Acetate blockout
Acetate protector, serigraph
Acrylic, printing on
Adhesive materials, blockout
Advertising industry, screen-process printing and
Airbrush printing, textiles
Alphabet, teaching through stencils
Ambiente, new textile printing technique
Ammonium bichromate, solution
Angle iron, metal
Anthrasol dye pastes, fabrics receptive to
Arnel triacetate, printing on
Art Deco
Art Nouveau
Artist’s proof
Asphaltum, blockout resist
Balloon cloth, printing on
Bamboo leaves, prehistoric stencils
Banana leaves, prehistoric stencils
Birren, Faber, Creative Color
Blockout resist stencil: blockout materials; liquid blockouts; mesh count; removal of blockout from screen; versatility
Blue C polyester and cotton broadcloth, printing on
Brass fabric screen mesh
Bronze fabric screen mesh
Brush printing
Bucher, Francois, Josef Albers: Despite Straight Lines
Buddhism, role in evolution of stenciling
Butt-joint printing frame
Casein glue
Castor oil, paint thinner
Caves of the Thousand Buddhas, China
Cellulose-based inks
Ceramists, inks used by
Chain color printing
Chalk print
Chambray, printing on
China, development of stenciling in
Cleaning box, metal
Cleaning of equipment: fire and health hazards; non-oil-based print medium, removal oil-based print medium, removal; screen mesh; solvents for; workshop area for
Clear base
Color printing: chain color printing; five-color print; methods; sequence of colors; test-print, three-color print, washout resists
Commercial printing industry, screen-process printing and
Confucian symbols, stencil motifs
Copper fabric screen mesh
Cotton, printing on
Crash, printing on
Crayon, lithographic, blockout resist
Crayon, wax, blockout resist
Crusaders’ red crosses, stenciling of
Crystal base
Cut-film stencil; development; discharge process, textile printing; mesh count required; removal from screen mesh
Dacron and cotton poplin, printing on
Dacron polyester, printing on
Danemon, A.S.
D’Autremont, Louis F.
Decals, blockout resist
Denim, printing on
Direct process, textile printing
Discharge process, textile printing
Dry-copy machine transparencies
Dyes, textile: amount required, estimation; color test-print; consistency for printing; drying; fabrics receptive to; mixing; purchase quantities; screen mesh count for; types available
Enamels, high-gloss
End-lap joint printing frame
England, silk screen, first patent for
Etchers, inks used by
Exhibition of works
Far East, stenciling in, development
Fashion industry print revival, 1960s
Felt, printing on
Fiber-reactive dyes
Fiji Islands, prehistoric stencils in
Fire hazards, cleaning solvents
Flat-type paints
Floating parts of stencil, handling of
Fluorescent inks
Formica surfaces
Framing, serigraphs
France: prehistoric stencils; silk screen, first use, Lyons; textile printing, screen-process
Gargas Cave, handprints in
Gauge bolts
Gelatin emulsion, photo-emulsion resist
Germany; silk screen, first use of
Giambruni, Helen
Gikow, Ruth
Glass, stencil-cutting surface
Glue and lithographic tusche stencil
Glue blockout resist
Glue, casein
Glue, water soluble
Glycerin, paint additive
Gottlieb, Harry
Grooved printing frame with mitered corners
Group studio design experience
Handprints, prehistoric.
