Chapter 7
The routine continued unabated.
It was now months after Ukanda had visited the island and I had all but put out of my mind his promise to rescue us from this Hell-on-Earth. I was now sure it had all been a put on and that the handsome Nigerian had been toying with us and was even now grinning hugely as he thought of our distress as we slowly came to the realisation that he was a fraud and we weren’t going to be rescued after all.
The training in our various disciplines continued and Peter and me were now really good at kick boxing. Actually we weren’t half bad at the other disciplines either. My skills as a wrestler and boxer and in some of the other unarmed combat sports featured on the island also improved out of sight.
I think actually this was the one saving grace about our time there for just about everything else was bad. The forced sex; the pony duty… here it wasn’t so much the fact that I had to pull the gigs for as I’ve said, I am not a snob and there are many people in Asian countries who still pull rickshaws to this day. No, it wasn’t the fact of pulling them; it was our nakedness while doing so and, far, far worse, the way we were harnessed to them with the dildos up our rectums and, in the case of we girls, the other one in our vaginas — and of course the degrading bridles around our heads with their horrible bits that were pulled so tight as to force our mouths open and to cause us to slaver all the time, that were so awful.
Peter and I were regularly scheduled to fight, of course. As I said before, it was usually about every third visit but sometimes more or less depending on whether a guest or guests had asked especially for one of us. Jake usually catered to these requests and so then we might be put back a visit, or alternatively, brought forward.
I didn’t mind the fights. As I said, I had improved out of all sight under Jake’s trainers and in any case I have a very competitive streak in me and competing and winning was something that I had always strived for. Added to my competitiveness however were the two incentives: win and I got to spend a night with Peter in a real bed in a luxury bure; lose and I faced twenty strokes of the bullwhip wielded by Obb after hanging upside down for a day on naked display to all and sundry and my body available to any of them to come and feel.
I didn’t like the sex sessions, though. Not even when my buyer was a handsome, reasonably set-up man. Peter has been my life-long love and I have never had thoughts for any other man. To be forced to make love to one as a whore was about as low as it could get for me and especially when Peter was right there, forced to bugger the man as he raped me…
Perhaps I should elaborate on this aspect a little more for you may be confused that all these men required this of Peter — virtually admitting they were at least bisexual. No, it wasn’t that way. Some of them did, yes, but most merely required his body behind them (or beside them if they preferred to mount me), simply required him to caress their flesh as they raped me.
I think it was a perversity on their part — a sense of power that they could blithely make love to me while he, my husband, was forced to lie beside them and watch. We both got used to it eventually but it took a huge effort on Peter’s part not to strangle the man as his cock ploughed in and out of my so unwilling body.
Alas, we knew, for Jake was at pains to tell all of us slaves that his surveillance system was so good that if one of us even made a false move towards one of his clients, his security people and the systems they operated would be on to us like a flash and the guard outside the door, in there and the slave concerned on his or her way to his death — in as slow and a painful a manner as he could devise.
By now we had no illusions that he wouldn’t carry out his threats. We had all seen how bad his punishment tortures were and many of us had suffered them. Indeed, we had all seen the threat actually carried out.
A very handsome boy from Malaysia had just cracked when a Japanese guest had brutally raped his young wife and had tried to stab him with a fruit knife. He had actually inflicted one small wound to his back before the guard disarmed him but then Jake was there and the boy taken away.
He was hanged the next day.
But this wasn’t your merciful breaking of the neck that brings about an instant demise. This was an infinitesimally slow and exquisitely painful death by strangulation and by the infliction of a series of additional very painful indignities to his body.
First they hung him.
His thumbs were cuffed behind his back and the noose placed around his neck. It was not a running noose but was fixed, and allowed a few inches of spare rope around his neck. They then hauled it aloft so that his toes dangled a foot or so above the grass. We were all assembled around the gallows, of course, guests, slaves and staff, all staring up at the so handsome boy now dangling by his neck so forlornly.
Our implants were all tingling, advising us that the global mode was on and one false move by any of us and the lot would receive either a punishment or perhaps even a short lethal burst of current. We didn’t move. Each of us felt so sorry for Pada, up there, but we also knew there was nothing we could do for him.
Jake left him dangling for a long time, perhaps half an hour but then he signalled to Obb to come forward with his whip.
One lash was all it took. One loud report and both the boy’s balls as well as his scrotum disappeared. There was some blood but Dr Sing soon sewed the gaping hole up — roughly, for while Jake didn’t want him to die quickly, die he would and so fine stitches would be of little use here.
A half hour later and he was branded. Two guards brought a glowing brazier out of which poked a couple of irons. Jake did this job himself, branding the boy’s belly with a large ‘S’, presumably for ‘slave’.
Pada had moaned a little as they hauled him aloft but then, as the rope bit into his neck, I think it may have paralysed his vocal chords for all we heard from him after that were a series of inarticulate grunts, his body however told his agony. His eyes were wide and staring and his tongue poked out of his mouth.
As Obb’s whip castrated him, his body contorted and struggled, his legs kicking and his arms struggling behind his back. Two guards held his body still while Jake branded his stomach but when they let him go his wild contortions resumed.
By now his eyes were just about popping out of their sockets and his whole body was covered in sweat. He could still breathe but only with a lot of difficulty.
