
Acha, Maria Alejandra Rodriguez xiii

activism 25, 601

visual 58

Adani mine 108, 11011

African Americans 589

agricultural workers 667

air travel 1923

Aitken Read, Lucy 206, 20912

Akter, Kalpona 524

Argentina, mothers 257

Arpilleristas 27

Australian Greens 118

Australian Youth Climate Coalition (AYCC) 108, 110, 131, 1334

award ceremonies 645

Babauta, Leo 196

Bangladesh, workers 456, 534

Barker, Andrew 1804

Becker, Joshua 1956

Beirut 1645

Benetton 46

Berner, Jeff 173

Bjelke-Petersen, Sir Joh 118

Black Friday sales 186

Bland, Bob 7

Boeve, May 98, 1002, 103

Boko Haram campaign 56

Boomerang Alliance 141

Bordo, Susan 5

Bouazizi, Mohamed 578

BP 93

Braungart, Michael 1934

Brown, Bob 108, 109

Bruno, Dave 1978

Burke, Tarana 63, 69, 734

Byrne, James 98

Camp Out 423

capitalism 1901

carbon dioxide 889, 912, 94, 138

carbon pricing 1056

Casting Off My Womb (performance) 31, 32, 345

Chamberlain, Libby 7

Chapman, Amanda 1678, 1701, 1757, 179

charity stores 1889

child labour 55

Chile 27

Christmas sales 1856

cigarette butts 148

Clean Bin Project (documentary) 1578

Clean Clothes Campaign 40

Clemente, Rosa 69

climate change 87, 94, 958, 1023, 1378

protests 1023, 1067, 124

Clinton, Hillary 56, 7


excess 188, 189

production 189

recycling 189

upcycling 49, 146

Clymer, Charlotte 723

coalmining xii, 86, 108, 11015

compost 2012

consumerism 192

conversation changes 589

Cook, Ian 50

coral 139

Corbett, Sarah 3740, 42

Corin, Jaclyn 128, 129

Country Women’s Association of Western Australia xi

Coyle, Kat 4, 9, 11, 21

Coyote, Peter 173, 174

Craft Cartel 33

crafting 9, 278

craftivism 21, 223, 31, 389

projects 2535

Craftivist Collective 38

credit card debt 1867

Crenshaw, Kimberlé 589

Cronkite, Walter 82

cross-stitch 245, 38

Cruz, Nikolas 128

CSIRO 95, 98

dams 10810

Davis, Angela 8

de Blasio, Bill 99

de Castro, Orsola 47, 48, 501

de Rothschild, David 14950

DeBris, Marina 1489

debt 1867

declutterers 197200

deforestation 901

Deming, Barbara 27

Denniss, Richard 190, 192, 1967

Derr, Holly 13

Devi, Amrita 83

Dia, Mark 137

Diggers 1735

discrimination 701, 75

Ditty, Sarah 50

Dombrovskis, Peter 110

Dove, Sophie 138, 139

Duggan, Joe 97, 98

dumpster divers 178

Earth Day 802, 834

Ebbesmeyer, Curtis 151

Eddo-Lodge, Reni 59, 60

Eiseley, Loren 42

environmentalism 824

Fahey, Rayna 33

Fahrer, Jerome 111


ethical 37, 41, 504

see also clothing

Fashion Revolution campaign 4752

Fashion Transparency Index 512

First Nations people 83

Firth, Livia 49

fishing industry 1378

Flannery, Tim 87, 89, 136, 138, 140

fluorinated gases 91


foraging 178

growing 17984

waste 1758

Food Waste Feast 178

FoodShare 179

Foreman, Amanda 56

fossil fuels 90, 967, 99100

fracking 88

Franklin River, Tasmania 10810

Free Stores 1745

freegan 177

Fresco, Jacque 1745

frugal movement 1737

Fuller Craft Museum, New England 13

Gaia hypothesis 215

Gandy, Imani 5

garbage 1646

in oceans 150, 1523

garment workers 37, 456, 534

gay marriage debate 43

Global Footprint Network 192

global warming 945, 99, 100

Goldberg, Michelle 56

Golden Globes 65, 6970

González, Emma 125, 129, 130

government, letters to 301

Great Barrier Reef 140

Green Carpet Challenge 49

green movement 824

Greenfield, Rob 1634

greenhouse gases 889, 902

Greer, Betsy 215, 27, 29

Greer, Germaine 334

gross domestic product (GDP) 18990

Grow Free 17980, 181, 182, 1834