Health hazards, cleaning solvents
Heat setting, printed textiles
Hide glue
Hopsacking, printing on
Housepainters’ paper stencils
Hoya cloth, printing on
Impasto effects, paper stencils
Indian Head broadcloth, printing on
Indigisol, fabrics printed with, drying
Indigo dye
Inks, fast-drying, development
Inks for seriography: amount required, estimation color test-print; consistency for printing; mixing; purchase quantities; transparency, improvement, additives; types available
Inks, textile: amount required, estimation; color test-print; consistency for printing; drying; fabrics receptive to; mixing; purchase quantities; types available
Intaglio printing
Italy, stencils in, early Christian era
Japan, stenciling, development in
J bar, metal
Jones, Owen, Grammar of Ornament
Jules, Mervin
Key rail
Keying prints
Klee, Paul
Knives, stencil
Knife-sharpening stones
Kodalith film
Kosloff, Albert
Lacquer-based paints
Lacquer blockout resist
Lacquered paper stencils
Lacquer-film stencil
Lacquer-proof film stencil
Lacquer, washout resists with
Landon, Edward
Lawn, printing on
Linen, printing on
Linoleum-block prints
Light-sensitive stencils, see Photogelatin-emulsion resist
Lithographic asphaltum
Lithographic tusche
Maltravieso Cave, handprints in
Mansfield, Patricia K.
Masking tape, blockout resist
Maskoid, washout resist with
Matisse, Henri
Matting of serigraphs
McCausland, Elizabeth
McCoy, Guy
McIlrath, Timothy
Mesh count, silk and nylon screens
Middle Ages, stenciling in
Mimeograph stencils
Mixing varnish
Mondriaan, Piet
Morris, William
Mulberry leaves, Japanese stencil paper
Multistencil design, register marks
Muslin, printing on
Nainsook, printing on
National Serigraph Society
Negative stencils
Newspapers, printing of
Newsprint, use for stencil
Nigeria, fabric prints, stenciling
Nylon chiffon, printing on
Nylon screen mesh: discharge process, textile printing; mesh count; new mesh, roughening and cleaning; photo-emulsion resist, use with; print medium, removal; stains, removal of, solution for; strength of
Olds, Elizabeth
Opaque objects, blockout with
Organdy screen mesh
Original print
Osnaburg, printing on
Overprinting, color test
Painting, similarity of washout resist to
Paints for serigraphy; amount required, estimation color test-print; consistency for printing; drying time, change in, additives mixing; purchase, quantities transparency, improvement, formula types available
Paper stencils: adhering to screen; advantages ; cutting, tearing or punching paperfloating parts, handling of; impasto effects with; mesh count required; opaque papers, making transparent; papers suitable for; positive image; removal from screen mesh; textile printing, value in; textured effects with; versatility; water damage, danger of; weak papers, strengthening
Paraffin blockout resist
Pattern-tracing wheel
Patton, Kenneth L., Man Is the Meaning
Pellon, printing on
Percale, printing on
Permanent press fabrics, printing on
Photo enlarger
Photogelatin-emulsion resist; commercial photo-emulsion screen films; direct method of use; exposure time; gelatin emulsion; light sources; mesh count required; removal from screen mesh; sensitizing solution; transfer methods of use; water damage hazards working with, suggestions
Photographic positives or negatives
Photographic screen-process printing
Pigments in oil or water emulsions
Pilsworth, John
Pique, printing on
Pitch, blockout resist, Middle Ages
Planographic printing
Plastics, suitability for serigraphy
Pochoir method, stencil printing
Polyester and cotton poplin, printing on
Ponton, Mongo
Poplin, printing on
Positive stencils
Poster color paints
Press-type letters, blockout resist
Print Council of America
Printing, generally; types
Printing board: serigraphy; textile printing
Printing frame: cardboard frame, construction hinging to printing board; reinforcement of joints; textile printing wooden frames, construction
Proof prints
Radio City Music Hall
Rayon and acetate, printing on
Rayon “linen” weave, printing on
Record-keeping by artist or designer
Reduction printing, blockout resist
Registering print
Relief printing, origin
Resist process, textile printing
Rice paper, use for stencil
Rockefeller Center
Rubber cement, washout resist with
Sale of works
Scooper cutter
Screen mesh fabric: cleaning; mesh count, silk and nylon; new mesh, cleaning process; pre-storage cleaning; print medium, removal; repairs; resist, removal; sagging, adjustment for stains, removal of; stretching; types
Screen-process printing: automatic printing machine derivation; development ofelementary project; multicolor process, Selectasine method; preparation for, checklist; problems and suggested remedies; serigraphy, history of; techniques, generally textiles, application to; versatility of
Screen Process Printing Association, International
Screen-process stencil
Selectasine method
Serigraph design: color experience; contemporary culture and creativity; during printing process; group studio experience ideas, recording of; materials and tools, possibilities and limitations; problems, approaches to; protection of
Serigraphs: artist’s proof; artist’s self-evaluation; copyrighting; drying prints; exhibition of; framing; identification of prints; matting; original print; production of edition; proof prints; protection with acetate; record-keeping by artist; register marks; sale of; selection of edition; storage of
Serigraphy: color runs, printing methods; future of; history of; paper for prints; plastics, suitability for; screens, number used; screen mesh count used; squeegee strokes.
