302
and David Atlee Phillips, 248, 370
and Desmond Fitzgerald, 181
Directorate of Plans, 60, 65, 181, 186, 237, 338
Executive Action program, 386
and FBI, 20
and Frank Wisner, 34, 192, 248, 372, 384
funeral of Mary Meyer, 64
and George de Mohrenschildt, 34
and George Kennan’s mistake, 233
and Georgetown University, 322, 408
and “Hawkeye” Photographic facility, 291
and Herbert Barrows, 83
and Homer McMahon, 291
and identity of Mary Meyer, 19, 54, 72, 114, 331, 337–342
inception of, 22, 233, 338, 348
involvement in JFK assassination, 283, 361
and JFK autopsy photographs, 293, 295
and James Angleton, 65, 69–71, 78, 110, 114, 234, 186, 237, 326, 348, 368, 370, 372
and John Bross, 312
and John McCone, 286–287, 289–290, 309
and Joseph Shimon, 382,
and L. Fletcher Prouty, 21, 235, 237, 326–327, 329–340, 412, 420
and Lee Harvey Oswald, 21, 34, 69, 84–85, 282, 290, 308, 329, 345, 361, 367, 370, 420, 430, 488
links to anti-Castro Cuban exiles, 314, 358
and LSD and mind control, 203, 218, 268
and media infiltration, 270, 283
and mention of at Crump murder trial, 364
and Mexico City investigation, 370
and MKULTRA, 184, 218, 268, 324, 327, 378
and National Photographic Interpretation Center (NPIC), 287, 463
and NSC 10/2, 233, 238, 254, 258–259,
Office of Current Intelligence (OCI), 67, 338
and ONI False Defector Program, 21, 468
Operation Mockingbird, 182, 191, 468
and President Dwight Eisenhower, 233
and President Harry Truman, 233
secret war against Castro, 195, 236
and Special Investigations Group (SIG), 369
Special Operations Division (Ft. Detrick), 203
and Sidney Gottlieb, 267, 332, 378–379
and Technical Advisory Group (JTAG), 282
Technical Services Division (TSD), 332, 484
and Tracy Barnes, 181, 286, 314–315, 379–380
and U-2, 232, 242, 245, 282, 288
and Victor Marchetti, 67, 182, 322, 371, 430, 468
and Vietnam, 18, 22, 69, 193, 195, 234, 276–277
and the Washington Post, 282, 300–302, 356, 363, 365, 373, 386, 412
and William Harvey, 246, 386–387, 389
and “William L. Mitchell,” 61, 93, 112, 128, 130–131, 320–324, 328–329, 339, 350, 377, 404, 408, 412, 420, 436
and William Sloane Coffin, 193–194
and Wistar Janney, 3, 11, 20, 64–67, 338–343, 477, 485
and Zapruder Film, 287–292, 308, 477
Civil Rights Movement, 4, 69, 90, 105, 193, 194, 263, 264
and Civil Rights Act (1964), 105
and death of Medgar Evers, 105, 264
JFK Civil Rights Address, 105, 263, 264
Clark, Dr. Kemp (Dallas Emergency Room physician): statement on JFK’s throat wound, 295, 298, 478
Coffin, William Sloane, 165, 193, 194, 457
letter to Yale freshmen, 193, 194, 457
quote of, 165
and Vietnam antiwar movement, 193, 194
Yale University Chaplain, 165, 193, 194, 457
Colby, William (CIA), 2, 267, 268, 326, 347, 349, 369, 370, 378, 411, 412, 490, 504
appearance at Church Committee, 267, 268, 378, 490
call to attorney James H. Smith, 411, 412
and James Angleton, 2, 326, 347, 349, 369, 370
and mention in notes of Damore telephone, 411, 412
and Operation Chaos, 2
Petty Report, 369
Cold War, 66, 177, 181, 182, 254, 288, 310, 311, 324, 352, 363, 379, 380, 389, 442, 484, 502, 504
and Bay of Pigs, 243
Cuban Missle Crisis, 242, 243, 256
end of, 37, 214, 258, 263, 274, 390, 431
and historical truth, 22, 144, 420
and historian L. Fletcher Prouty, 21, 235, 327, 349, 420
and JFK presidency, 37, 64, 144, 225, 227, 234, 235, 256
and JFK’s American University Address, 258, 259, 260, 263
and Khrushchev, 64, 243, 244, 274, 390
and Mary Meyer’s reference to madness, 37
and McCarthy hearings, 185
and remark by Arthur Schlesinger, 259
Coppage, Detective Edwin (D.C. Police), 48, 129, 438
arrival at Mary Meyer murder scene, 48, 129
Corson, William R., (“Bill”), and Armies of Ignorance, 323
as Marine Colonel, 323
as member of “Three Musketeers,”349
co-author of The New KGB: Engine of Soviet Power,323, 348
and Gregory Douglas, 352, 353, 361
and J. Michael Kelly, 350, 351, 486
and JFK assassination, 350, 353, 361, 473
and Joseph Trento, 323, 349, 351, 360, 361
and mentor to Roger Charles (see also Charles, Roger), 267, 323, 350, 351, 473
and “Operation Zipper” document, 353
Plato Cacheris as alleged attorney of, 350, 351, 361
quote on murder and suicide, 267, 273, 379
relationship with James Angleton, 267, 323, 348, 349, 350, 351, 352
relationship with Robert Crowley, 267, 323, 348, 349, 350, 351, 352
and removal of Angleton’s papers from CIA, 349
safety deposit box, 350, 351, 353, 361
and The Betrayal, 323, 349, 351
and Thomas Kimmel, 350, 352, 353, 386
and Widows, 323
Crooke, Detective Bernie (D.C. Police Officer), 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 53, 54, 56, 57, 61, 99, 102, 103, 126, 129, 130, 336, 337, 446
arrival at murder scene,45
at autopsy of Mary Meyer, 54
and Coroner’s Inquest, 52
and Escobedo Rule, 49
gloves of Mary Meyer, 56
and Helena Crump, 57
and Henry Wiggins, 45, 47, 50, 51
initial interrogation of Ray Crump, 49, 50
and instructions to Henry Wiggins, 47
for identifying Ray Crump in lineup, 50
and Ray Crump’s fishing gear, 48, 57
on Ray Crump’s guilt, 49
and Ray Crump’s jacket, 47, 48
on seeing the dead Mary Meyer, 45