guerilla kindness projects 2930

guerilla knitters 28

guns 1258

Hall, Kate 2015

Hamilton, Clive 30, 96

Hamnett, Katharine 50

Hanna, Kathleen 24

Hansen, James 92, 100

Hansson, Pat 11516

happiness 1967

Hardoon, Deborah 191

Haskell, David George 83, 91

Hawken, Paul 10

Hayes, Denis 81

Head, Lesley 96

Heartland Institute 967

Heimans, Jeremy 123

Hemmings, Chris 756

Heron Island trip 1357, 1389

Hoegh-Guldberg, Ove 139

Hogg, David 128, 129, 131

Hollywood 68

homophobia 434

houses, tiny 16771

Houshmand-Howell, Roxanne 50

Howard, John 323

Hughes, Lesley 95, 978

human trafficking 567

Hutton, Drew 11718

immigration 1920

Inconvenience Store 1479

India 1589

inequality 1901

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 8990, 91, 967

Invasion Day rally 5960

Isaacs, Natalie 145

Jackson, Tim 1912

Jayaraman, Saru 602, 645, 69

Jenkins, Casey 31, 323, 345

Johnson, Béa 1612

Jones, Rashida 678

Joy of Knitting, Tennessee 13

Judd, Ashley 66

Juliana, Kelsey 124

Kamikatsu, Japan 1601, 175

Kasky, Cameron 128, 12930

Keeling, Charles David 92

Khanna, Parag 90

King, Billie Jean 70

Klein, Naomi 82, 86, 87, 88

Knight, Heather 50

Knit the City 28

Knitta Please 28

knitting 810, 11, 12, 20, 289

knitting circles 910

Knitting Nannas Against Gas 22

Kondo, Marie 199200

Krey, John 113

Lake Pedder 109

language usage xiv

Larasi, Marai 70

Lawrence, Calina 70

Lee, Kirsten 412, 44

Leiserowitz, Anthony 95

letters to government 301

listening 5960

Little, Daisy 423

Little Knittery, Los Angeles 4, 9, 12

Lock the Gate Alliance 11617, 118, 120

tour 111

loneliness xii

Lothian, Sayraphim 2931

McAlpin, Mark 113

MacArthur, Dame Ellen 193

Macdonald, Anne L. 9

McDonough, William 1934

McGagh, Michelle 173

McGowan, Rose 68, 76

McKenzie, Amanda 131, 1334

McKibben, Bill 99100, 101, 1023

Mackinley, Eva 143

McLaughlin, AnneMaree 11314

McMahon, Ellen 41

McMillan, Tracie 177

Macpherson-Rice, Breana 1045, 106, 107

Mallory, Tamika 8, 13

Mann, Michael 98

March for Our Lives 126, 127, 128, 130

marches xixii, xiii, 1, 34, 78, 30, 39

marine-protection groups 1401

Marsh, Scott 43

Martinez, Itzcuauhtli 124

Martinez, Xiuhtezcatl 1234

Matamoros, Giuliana 130

Mazursky, Erin 48

Me Too campaign 73, 745

Meyerson, Collier 14

Milano, Alyssa 723

Millennial Impact Project 1223

Millennials 1213

minimalism 196200

minimalists 1956


coal xii, 86, 108, 11015

definition 116

protests 11416, 11819

Minney, Safia 50

Minter, Adam 165

Mirzoeff, Nicholas 57, 58

Missoni 12

Mock, Brentin 82

Monbiot, George 187

money 1723

Mongolia 204, 2056

Moody, Sherele 44

Moore, Charles 14950

Morgan, Andrew 50

Morley, Elizabeth 104, 1056

Moss, Tara 767

mothers in Argentina 257

mountains 867

mountaintop removal coalmining 86

movements 62

Muir, John 82

Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences, Sydney 13

National Farmworker Women’s Alliance 667

National Geographic 140

National Sustainable Living Festival 15960

Nelson, Gaylord 80, 83, 84

Nicklason, Aoife 1067

Nicodemus, Ryan 1989, 200

Nunez, Jackie 142

oceans 1378, 140

plastic pollution 150, 1523

oil 87

organising 60

Otten, Cathy 56

Oxfam Australia 54

OzHarvest 176, 179

Pachacuti 467

Pankhurst, Sylvia 16

Pantsuit Nation (Facebook group) 7

Parks, Rosa 712

Parry, Martine 50

Paul, Alice 1516

Peabody Energy 118

Perez, Carmen xiii, 8

performances 312

Peyser, Eve 72

