Ahlberg, G., and Jarneryd, O., Block and Silk Screen Printing. Sterling. 1961.

American Fabrics Magazine, editors of, Encyclopedia of Textiles. Prentice-Hall, 1960.

Anderson, Donald M., Elements of Design. Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1961.

Auvil, Kenneth W., Serigraphy: Silk Screen Techniques for the Artist. Prentice-Hall, 1965.

Ballinger, Louise B., and Vroman, Thomas, Design: Sources and Resources. Reinhold, 1965.

Beitler, Ethel Jane, and Lockhart, Bill, Design for You. John Wiley, 1961.

Biegeleisen, J. I., Complete Book of Silk Screen Printing Production. Dover, 1963.

————, The Silk Screen Printing Process. McGraw-Hill, 1938.

————, Silk Screen Stencil Craft as a Hobby. Harper, 1935.

————, and Busenbark, E. J., The Silk Screen Printing Process. McGraw-Hill, 1941.

————, and Cohn, M. A., Silk Screen Stencilling as a Fine Art. McGraw-Hill, 1942.

————, and Cohn, M. A., Silk Screen Techniques. Dover, 1958.

Bindewald, Erwin, and Kasper, Karl. Fairy Fancy on Fabrics. Georg Westermann Verlag, Braunschweig, Germany, 1951.

Birrell, Verla, The Textile Arts. Harper, 1959.

Birren, Faber, Creative Color. Reinhold, 1961.

Brooks, Evelyn, Your Textile Printing. Charles A. Bennett, 1950.

Cahn, Joshua Binion, ed., What is an Original Print? Print Council of America, 1964.

Carr, Frances, Guide to Screen Process Printing. Pitman, 1962.

Chieffo, Clifford, Silk Screen as a Fine Art. Reinhold, 1967.

Clemence, Will, The Beginnei’s Book of Screen Process Printing. Blanford Press, London, 1959.

Conran, Terence, Printed Textile Design. Studio Publications, 1957.

Cronar Screen Process Film, E. I. Dupont De Nemours & Co. Photo Products Department, Wilmington, Delaware.

Dyeing and Printing with I. C. I. Dyestuffs. I. C. I. Organics, Inc., 1967.

Emerson, Sybil, Design: A Creative Approach. International Textbook, 1955.

Fossett, Robert O., Techniques in Photography for the Silk Screen Printer. Signs of the Times, 1959.

Giambruni, Helen, “Color Scale and Body Scale”; Craft Horizons, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 43-47, May/June 1969.

Green, Peter, Creative Printmaking. Batsford Publishing Company, London.

Heller, Jules, Printmaking Today. Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1958.

Hiett, Harry L., Screen Process Production. Signs of the Times, 1936.

Jacobson, Egbert, Basic Color. Paul Theobald, 1948.

Johnston, Meda Parker, and Kaufman, Glen, Design on Fabrics. Reinhold, 1967.

Jones, Owen, Grammar of Ornament. B. Quartich, London, 1868.

Justema, William, The Pleasures of Pattern. Reinhold, 1969.

Kinsey, Anthony, Introducing Screen Printing. Watson-Guptill, 1968.

Kosloff, Albert, Ceramic Screen Printing. Signs of the Times, 1962.

————, Elementary Silk Screen Printing. Naz-Dar Co., 1951.

————, Photographic Screen Process Printing. Signs of the Times, 1962.

————, Screen Printing Electronic Circuits. Signs of the Times, 1968.

————, Screen Process Printing. Signs of the Times, 1964.

Lauterberg, Lotti, Fabric Printing. Reinhold, 1963.

Mansfield, Patricia Klein, The Exploration of a Presensitized Screen Process Film for Designing Screen Printed Textiles. Thesis, University of Wisconsin Memorial Library, 1966.

Marsh, Roger, Silk Screen Printing for the Artist. Transatlantic.

Nelson, George, Problems of Design. Whitney Publications, 1957.

Proud, Nora, Textile Printing and Dyeing. Reinhold, 1965.

Roberts, Edith A., “Silk Screen Printing with Anthrasol Indigosol Dyes.” Craft Horizons, Vol. 18, p. 40, September/October 1958.

Robinette, G., The Design Characteristics of Plant Materials. Plant Form Studies, 1967.

Russ, Stephen, Fabric Printing by Hand. Watson-Guptill, 1968.

Searle, Valerie, and Clayson, Roberta, Screen Printing on Fabric. Watson-Guptill, 1968.

Shokler, Harry, Artists Manual for Silk Screen Print Making. Tudor Publishing Co., 1960

Spurny, Jan, Modern Textile Designer: Antonin Kybal. Artia, Czechoslovakia, 1960.

Steffen, Bernard, Silk Screen. Pitman Publishing Co., 1963.

Stephenson, Jessie B., From Old Stencils to Silk Screening: A Practical Guide. Scribner, 1953.

Sternberg, Harry, Silk Screen Color Printing. McGraw-Hill, 1942.

Teur, Andrew W., Japanese Stencil Designs (book at Chicago Art Institute).

Zahn, Bert, Silk Screen Methods of Reproduction. Frederick J. Drake, 1950.



“Screen Process Printing for the Serigrapher and Textile Designer,”
35mm color filmstrips (4 parts) which may be used in conjunction
with this book in the classroom, is available from—


International Film Bureau Inc.
332 So. Michigan Ave. Chicago, Ill. 60604