Pall Mall cigarettes, 57
and removal of Ray Crump’s hair, 103
testimony at Crump trial, 446
weight and height measurement of Ray Crump by police, 51
Crowley, Emily (wife of Robert Crowley), 353, 354, 360
author interview with, 354
and Robert Crowley’s relationship with, 353
Crowley, Robert (“Bob”) T. (CIA), 267, 286, 323, 347–350, 352–364, 379
and Angleton and Bradlee in Mary Meyer’s studio, 356–358
as Assistant Deputy Director for Operations, 348
assassination of Mary Meyer, 342–343
and Ben Bradlee, 347, 348, 361
CIA’s covert action directorate, 323
and Cord Meyer, 346-347 354–358
and David Wise, 348
death of, 355
diary of Mary Meyer, 343
and Gestapo Chief: The 1948 Interrogation of Heinrich Müller, 352
Heinrich Müller as CIA asset, 352
and James Angleton, 348–350, 356
and nickname “The Crow,” 348
and 1996 University Club meeting, 351
and Operation Zipper document, 353–354
relationship with Gregory Douglas, 352–353
relationship with International Telephone and Telegraph (ITT), 348
The Secret History of the CIA, 349
and The New KGB: Engine of Soviet Power, 348
and “Three Musketeers,” 343, 349
and Thomas Kimmel, 353
and William Corson, 348
Crump, Helena (Ray Crump’s wife), 51, 53, 56, 57, 94, 515, 537
and Detective Crooke’s questioning, 51
Crump, Martha (Ray Crump’s mother), 89, 94, 110, 136, 229
attendance at trial, 110
and Dovey Roundtree, 110
and Ray Crump’s girlfriend “Vivian,” 94
Crump, Raymond, Jr. (“Ray”), 23, 27, 46, 50–59, 62, 69, 90, 93, 95–102, 104–115, 118–140, 220, 318, 320, 330–341, 346, 371, 380, 383, 408, 420, 433
and acquittal of, 135, 139, 320
alleged abuse in D.C. Jail, 93
and arrest of by Detective Bernie Crooke, 47
as patsy for Mary Meyer’s murder, 139
and attorney Donald Smith, 54
and attorney George Peter Lamb, 96–100, 106
and attorney Robert S. Bennett, 138
and attorney Ted O’Neill, 96, 100
and Brown Construction Company, 56, 108
clothes worn on day of murder by, 49, 51, 118, 119, 134
co-worker Robert Woolright, 56
and comments of Bishop Paul Moore, 68
and Commissioner Sam Wertleb, 53, 99
and Coroner’s inquest, 52, 98–101,
and Crump’s shoes, 46, 51, 54, 57, 62, 107, 115, 118, 120, 135, 319
and Crump’s subsequent crime career after trial, 138
and denial of preliminary hearing, 53, 100–101
and Dovey Roundtree’s appeal of writ of habeas corpus, 100–101
and Dovey Roundtree’s belief in Ray Crump’s innocence, 96
Dovey Roundtree’s defense of, 104
and Dovey Roundtree’s first meeting with, 93
and Edward O. Savwoir (jury foreman), 110
father of five children, 109
and FBI Crime Lab Report, 61–62, 98–99, 394
and fishing story-alibi, 95
Grand Jury indictment of, 99
height and weight by police, 115
height and weight on driver’s license, 46
and Judge Burnita Sheldon Matthews, 100
and Judge Howard F. Corcoran, 109
Motion to suppress evidence, 107
and neighbor Elsie Perkins, 57
and ownership of guns, 95
and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 138
and powder burns and/or nitrates on hands of, 115, 132, 133
and prosecutor Alfred Hantman’s opening statement, 111
and preliminary hearing, 53, 98–99, 101
and psychiatric evaluation at Saint Elizabeth’s Hospital, 101
and Ray Crump’s hair, 60, 103, 107
school chum of Henry Wiggins, 50
search and discovery of Crump’s cap, 60, 103
search and discovery of Crump’s jacket, 48–50, 59, 103
and time of discovery by Detective John Warner, 46
and U.S. Attorney David Acheson’s belief in Crump’s guilt, 104, 137
and “Vivian” (girlfriend), 94–96, 131, 332, 334, 444, 445
and William L. Mitchell’s alleged passing of, 320–321
Cuba (see also Fidel Castro, Bay of Pigs, and Cuban Missle Crisis), 2, 164, 234, 236, 238, 242–247, 256, 275–277, 313–314, 385–387, 390, 468
and Alicia Alonso, 164
and Ambassador William Attwood, (Ambassador to Guinea), 149, 151–153, 156, 263, 275–276, 429–430, 443, 452, 503
and anti-Castro Cubans, 20, 313
and Carlos Lechuga (UN ambassador), 275, 277
and rapprochement with U.S., 275
Cuban Missile Crisis, 64, 242–244, 247, 358, 386
aftermath of, 247
and author James Douglass, 243, 247
CIA and, 234–236, 242–246, 386
threat of nuclear war, 242–243
Dalinsky, Harry (Bradlee friend and pharmacist): on identification of Mary Meyer’s body, 59
Dallas Times Herald: on first announcement of JFK’s trip to Dallas in November 1963, 253
Dallek, Robert (historian)
on early life of JFK, 209
on the effect of Kathleen Kennedy’s death on JFK, 212
and President Lyndon Johnson’s display of his penis to journalists, 311
D’Ambrosio, Sergeant Pasquale (D.C. Police Detective), 48, 129
arrival at murder scene, 44
‘We got him’ shout, 44
Damore, Leo (author), 23–27, 218–219, 312, 377–392
and anonymous friend of, 378
author’s friendship with, 24
author’s interviews with, 256
and belief in Ray Crump’s innocence, 27, 318
and Ben Bradlee’s decline of interview with, 364
Cape Cod Times (newspaper), 23
Cape Cod Years of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 23
children of, 502
The Crime of Dorothy Sheridan, 23
and death of Philip L. Graham, 265, 416
diary as “Hope Diamond,” 96, 325
and diary of Mary Meyer, 96, 325–326, 328–329, 346, 357–358, 412
