
After having stretched our thinking and awareness in many different directions we are now bringing it back to ourselves. This part looks at how we can make sense of our future and move towards it. This book is about change and action, thinking anew and taking responsibility. The design web from Part 1 provides a support framework during this process of transformation. We start with looking at how design is a tool for manifesting our visions. We then look at each anchor point of the design web in turn and the opportunities it presents with some hints and ideas on how to apply it and the most common connections between them.

Manifestation through design

Design is a vehicle for manifesting our dreams. Design can help us to know what we want and to be clear in that vision. When we have clarity of intent, are willing to invest time and energy and can hold the dream and breathe life into it, then the vision can manifest into reality.

This is a call to step into the new, into the unknown and to make changes in your life. This is a place of power and potential. Engaging in the design is exercising the power of choice, the decision of where to direct our energies and resources. It is making a commitment and trusting in the decision.

We manifest things all the time: we want a sandwich and we take clear, decisive steps. We want a forest garden and we do a design, acquire the plants and plant the trees; we can make it happen. If we want to have a healthy diet, we can vision what it would look like for ourselves and make the steps necessary for that to happen. When we are not sure what we want then our dreams can get caught in our everyday lives and not move anywhere. We can be like hamsters in the wheel, not knowing when and how to get off.

Nature is the ultimate expert in manifestation. When we want to manifest our dreams we need to create the right soil conditions for seeds to germinate. There is a balance between trusting in the process and encouraging things to happen.

To manifest our dreams we need to keep the big vision in mind and do the legwork. Building a house is done brick by brick, writing a book happens word by word, getting fit happens with regular exercise... Daily reminders and action keep us on track, while the bigger picture lures us forward. Often what are perceived as sudden changes from the outside are the result of thinking, planning and dreaming time.

We need to trust that what we are bringing into reality is for the greater good. The overall aim of permaculture design is to further the three ethics.

We can use permaculture design to take us where we want to go and weave abundance into every aspect of our lives.

Design web

What to design

The first thing to do is to decide what you would like to design. It is useful to give yourself some parameters to the design, even though every system is linked with other systems, otherwise you could end up trying to tackle everything and feeling overwhelmed.

With bigger projects a common problem is the feeling of being unable to complete one design because other related designs are not done and these will impact on the first design. And so people are caught in a catch 22 of inaction and their thinking stalls. Designs do influence each other and we can design a flow of communication between the designs, enabling us to respond to changes and move us beyond paralysis.

Often we are not starting from scratch; there is already a system in place that needs upgrading. Sometimes, rather than just tweaking the system, it is useful to put assumptions and habits to one side and design from first principles.

A good design activity to begin with, is wherever you are losing energy. This could be time, money, emotional energy, or how your house is organised. Most of us subconsciously know where this is. If you are unsure start with keeping a diary for a week of your energy leaks, like Suzi High did for her zone 00 design.

The anchor points

The design web is an active, dynamic and creative process. It is intuitive, holistic, engaging and participatory. New ideas and insights come from just writing things down and thinking in a systematic way. We gain more insights from making connections with what we already know. Ideas float to the surface. The design web creates new pathways for change that might have been there already, just overgrown, like the neural pathways that wiggle each toe separately. Observation is key throughout; we can observe ourselves through the process.

Each anchor point is a system by itself as well as connecting with all the others. The whole design web is connected and information and ideas are flowing around. You can start the design web wherever feels appropriate. All of the activities in the book have built up our experience in designing and have given us different ways of approaching the anchor points. Some of the activities have related to more than one anchor point, demonstrating there are fuzzy edges between them, each one can connect to more than one other, and flow into another. From each one there are different directions we can face. It is like learning a new dance, from each anchor point there are steps we can take into another anchor point, and once you know a few of the basic moves you can adapt it to your own pace and style. Some people may like to spend time slowly delving deeper for insights, others may like to hop about quickly gathering initial thoughts.

We will now look at each anchor point in turn highlighting the opportunities it holds, some hints on how to approach it and a few options for possible next steps.

The expressive phase of the child




Steps to other anchor points




Steps to other anchor points




Steps to other anchor points

The exploratory phase of the apprentice




Steps to other anchor points




Steps to other anchor points




Steps to other anchor points

The productive phase of the adult




Steps to other anchor points




Steps to other anchor points




Steps to other anchor points

The reflective phase of the elder




Steps to other anchor points




Steps to other anchor points




Steps to other anchor points

The work on the design web continues. Each stage has growing edges, and we are designing living systems that continue to evolve, requiring us to be responsive to change. Over time some of the information on the anchor points may fall away like petals, making way for the current situation. The design and the system that is being designed are not separate. They are like our thinking and actions, one follows the other and back again.

We can move on to other systems we wish to design. As our effectiveness increases we are more able to engage with others. There are limitless opportunities for design.

Designs can be on the back of an envelope – for a quick focus and shift in direction and pace – or a lifetime’s engagement with change and renewal processes, and of course anything in between. Through experience we may move to an intuitive design process woven into our daily lives.

Design is an invitation to experiment, play, enjoy and welcome the stimulation of applying yourself to creating solutions.