Planning Assessment Commission, NSW 114, 115

Plastic Free July 154, 155

plastic packaging 1413, 150, 151, 1545, 2023

plastic production 151

Plastiki (boat) 150

Poehler, Amy 645, 69

Poo, Ai-jen 6970

power, confronting 60, 623

Primark 378, 40, 46

Prince-Ruiz, Rebecca 1545


age of 1203

fines 116

young 1245, 12834


climate change 1023, 1067

forms of 36

marches xixii, xiii, 1, 34, 78, 30, 39

mining 11416, 11819

Pussyhat Project 1112, 13

pussyhats 4, 1115, 39

quilts, appliquéd 27

racism 59, 701

Ramírez, Mónica 69

Rana Plaza garment factory 456

Ravelry 12

recycling 154, 155, 1656

clothing 189

Rees, Emma 31

renewable energy 989

restaurant industry 602

Restaurant Opportunities Centers (ROC) United 602

Reyes, Sarah 77

Reynolds, Michael 208

Rhoads, Erin 15660

Rifkin, Jeremy 194

right to vote 1517

Rio Tinto 11415

Rose, Anna 1313, 134

Ruffalo, Mark 125

Russell, Cameron 66, 7880

Ryan, Erin Gloria 7

Saint George mural 434

Sakano, Akira 161

Salvos charity stores 1889

Sarsour, Linda 8

Sayeg, Magda 28

scarves 267

Schneemann, Carolee 312

school shooting incidents 12530

Schwarz, Ariana 161, 162, 163, 164

self-sufficiency 17984, 20612

sexual harassment 6570

Shafer, Jay 170

Shah, Afroz 1401

Sharp, Gene 36

Shook, Teresa 7

shop-drops 401

shopping 1857

Siegle, Lucy 49

Silence Breakers 75

Silverwood, Tim 1504

Singer, Fred 96

Singer, Lauren 162, 163

Skinner, Lyliah 130

slavery 556

Smiles, Bev 118

Snook, Margaret 27

social movements 623

Somers, Carry 45, 467, 50

Spark, Harriet 142, 1436

St Félix, Doreen 72

Steinem, Gloria xiii, 8

Step It Up 1023

Stiglitz, Joseph 18990, 192

Stone, Emma 70

Stop Adani Alliance 108

Stop the Traffik 567

straws 1424

Streep, Meryl 70

suffragettes 1517

Suh, Krista 4, 67, 9, 10, 1112

Summers, Anne 13, 1415, 1718

sustainability 1934

see also self-sufficiency

Taggart, Uncle Kevin 11516

Take 3 153

Target 54

Tarrow, Sidney 62

Tasmanian Wilderness Society 108, 109, 110

Tate Britain 923

Taylor, Dorceta 83

Taylor, Recy 701

Telford, Amelia 83

temperature rises 8990, 138

tents 204, 2056

Thoreau, Henry David 16970 103, 120

TIME magazine 12, 75

Time’s Up Now campaign 656, 68

tiny house on wheels (THOW) 1679, 1701

Tlaskal, George 113, 114, 115

Trashbag Rehab 33

tree huggers 823

Trump, Donald J. 23, 1920, 39

Tunick, Spencer 8, 10

Twilight Taggers 28

United Nations climate change conference 934

upcycling, clothing 49, 146

Victoria and Albert Museum, London 1213

Villaflor, Azucena 256

visual activism 58

voids 112

volunteers 121


garment workers 54

restaurant industry 612

Walker, Lester 169

Wamsler, Christine 214

Wangan and Jagalingou Family Council 111

Warkworth Sands Woodlands 11516


dumped 1646

food 1758

in oceans 150, 1523

plastic packaging 1413, 150, 151, 1545, 2023

reducing 15663

straws 1424

Watson, Emma 70

Weiner, Kate 163

Weinstein, Harvey 656

Welcome Blanket 201

wellbeing 1912

Whipple, Jocelyn 49

Wilderness Society 120

Williams, Michelle 69

Wilpinjong mine 11819

Winfrey, Oprah 701, 72

Winstanley, Gerrard 173

Wolf, Naomi 9

Woman’s Manifesto 1718

Women’s Electoral Lobby 13

Women’s March protests xiii, 1, 34, 78, 39

women’s movements 17

women’s rights, campaigns 1517

Woodley, Shailene 70

yarn bombing 289

Yarn Corner 28

Yezidi women 56

You Are So Very Beautiful project 29

yurts 204, 2056

Zara 40

zero-waste advocates 1623

Zweiman, Jayna 45, 89, 1011, 1314, 1921