and Frances I. Broadhurst, 23–24,
In His Garden: The Anatomy of a Murder, 23
interview with Alfred Hantman, 113
interview with Anne Chamberlin, 82, 367
interview with anonymous friend of Mary Meyer’s, 200–201, 206–207
and interview with Bernie Yoh (AIM), 326, 483
and interview with Bishop Paul Moore, 68
interview with C. David Heymann, 224
interview with confidential source, 207
interview with David MacMichael (CIA), 322
and interview with Deborah Davis, 434
interviews with Dovey Roundtree, 93–94, 131, 140, 267, 278, 318, 321
interview with Henry Wiggins, 320
interview with Ray Pollan, 97
and interview with Timothy Leary, 86, 220–221, 222–225, 256, 265, 271, 325
interview with William Walton, 302
interview with William Triplett, 221, 462
and James H. Smith, Esq., 24, 327–329, 379
and June Davison (wife), 330, 377, 487
and Katharine Graham, 271, 367, 416
and Kenneth O’Donnell, 24, 64, 226, 228, 230, 283–284
and L. Fletcher Prouty, 326–327, 329, 420
letter from Toni Bradlee to, 366
and literary agent Richard Pine, 330
and Mary Meyer’s alleged use of LSD with JFK, 223–225, 255
and Mark O’Blazney (research assistant), 25, 330–331
Robertson Davies (see Davies, Robertson), Senatorial Privilege:The Chappaquiddick Cover-Up, 23–25
Seymour Hersh, 25
suicide death of, 24, 330, 377–379, 384
telephone confrontation with William L. Mitchell, 328–330
and telephone notes of James H. Smith, Esq., 229–330, (also see appendix 3)
and William L. Mitchell, 321–322, 327–330, 333, 408
Daniel, Jean (journalist)
and Castro’s reaction to JFK assassination, 276
meeting with Fidel Castro, 276
and William Attwood, 276
Darth Vader: reference to Jim Angleton as, 371
Davies, Robertson (Canadian Man of Letters): on writings of Leo Damore, 23
Davis, Deborah (author), 221, 251, 268
(see also: Robert Thayer),
and alleged CIA affiliation of Ben Bradlee, 221
and author Carol Felsenthal, 250
and Ben Bradlee’s tirade against, 363
and first edition of Katharine the Great, 225, 363
and interview in Steamshovel Press, 273
and interviews with James Truitt, 225, 249
and Katharine Graham, 273,
later editions of Katharine the Great, 266, 363
and letters from James Truitt, 431
and 1963 Philip Graham outburst, 249, 251, 268
and Philip Graham’s suicide, 266
and publisher William Jovanovich, 221, 363
recall-shredding of Katharine the Great, 221, 250, 363
references to Leo Damore, 273
relationship with Timothy Leary, 221, 273
Davis, John H. (author) alcoholism of, 26
as first cousin to Jackie Kennedy, 25
comments made to James H. Smith, Esq., 26
and John F. Kennedy and Mary Pinchot Meyer: A Tale of Two Murdered Lovers (manuscript), 25
and Leo Damore’s research, 25–26, 392
and Mafia Kingfish: Carlos Marcello and the Assassination of John F. Kennedy, 25
threats made toward, 26
Davison, June (former wife of Leo Damore), 487, 501
and Leo Damore’s diaries, 377
and Leo Damore’s tapes of telephone call with William L. Mitchell, 330
D.C. Morgue, 19, 54, 59, 72, 73, 98, 113, 341
autopsy of Mary Meyer, 54
and Ben Bradlee, 19, 59, 72, 73, 113, 341
and Detective Bernie Crooke, 54,
and Dr. Linwood L. Rayford (coroner), 54, 59
identification of Mary Meyer, 19, 59, 72, 73
and R Randolph M. Worrell (technician), 54
and Sergeant Sam Wallace, 59, 113, 341
time of autopsy, 54
Decker, Robert (D.C. Police Officer): description of assailant by Henry Wiggins,
and partner James Scouloukas, 43–45
de Mohrenschildt, George (CIA): alleged shotgun suicide death of, 34
De Vegh, Diana: as girlfriend of JFK’s, 213
Diary of Mary Pinchot Meyer, 1–3, 32, 70, 73, 76–87, 104, 110, 113, 114, 139, 140, 152, 154 224, 238, 258, 283, 287, 312, 325, 326, 328, 329, 346, 349, 356–58, 363, 364, 365, 367, 371, 391, 404, 404, 412, 416, 431, 431, 442
and alleged love-letters from JFK, 70, 75
and bedroom location of, 85, 283, 287, 364, 432
and Ben Bradlee’s account of, 75–77
and Bradlee entrance into Mary’s studio on night of murder, 76, 77, 80, 85, 113, 357, 364
CIA conspiracy to kill JFK, 110
and Damore telephone call to James H. Smith, Esq., 328, 393, 404
diary as artist sketchbook, 70, 81, 82
“diary as MacGuffin,” 84
and Dovey Roundtree, 110, 113, 114, 139, 140, 365
earlier volumes of Mary’s diary keeping, 154, 155
and James Angleton’s procurement of, 1–3, 74, 77–80
contents of, 86, 87, 326, 328, 404
and Mary Meyer’s poem “Requiem,” 29, 154, 155, 431
and National Enquirer (1976), 1, 70, 75, 78, 80, 82, 139, 442
and offering to Bernie Yoh (AIM), 325, 326, 357
references to by Ron Rosenbaum, 144, 364
and Robert Crowley, 267, 323, 358, 364
the search for the diary, 74, 75, 77–80
and telephone call from Anne Truitt, 73, 74, 76–79, 85, 442
and Tony Bradlee, 1, 75, 78–82, 85
and Truitt-Angleton letter to NYT, 77, 441
Diem, Ngo Dinh (Vietnam) 276, 277, 282, 474, 475
CIA assassination of, 277
JFK’s reaction to assassination of, 277, 282, 474, 475
regime of, 276
DiEugenio, James (author), 441
Dobrynin, Anatoly (Soviet ambassador): on meeting with Bobby Kennedy during Cuban Missile Crisis, 245
Donahue, George R. (D.C. Police Homicide Squad): meeting with Lt.