Shahn, Ben
Sheeting, printing on
Shellac blockout resist
Shellacked paper stencils
Ship’s tar, blockout resist, Middle Ages
Signatures by stencil, early Christian era
Sign-painting industry, screen-process printing and
Silk, printing on
Silk-screen mesh; first patent; first use; mesh count; new mesh, cleaning process print medium, removal; repairs; stains, removal; strength
Silk-screen print, see Serigraphs
Simon, Samuel
Sizing, removal from fabrics
Soap flakes, paint additive
Spain, prehistoric stencils
Spray painting
Spun rayon, printing on
Squeegees: blades; cardboard, construction from; commercial types available; handles, removable; storage; use
Stainless steel fabric screen mesh
Stair gauges
Starch resist, Nigerian textile prints
Steam box, heat-setting fabrics in
Stencil knives
Stencil printing
Stencils: basic types; cutting; floating parts, handling of; history of; Japan, 18th century; number required; types available
Sternberg, Harry
Stove enamel blockout resist
Swan, Sir Joseph W.
Taoist symbols, stencil motifs
Techniques, importance of
Tempera paint: mixing of, formula; powdered, chalk print with
Textile design: Art Deco; color experience; contemporary culture and creativity; during printing process; fashion industry print revival, 1960s Fiji Islands, prehistoric stencils; ideas, recording; materials and tools, possibilities and limitations problems, approaches to; protection of; stencil designs, early 20th century
Textile printing, generally: Chinese stenciled silks; intaglio printing; Nigeria; pre- and post-World War I methods; relief printing.
Textile printing, screen-process: color runs, methods; discharge process fabrics receptive to; future of;
glueing fabric to printing board; introduction large plants, printing methods; long rolls of fabric; methods; number of printers; one-color print, production method; paper stencils, value in; photo-emulsion resist; printing board; printing frame; screen mesh count used; screens, number used; short lengths of fabric; spacing pattern; squeegee strokes; wet design units, protection
Textiles, printed: artist’s self-evaluationcopyrighting; display of; drying; exhibition of; identification of, method; laundering; record-keeping by designer; sale of; storage of
Textured effects
Tibran Cave, handprints in
Tissue paper, use for stencil
Tobacco cloth, printing on
Toile de Jouy
T plate, metal
Transparent toner colors
Tusche and glue stencil
Varnish, mixing
Velonis, Anthony
Ventilation, workshop
Voile, printing on
Wall hangings, printed textiles
Wallpaper: Art Deco; photographic screen-process printing; screen-process printing; stencil designs, early 20th century
Warsager, Hyman
Washout resist
Water damage hazards: paper stencils; photo-emulsion resist
Water-soluble commercial blockout, removal
Water-soluble cut-film stencils
Wax crayon, blockout resist
Wax emulsions, liquid, blockout resist
Waxy papers as resists
Wood-block prints
Wooden printing frames
Workshop: cleaning area; storage of media and chemicals; ventilation
Yuzen style of stencil-making
Zigrosser, Carl