He had now been hanging there for over an hour, perhaps two — it was very hard to judge time without any reference except the sun and I wasn’t too good at guessing anything but a few hours at a time from it.
But still Jake wasn’t finished with him. The guest had been outraged that one of his slaves of the evening had attacked him and he wanted his pound of flesh. Jake was quite prepared to give it to him.
He now shoved a really enormous dildo up his rectum. Like many Malays, Pada was quite slight and this monster really looked quite enormous. I guessed it would be four inches in diameter although it started much slimmer than that — at about one and a half to two inches. It had a rounded end and then it thickened to the four inch thick behemoth that was well over three feet long.
Jake was quite brutal in the way he forced this monster into the boy’s anus and as he did so, his contortions became even more violent, his feet trying to kick our hated master until two guards came and grabbed them, holding them still while Jake forced a good foot or more of the massive thing into his backside. He then anchored the bottom of it in the grass, stepped back and again nodded to Obb who grinned at his master, laid out his whip once more — and now neatly sliced off the boy’s penis.
The guard beside the brazier was ready though and now cauterised the massively bleeding wound with a red-hot iron formed into the small plate. This left a horrible mess at Pada’s groin but effectively stopped the bleeding.
He didn’t last long after that though. Mercifully, shock set in (I think that’s what it was, anyway) and he slumped unconscious. He didn’t regain consciousness. We got the message however. Touch a guest and this is what you face!
Peter and I are home now.
Given the length of time since Ukanda had been and gone — months, we, Peter and me had given up hope of ever seeing him again.
It all happened in the wee hours of the morning. There were no guests at the time and we were therefore in training mode. All of us were asleep in the cage when I felt this light prodding against my body. I was awake in an instant and Peter woke up as well. It was black as pitch outside the cage and I couldn’t se anything at all. I heard the whisper though—and it was Ukanda’s voice.
“Anne? It’s me, Ukanda … Shush! I’ll explain all in a while, as soon as we have taken control, okay?”
I grinned hugely in the darkness and in a whisper as quiet as his, agreed to wait. Peter and I hugged each other fiercely, hoping that all would go well and that in a very few minutes, we would all be free and able to watch Jake, Obb, Dr Sing and all the rest of them arrested and in the proverbial chains.
And so it happened. They were helped by the darkness for although one of Jake’s security men was always on duty, whoever it was at the time simply didn’t see anything and he was overpowered by one of the anti-terrorist squad sent to rescue us.
The others, from Jake down, were all surprised in their beds, cuffed and then replaced us in the cage while we were found clothes and all gathered around Ukanda and the officer in charge of the squad sent to save us.
Ukanda explained why it had taken him so long to get back to us.
“It was all a matter of jurisdiction, you see,” he began. “Once I got home and made my report, my government got in touch with the governments of Malaysia, Vietnam and the Philippines, all of whom said they owned the island. The wrangling went on and on about who should send a task force to rescue you and arrest those scum out there.
“In the end, our Prime Minister suggested that since they were unable to solve the matter themselves, we be permitted to undertake the raid and deal with the criminals ourselves—summarily, here and now.
“Accordingly, tomorrow, they will all be arraigned before a judge whom we have brought with us. He will hear your evidence, inspect the site and decide on punishments for those found guilty…”
We all crowded around him of course, most thanking him, over and over again, for our salvation and others forgiving him for the long delay — of course that was only Peter and me for none of the others knew who he was from his visit all that time ago.
We all slept in the bures that night and after each of our implants had been disabled, made love together and then slept long and late.
When we did get up the next morning, preparations were well in hand for the trial. They were all going to be tried together since most of the charges applied to all of them and they numbered in the hundreds: Kidnapping, Unlawful Deprivation of Liberty, Assault, Torture, Forced Sex and Murder… The list went on and on and of course each charge (except that of Pada’s murder) was multiplied by the more than thirty young men and women who had been kidnapped over the period of our incarceration.
The trial didn’t last that long. Nobody was interested in a long drawn out trial and then, at the end, the Nigerian judge who had presided stared down over his glasses at the prisoners now chained together facing him.
“You have all been found guilty of crimes so heinous I can hardly credit that such things are possible in this new millennium…”
He then went on and on about how bad they were and singled out the principles, Jake, Obb and Dr Sing for special mention.
These three were each sentenced to life imprisonment — thirty times, and without the possibility of parole. They would be spending the rest of their lives in the worst prison Nigeria had to offer, toiling at hard labour all day, every day.
The rest were given varying terms depending on their involvement in the more depraved acts carried out on us. Jake’s assets were forfeited and ordered to be paid to us. Not that they amounted to much when divided by thirty but still we were happy enough to be free and shortly to be on our way home.
It was a one day wonder when we got home and the papers got hold of the story. We endured the notoriety for a week or so but then it all died down and we were able to resume our lives once more.
We are back teaching now and although I will never forget the horror of those months I am glad of it in a small way for it really cemented Peter’s and my love for one another and our love-making is even better now than it was before, aided no doubt by Jake’s training.
Oh yes, the implants were removed back here and the surgeons (and the technicians who later examined them) said they were marvels of modern technology.
We couldn’t care less. Once we were free of the hateful things, we were really able to settle down and get back to our lives.