Dougherty, Ariel: on seeing Mary Meyer at JFK’s funeral at Arlington Cemetery, 277
Douglas, Gregory (author; a.k.a. Peter Stahl and Walter Storch), 352–54, 357, 359, 361, 432
and alleged Crowley-Douglas conversations, 352, 359, 362
author interviews with, 352, 359, 362
corroborations of Emily Crowley, 354, 360, 486
and emails to and from author Joseph Trento, 349, 359, 361, 372
and Gestapo Chief: The 1948 Interrogation of Heinrich Müller, 352
and “Operation Zipper,” 353, 354, 360, 487
and Regicide, 487
and relationship with Robert Crowley, 353, 354
and relationship with William Corson, 348, 349, 352
and Thomas Kimmel, 350, 353, 354, 360, 486
Douglas, William O. (Supreme Court Justice), 235
and Chesapeake and Ohio Canal preservation, 35
and Gifford Pinchot, 35
Douglass, James W. (author),
correspondence between Khrushchev and JFK, 262, 274
Cuban Missile Crisis as most dangerous moment in history, 243, 247
and JFK’s American University address, 262, 274
Khrushchev as peace maker, 274
and references to JFK and the Unspeakable, 243, 247, 262, 274, 282–283, 361
Duberman, Martin B. (historian), 22–23
Duffy, David (journalist), 283
Dulles, Allen (Director of CIA), 192, 378, 391
as a liar, 65–66, 232–237, 248, 269, 302, 372, 379
as founding father of U.S. intelligence, 2, 65, 181, 192, 232–233, 236, 286, 372
as orchestrator of JFK assassination, 65–66, 269, 286–287, 302, 327, 370
asked to resign by JFK, 236–237, 286, 301, 466
and Ben Bradlee’s reference to, 369
and Bay of Pigs fiasco, 234–236
betrayal of JFK by, 65–66, 235–236, 269
and C.D. Jackson (Life Magazine), 286–287
and CIA overthrow of Guatemala, 232, 234–235
and Cord Meyer, 66–67, 180, 184, 186, 248, 286, 391
and curtailment of Warren Commission, 301
Daniel Schorr’s commentary on, 236
and death of Frank Olson, 204
and Edward K. Thompson, 308
final comments regarding JFK, 237
and Gerald E. Miller, 180
and idea of first strike, 238–239
and James Angleton, 2, 65, 237, 286, 370, 372, 382, 391
James Wagenvoord, 308
and John Foster Dulles, 234, 327, 465
and L. Fletcher Prouty, 235, 237, 326–327
and letter to Lawrence Houston, 301
Mary Meyer’s regard for, 66, 184, 237, 302, 312, 391
And National Security Action Memoranda 55, 57, 237
and National Security Council meeting of July 21, 1961, 237–238
and Operation Ajax (Iran and Mossaddeq), 234
promotion by President Eisenhower, 232
promotion given to Cord Meyer by, 186
and Ray McGovern’s analysis, 302, 479
and recruitment of Captain Al Hubbard, 203
recruitment of Cord Meyer, 66
recruitment of Wistar Janney, 67
relationship with Nazis, 372, 379
replacement of by John McCone, 236–237, 286, 466
and Richard Bissell, 234, 236–237
and Richard Helms, 65, 237, 248, 286, 372
United Fruit Company, 234, 465
and Warren Commission, 2, 65–66, 269, 301, 370, 391
and Truman Washington Post editorial, 301–302
Duncan, Charles (Assistant U.S. Attorney),
and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 107, 137
and Ray Crump murder case, 106, 137
and replacement by Alfred Hantman, 107
Eisenhower, President Dwight D., 381
and Allen Dulles, 232, 233, 234, 236
C & O Canal as historic monument, 35
catastrophe of Bay of Pigs, 235, 236
departing warning of, 232, 233, 390
and Laos, 234
and ‘legacy of ashes,’ 232
and military-industrial complex, 233, 390
Nikita Khrushchev and 1960 Peace Summit, 232
and NPIC, 288
Operation Ajax (Iran), 234
Escobedo Rule, 49
and Detective Bernie Crooke, 49
reference to Escobedo v. Illinois,49
Emmerich, Andre (art dealer): on comment by artist Ken Noland regarding Mary Meyer’s murder, 65
Evers, Medgar (Civil Rights worker): murder of, 105, 264
Evening Star (see Washington Evening Star)
Exner, Judith: as lover of JFK, 144, 213
Chestnut Lodge, 252
and Philip L. Graham, 249, 252
FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) arm-twisting of witnesses in Dealey Plaza, 285
Crime Lab Report on Mary Meyer, 60,61, 98, 99, 107
Dave Powers regarding shots fired at JFK in Dallas, 284–286
G. Gordon Liddy, 220
and J. Edgar Hoover (Director), 220, 285
Kenny O’Donnell regarding shots fired at JFK in Dallas, 284
and L. Fletcher Prouty, 21, 235, 237, 327, 349, 412
and Lee Harvey Oswald, 34, 84, 361
and neutron activation in hair samples, 133
and Oswald material delivered to Life, 286, 287, 297, 299
Paul Stombaugh (FBI special agent), 133
and Ray Crump’s hair, 133
and role in JFK assassination, 133
and Thomas K. Kimmel, 350, 352–354, 360
Warren Johnson (FBI firearms expert), 132
and William K. Harvey, 246
William L. Mitchell as ex-FBI,320–324, 328–330, 339
Federal Bureau of Investigation (see FBI)
FitzGerald, Desmond (CIA), 181, 248, 504
Fitzgerald, F. Scott (author)
and daughter Scottie, 39, 64, 155
and Jack Wheeler, 162
Fitzgerald, Scottie (daughter of F.
