
ahimsa non-violence

ashram a religious community

ayurvedic pertaining to ancient Indian medicine

Ba Gujarati for ‘mother,’ often used of Kasturba

Bania merchants and traders, a subsection of the Vaishya caste of commoners, the third-highest caste after Brahmins and Kshatriyas

Bapu Gujarati for ‘father,’ often used of Gandhi

brahmachari a celibate

brahmacharya literally, living in the Brahman, the absolute; in ordinary usage, celibacy, which is considered essential for attainment of that state

Brahmin a member of the highest caste, a priest

charkha a wheel for hand-spinning yarn

darshan a sanctified vision (seekers after darshan gain spiritual merit by gazing on an exalted person)

dharma duty in life, particularly spiritual duty

dhoti a cloth worn by Indian men around the waist

guru a personal spiritual leader

Harijan children of God,’ a name given to untouchables by Gandhi

hartal a strike

karma the law of transcendental retribution; a person’s actions determining his or her spiritual future

khadi hand-spun cloth

Khilafat the ‘Caliphate,’ or sovereignty over the holy places of Islam, claimed by the Ottoman Empire

ki jai victory to, as in ‘Mahatma Gandhi ki jai’

Kshatriya a member of the second-highest, or warrior, caste

lathi a long stick used by police to keep order

Mahatma great soul

malish an oil massage

moksha spiritual realisation, release from the cycle of life and death

Mussalman common Indian usage for ‘Muslim’

raj rule

Ram, Rama the name of God

Ramanama the ritual repetition of the name of God

sabha an assembly

sadhu a wandering holy man

sangh an association, a society

satyagraha firmness in the truth, sometimes translated as ‘soul-force’

satyagrahi someone who practises satyagraha

Sudra a member of the lowest caste, a labourer

swadeshi home produce (cloth etc.)

swaraj self-government, home rule

vakil pleader in court

yajna sacrifice