Scott Fitzgerald: see Smith, Scottie Fitzgerald)
Fitzwilliam, Peter:
as Kathleen Kennedy’s fiancé, 212
death of, 212
Fletcher’s Boat House,
and Mary Meyer’s walks to, 35
and police officer Roderick Sylvis, 43, 58, 112, 122, 123, 125
rowboat crossing at, 122
towpath exit at, 122
underpass at, 122
and William L. Mitchell, 128,130
and ‘young white couple,’ 35, 43, 122, 123, 125, 321
Foundry Underpass (at C&O Canal)
police radio access at, 124
testimony of Joseph Ronsisvalle, 116
Fursenko, Aleksandr (historian): on William Walton’s meeting with Georgi Bolshakov post JFK assassination, 304
Garrison, Jim (New Orleans district attorney),
quote from film JFK, 281
Georgetown Day School,
and Ariel Dougherty, 277
author’s attendance at, 9,11–12, 14
and children of Mary Meyer, 9, 11–12, 15
history of; Agnes O’Neill, 183; Bernard Wanderman, 183; Black Mountain College, 183; Goddard College, 183; Rudolf Steiner, 183
and Mary Meyer’s interest in, 183
Giancana, Sam: and relationship with Joseph Shimon, 386–387
Glamour Magazine: “Young Men Who Care” (1947), 177, 197
Goodwin, Doris Kearns (historian): on JFK’s issues with intimacy with women, 208–209
Gottlieb, Dr. Sidney (CIA): Technical Services Division Chief (TSD) of CIA, 267, 332, 378–379
Graham, Katherine (Washington Post), 268
as alleged snitch of Mary Meyer’s LSD group, 271
and Agnes Meyer as mother of, 282
Anne Chamberlin as friend of, 271, 366–367
and author Carol Felsenthal, 250–251, 266, 435
and author Deborah Davis, 363
Barbara L. Smith, 267
and Ben Bradlee, 342, 363–365, 416, 435
and caretaker William Wadsworth Smith, 267
and Clare Booth Luce relationship, 272
and Dovey Roundtree, 267
friendship with Mary Meyer, 38
Glen Welby estate, 265, 267, 472
and Katharine the Great, 221
and LSD, 249
marriage to Phil Graham, 38, 249
and Power, Privilege, and the Post, 250
presence at Mary Meyer’s funeral, 64
speech at CIA headquarters, 269
suicide death of Phil Graham, 38, 266
Graham, Philip L. (Washington Post), 192, 248
and affair with Robin Webb, 249, 265
as head of COMSAT, 248
and Associated Press Newspaper Convention meltdown (January 1963), 249–250, 252
and Ben Bradlee, 250
Chestnut Lodge Sanitarium, 204, 251–252, 265
Deborah Davis interview with Kenn Thomas,273
friendship with Frank Wisner (CIA), 248
friendship with Mary Meyer, 34, 38
and James H. Smith’s notes on call with Leo Damore, 327–331
and James Truitt, 249
Operation Mockingbird, 248
relationship with John F. Kennedy, 249
and suicide death of, 38, 265–268
suspicions of Leo Damore,321–331
and William Wadsworth Smith (caretaker), 267
“Grassy Knoll” (and white picket fence) of Kennedy assassination, 284–285, 296
Graves, Peter (Mission Impossible): author’s interaction with (2004), 317–318
Grey Towers (Milford, Pa. Pinchot Estate), 16–17
and dedication of Pinchot Institute for Conservation, 440
and James Pinchot’s design of, 146
and Robert Schwartz, 161
Rosamund Pinchot’s horseback riding, 154
U.S. Forest Service, 63
Gunn, Jeremy (ARRB): as chief counsel to ARRB
(see also: Douglas P. Horne)
interview with Audrey Bell, 296
interview with Homer McMahon, 291–292
Half Light (one of the last paintings of Mary Meyer), 33
Halberstam, David (author): on Philip L. Graham’s suicide, 266
Hamilton, Nigel (author and JFK biographer),
references to, 434
regarding Rose Kennedy, 209
Hantman, Alfred L., (prosecuting attorney at Crump trial), 76, 108, 116, 136, 138, 319, 437
and Ben Bradlee entrance into Mary Meyer’s studio on the night of the murder, 75, 76, 77, 80
and Charles Duncan, 106, 107, 137
and confidential Justice Department Memo, 108
conflicts with Judge Howard Corcoran, 109, 113, 116, 117, 119, 125, 128, 135
Dovey Roundtree’s first reaction to: gum-chewing of, 119
and Mary Meyer’s diary, 104, 114, 140
and Mary Meyer’s violent struggle before death, 115
opening statement at trial, 112, 113, 134
and Ray Crump’s shoes, 120
telephone call from Ben Bradlee, 114, 136, 338
and trial testimony elicited from: Ben Bradlee, 76, 77, 114; Deputy Coroner Dr. Linwood L. Rayford, 114, 115, 133; Frederick Byers, 129; Henry Wiggins, 118, 119, 120, 319; John Warner, 122, 126, 127, 128; Joseph Ronsisvalle, 116, 117; Roderick Sylvis, 122, 123, 124, 125, 132; William L. Mitchell, 128, 130, 131, 132
Harriman, W. Averell: as head of Limited Nuclear Arms Treaty team, 262
Harvard Psilocybin Project (see Harvard University), 215, 218
Harvard University, 469
Cord Meyer, 165, 175, 176, 178, 180
David McClelland, 255
John F. Kennedy, 1, 6, 20, 25, 30, 59, 144, 149, 177, 231, 241, 265, 284, 327, 347, 420, 471, 502
Judge Howard Corcoran, 109
Philip L. Graham, 34, 38, 192, 248, 373
and resurgence of psychedelic research, 157, 202, 216, 218, 223, 254, 258
Richard Alpert (see also Ram Dass), 216, 241
Robert S. Bennett, 138
Timothy Leary (see also: Timothy Leary), 204, 206, 218, 222
Center for Research in Personality, 215
Harvard Psilocybin Project, 215, 218
Harvard’s firing of, 223
Mary Meyer’s visits with at, 206
Harvey, William K., (CIA), 246
and CIA’s Executive Action program, 386
as CIA’s “James Bond,” 279, 386
and Cuban Missile Crisis, 4, 64, 242, 244, 247, 256, 288, 358, 386
and James Angleton, 1, 74, 77, 79, 328, 349, 357, 403, 411, 435, 443, 462
meetings with Joseph Shimon, 172, 253, 312, 318, 385, 388, 454
and reference to Roselli and Trafficante, 386
references made to by Toni Shimon, 380, 384, 389, 454, 503
“Hawkeye” photographic facility (CIA’s classified photographic station, Rochester, New York), 291
and alleged Zapruder Film alteration, 287, 290, 291, 308, 477
as “clean facility,” 291
capabilities of, 291
references made to by Dino Brugioni, 287, 289, 290, 291, 463, 477, 503
Helms, Richard (CIA), 65, 181, 237, 248, 342, 345, 356, 362, 372, 373, 386, 504
and Allen Dulles, 237, 248, 269, 286, 363, 373
as friend of Wistar Janney’s, 340
as James Angleton’s titular boss, 65
attendance at Mary Meyer’s funeral, 245
and Church Committee Hearings, 342
CIA colleagues of, 181, 237, 248, 286, 345, 373
and Cord Meyer, 181, 237, 248, 286, 345, 373
and James Angleton’s final statement, 224
and John McCone, 236, 286, 289, 290, 309
and Philip L. Graham, 34, 38, 192, 248, 373
and William K. Harvey, 246
Hersh, Seymour (journalist), 25, 342, 370
interest in Mary Meyer story, 25
and sacking of James Angleton, 342, 349
Herskowitz, Dr. Morton, 206
as student of Wilhelm Reich, 205
colleague of Dr. Charles Oller, 206
comments on Mary Meyer’s grief, 206
Holden, William: affair with Jackie Kennedy, 198
Hoover, J. Edgar (FBI Director), 201, 220, 386, 404
and affair with Clyde Tolson, 382, 412
alleged intimidation of Kenny O’Donnell and Dave Powers, 285
and Florence Kater, 201
and Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr., 208
reference to in notes of James H. Smith, Esq., 328, 404, 432, 436; relationship with James Angleton, 412; relationship with Lyndon Johnson, and Toni Shimon, 382, 412
and Warren Commission cover-up, 285
Horne, Douglas P., (chief analyst for military records at ARRB), 292
alterations of JFK’s wounds, 294, 295; autopsy photos, 293, 295; x-rays, 295
throat wound, 294
author’s interviews with, 292
Inside the Assassination Records Review Board, 293, 294, 476, 502
interview with Audrey Bell, 296
interview with Homer McMahon, 292
JFK’s brain photographs, 293
Zapruder Film, 291; alterations to, 291; “Hawkeye” facility, 291
Hornig, Roberta (journalist), 322
Washington Evening Star, 322, 408
and William L. Mitchell, 322, 408
Horowitz, David (author), 208
author interview with, 460
interview with Priscilla J. McMillan, 208, 460
House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA), 21
and George de Morhrenschildt, 34
and “probable conspiracy” in the JFK assassination, 21
Howard, Lisa (ABC News Reporter), and Ambassador William Attwood, 275
and Carlos Lechuga (UN ambassador), 275–276
and David Talbot, 276
and dialogue between Castro and JFK, 275–276,
and Mary Meyer, 275
and Simone Attwood, 275
Hunt, E. Howard (CIA), 299, 346 quote by his son St. John Hunt, 9
Hunter, Jerry (Dovey Roundtree’s cousin): on Dovey Roundtree’s trips to C&O canal towpath, 102
Hunter, Morgan Bennett (CIA/NPIC),
preparation of briefing boards, 291
and second secret classified event regarding Zapruder Film at NPIC, 290
“Irish Mafia:” (See Kenneth P. O’Donnell, and David F. Powers), 23, 328
Jackson, C.D., (publisher of Life): as former CIA asset and friend of Allen Dulles’s,
(See also: James Wagenvoord and Life Magazine), 287
Jacobson, Dr. Max, 212
as “Dr Feel Good” and “Miracle Max,” 212–3
author interview with anonymous employee of, 213
and Chuck Spaulding, 213
and JFK drug use, 213
Janney, Christopher (brother of author)
as author’s younger brother, 10, 12
and recollection of Mary Meyer’s murder, 339
Janney, Mary Draper (Wistar Janney’s wife): attendance at funeral of Mary Meyer, 64
and author Leo Damore, 24, 224, 377
friendship with Michael Meyer, 9, 12–17, 19
Georgetown Day School, 9, 11–12, 14
and James H. Smith, Esq., 424
New Hampshire boarding school, 9, 17
relationship with Mary Meyer, 12–18
and told of Mary Meyer’s murder, 11–12
Janney, Walter Coggeshall (father of Wistar Janney), 67
Janney, Wistar [CIA] (a.k.a. Fred Janney and Frederick Wistar Morris Janney), 3,11, 20, 27, 64–67, 338–343, 364–365, 371, 373, 448, 477, 485, 489, 504
as father of author, 11, 20, 64, 66, 338, 477, 504
as Grumman Avenger Torpedo pilot, 66
as pallbearer at Mary Meyer’s funeral, 65–67
author’s realization of Wistar Janney’s alleged role in the murder of Mary Meyer, 25
and Ben Bradlee telephone call, 340–341, 373
and contact with Cord Meyer on afternoon of murder, 11, 78
death of, 346
and death of Eddie Larkin, 66–67
friendship with Cord Meyer, 340
and Navy Cross, 67
Office of Current Intelligence (OCI), 67, 338
and Steuart Pittman, 448
Jefferson Place Gallery, 30
and Mary Meyer’s first solo art show, 30
review by Leslie Judd Ahlander, 30
JFK Records Act of 1992, 293, 488
Johnson, Lyndon Baines
announcement of JFK trip to Dallas, 253, 307
appointment of Judge Howard Corcoran to U.S. District Court, 109
as co-conspirator in JFK assassination, 387; “Mexico City trump card”, 370
as “dreadful mistake” for vicepresident, 305–306
and Billy Sol Estes scandal, 306
and Bobby Baker scandal, 306–307
escalation of Vietnam War, 22, 276–277, 309–311
Gulf of Tonkin incident and Resolution, 309–310
and Joseph Shimon, 172, 253–254, 312, 380–388
NSAM #273, 309
NSAM #288, 277
refusal to sign JFK’s Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, 63, 274, 277
and Senator Ralph Yarborough, 285
and William R. Corson’s book The Betrayal, 323, 349
Kater, Florence,
contact with J. Edgar Hoover, 201
interview by Michael O’Brien, 200
Pamela Turnure as tenant of, 200
Kater, Leonard (husband of Florence Kater)
See: Florence Kater.
Kelly, J. Michael (“Mike”),
as student of William Corson, 350–353
and Corson’s safety deposit box, 350–351, 353
and Plato Cacheris, 350–351, 361
Kennedy, Arabella (1956 stillborn daughter of Jackie and JFK), 198, 189
Kennedy, Ethel (wife of Robert F. Kennedy)
and alleged LSD therapy, 203, 216
Kennedy, Jacqueline Bouvier, 64, 103, 36, 189, 199, 209, 229, 252, 262, 270
affair with actor William Holden, 198, 270
and Aristotle Onassis, 270
as first cousin to author John H. Davis, 25, 86
and David Heymann’s book A Woman Named Jackie, 224, 462
‘father crush’ quote of Chuck Spaulding,
and father John “Black Jack” Bouvier III, 209
first meeting JFK at dinner party, 64
with JFK at Hickory Hill, 188, 189, 197, 199, 286, 204
and Kenneth O’Donnell’s reference to future JFK divorce, 230–231
1956 stillborn birth of daughter Arabella Kennedy, 189
1963 loss of Patrick Kennedy, 270
reference to friendship with Mary Meyer, 200
references to by Robert Crowley, 355
remarks to Adlai Stevenson about JFK’s philandering, 253
Truman Capote reference to, 198
and warning of Lem Billings, 209
William Walton as confidante of, 303; interest in Walton’s children, 303; and post assassination meeting at Hickory Hill with Bobby Kennedy, 304
Kennedy, John F.
American University Commencement, 105, 152, 257, 304
Bay of Pigs, 234, 235, 243, 244, 301, 385
CIA, 18, 20, 26, 224, 230, 232, 234, 235, 236, 237, 249, 256, 260, 276, 277, 285, 299, 300, 301, 314, 327, 328, 346, 352, 353, 357, 361, 420, 430, 432, 465, 478
Civil Rights address, 263, 472
conspiracy to assassinate, 18, 20, 26, 327, 328, 346, 352, 353, 357, 361, 420, 430, 432, 465, 478; Chicago plot, 282, 476; Church Committee, 21, 342; Senator Richard Schweiker, 21; Dallas, 20; Miami plot, 282,
Cuban Missile Crisis, 4, 64, 242, 243, 244, 247, 256, 288, 463, 466
Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, 274, 277, 472
post assassination cover-up; Warren Commission and Report, 17, 84; (see also: Hale Boggs); (see also: Senator Richard Russell); (see also: Senator Ralph Yarlborough); (see also: House Select Committee on Assassination [HSCA]); secret autopsy, 20; (see also: Zapruder Film), 287, 291, 291; (see also: U.S. Secret Service)
rapprochement with Cuba, 275, 276, 390, 474(see also: William Attwood), 263, 443
relationship with Mary Meyer, 1, 3, 4, 25, 26, 70, 79, 113, 114, 221, 230, 249, 270, 290, 371, 373, 432, 432, 433, 435, 440, 450, 458, 461, 475, 476, 490; alleged LSD use, 3, 80, 218, 224, 225, 256, 459; first meeting at Choate School, 151, 152, 153; marijuana use with Mary Meyer, 37, 70, 80, 225, 358; Vassar College, 64
Kennedy, Sr., Joseph P. (father of JFK)
J. Edgar Hoover, 208
and Jack’s affair with Inga Arvad, 211
Jackie Kennedy, 199
and value of female companionship, 211, 434
Kennedy, Kathleen (“Kick”)
and boyfriend John White, 210
engagement to Peter Fitzwilliam, 212
JFK’s emotional connection to, 211–212, 227
marriage to Billy Cavendish, 211
plane crash death of, 211
and devastation of JFK, 212
Kennedy, Patrick Bouvier: 1963 post-Caesarian premature death of, 270
Kennedy, Robert Francis (“Bobby”)
beliefm in conspiracy to assassinate JFK, 285–286, 290, 302
and CIA, 234–235, 285–286; John McCone, 286, 290
Cuban Missile Crisis, 235–236; private meeting with Anatoly Dobrynin, 245
reaction to William K. Harvey, 386
David Talbot references to, 285
and drugs of Dr. Max Jacobson, 213
hatred of Aristotle Onassis, 270
interest in LSD according to Timothy Leary, 225
and James H. Smith, Esq., 24
and Joseph Shimon, 172, 386, 388
and Marilyn Monroe, 231
mention in Arthur Schlesinger’s diary, 290
reference to firing J. Edgar Hoover at 1964 election, 404
relationship with Georgi Bolshakov, 304, 305
relationship with William Walton, 252, 302, 303
reference to by Mary Meyer, 302
and Walton’s mission to Russia post JFK assassination, 304, 305
and Robert Morrow’s counterfeit money operation, 313, 314
and sacking of Lyndon Johnson in Life, 307
Kennedy, Rose (mother of JFK): author Nigel Hamilton’s analysis of, 209, 434
Kennedy, Rosemary (mentally challenged sister of JFK), 211
Kennedy, Senator Edward,
author Leo Damore, 23, 327–328, 412
incident at Chappaquiddick, 23, 327–328, 412
references in Senatorial Privilege
Key Bridge Esso Station,
distance from crime scene, 42, 45, 48, 62, 97
and Henry Wiggins Jr., 41, 42, 48, 117,
and mechanic Bill Branch, 41, 42
and stalled Nash Rambler, 41, 48, 333
station manager Joe Cameron, 42, 48,
Kimmel, Thomas K. (FBI),
as former student of William Corson, 350, 352, 486
as senior FBI Agent, 350, 352, 353
and Gregory Douglas (a.k.a. Peter Stahl), 352, 354, 360
University Club luncheon, 353
Khrushchev, Nikita,
as JFK’s secret partner in the pursuit of world peace, 64, 390
Georgi Bolshakov, 243, 304, 305
reactions to JFK’s American University Address, 64, 262
Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, 261, 262, 274
secret correspondence with JFK, 243–245, 256, 304, 466
and Timothy Leary, 217
and U-2 downing, 232
King, Martin Luther, Jr.,
assassination of, 193
Knox, George: Dovey Roundtree’s defense colleague at Crump trial:
Krock, Arthur (columnist)
and CIA’s unaccountability, 276
on Inga Arvad’s beauty, 210
quoting reporter Richard Starnes, 276
Kushner, Philip: on Robert Crowley’s relationship with Gregory Douglas, 486
Lady Livia Augustus: I Claudius, 279
and reference to James Angleton, 371
Lamb, George Peter (D.C. public defender)
admiration for Judge David Bazelon,
belief in Ray Crump’s innocence, 100
Coroner’s Inquest, 52
and denial of preliminary hearing, 53
first attorney for Ray Crump Jr., 52
Legal Aid Society of D.C., 52
reference to U.S. Commissioner Sam Wertleb as “curmudgeon,” 53
regard for Dovey Roundtree, 137; as world’s greatest cross-examiner, 106
and U.S. Attorney Donald Smith, 54
Lanahan, Scottie Fitzgerald (see Scottie Fitzgerald Smith), 64
Lane, Mark (attorney)
“and Defense Brief for Oswald,” 297–8
and the film Executive Action, 385
Larkin, Eddie: WW II Grumman Avenger pilot and close friend of Wistar Janney’s, 66–7
Leary, Timothy
and alleged LSD sessions of Mary and JFK, 225
biographer Robert Greenfield, 222
Deborah Davis, 221
Flashbacks, 222; references to Mary Pinchot (Meyer) in, 218, 220, 278
G. Gordon Liddy, 220
Harvard Psilocybin Project, 215, 218
Harvard University; Center for Research in Personality, 215; firing from, 223
interest in Katharine the Great, 221
interview by Leo Damore, 86, 220–224
interview by Nina Burleigh, 225, 230
Jon and Carolyn Bradshaw, 221
Katharine Graham, 221
Last phone call from Mary Meyer, 270–271
Michael Hollingshead, 220
Rebel Magazine, 221
relationship with Mary Meyer, 3, 26, 37, 83, 104, 206, 215–223, 254–257
Stephen Smith, 216
telephone call from Quentin Meyer, 380
Van Wolfe, 220
William Triplett, 221
Zilhautanejo (Mexico), 216, 265
Lechuga, Carlos (Cuba’s U.N. ambassador)
and official message from Fidel Castro, 227
and secret Attwood-Howard alliance, 275–276
LeMay, General Curtis: and Cuban Missile Crisis, 245
Lemnitzer, General Lyman: attendance at NSC meeting of July 20, 1961, 237–238
Lennon, John (Beatle): and the song Imagine, 33
Liddy, G. Gordon: Millbrook, N.Y. raid on Timothy Leary, 220–221
Life Magazine,
C.D. Jackson, 287
Edward K. Thompson, 308; (See also: James Wagenvoord)
hallucinogens, 272
and Operation Mockingbird, 308
Oswald material delivered to, 308
Lifton, David S. (author)
Best Evidence, 294
forensic alteration of President Kennedy’s wounds, 294–295
on JFK’s throat wound, 294
Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (1963)
American University Commencement, 64
as world peace initiative, 64
Harold Macmillan, 261
Johnson refused to sign, 277
Nikita Khrushchev, 64
ratification by U.S. Senate, 63–64, 274
Lincoln, Evelyn (JKF’s personal secretary)
on JFK’s running mate for 1964 election, 307
telephone call from Robin Webb, 251
telephone calls from Mary Meyer, 264, 277
LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), 3, 80, 255
(see also: Timothy Leary)
and Beat Generation, 202; Allen Ginsberg, 202, 217, 219; Jack Kerouac, 202; Neal Cassidy, 202
CIA involvement with, 202–04; Frank Olson, 203–04
Dr. Albert Hoffman, 215
Dr. Oscar Janiger, 203
Dr. Ross MacLean, 203
Hollywood exploration of Anaïs Nin, 202; Andre Previn, 202; Betsy Drake, 202; Cary Grant, 202; Esther Williams, 202; Sidney Lumet, 202; (see also: Clare Booth Luce)
Life Magazine, 272
and Mary Meyer’s exploration of, 3, 157–58, 202, 215–18, 219, 223–25, 255–57, 271–73, 356, 358, 367
James Truitt, 434
Palo Alto Mental Research Institute, 202
Robert F. Kennedy, 203
therapeutic possibilities of, 202–03; Ethel Kennedy, 203
Luce, Clare Booth (wife of Henry Luce), 370
and Philip Graham’s deterioration, 249, 265–66, 416
relationship with Katharine Graham, 38, 249, 265–66
Lundahl, Arthur C. (CIA-NPIC)
as world’s foremost photo analyst, 463
briefing for CIA Director John McCone on Zapruder Film, 287
and Dino Brugioni, 287–90, 292, 463
NP IC as “Lundahl’s Palace,” 288
recruited by CIA,
Lynd, Staughton (historian): on JFK’s
wounds in New Republic, 299