After having stretched our thinking and awareness in many different directions we are now bringing it back to ourselves. This part looks at how we can make sense of our future and move towards it. This book is about change and action, thinking anew and taking responsibility. The design web from Part 1 provides a support framework during this process of transformation. We start with looking at how design is a tool for manifesting our visions. We then look at each anchor point of the design web in turn and the opportunities it presents with some hints and ideas on how to apply it and the most common connections between them.
Manifestation through design
Design is a vehicle for manifesting our dreams. Design can help us to know what we want and to be clear in that vision. When we have clarity of intent, are willing to invest time and energy and can hold the dream and breathe life into it, then the vision can manifest into reality.
This is a call to step into the new, into the unknown and to make changes in your life. This is a place of power and potential. Engaging in the design is exercising the power of choice, the decision of where to direct our energies and resources. It is making a commitment and trusting in the decision.
We manifest things all the time: we want a sandwich and we take clear, decisive steps. We want a forest garden and we do a design, acquire the plants and plant the trees; we can make it happen. If we want to have a healthy diet, we can vision what it would look like for ourselves and make the steps necessary for that to happen. When we are not sure what we want then our dreams can get caught in our everyday lives and not move anywhere. We can be like hamsters in the wheel, not knowing when and how to get off.
Nature is the ultimate expert in manifestation. When we want to manifest our dreams we need to create the right soil conditions for seeds to germinate. There is a balance between trusting in the process and encouraging things to happen.
To manifest our dreams we need to keep the big vision in mind and do the legwork. Building a house is done brick by brick, writing a book happens word by word, getting fit happens with regular exercise... Daily reminders and action keep us on track, while the bigger picture lures us forward. Often what are perceived as sudden changes from the outside are the result of thinking, planning and dreaming time.
We need to trust that what we are bringing into reality is for the greater good. The overall aim of permaculture design is to further the three ethics.
We can use permaculture design to take us where we want to go and weave abundance into every aspect of our lives.
Design web
What to design
The first thing to do is to decide what you would like to design. It is useful to give yourself some parameters to the design, even though every system is linked with other systems, otherwise you could end up trying to tackle everything and feeling overwhelmed.
With bigger projects a common problem is the feeling of being unable to complete one design because other related designs are not done and these will impact on the first design. And so people are caught in a catch 22 of inaction and their thinking stalls. Designs do influence each other and we can design a flow of communication between the designs, enabling us to respond to changes and move us beyond paralysis.
Often we are not starting from scratch; there is already a system in place that needs upgrading. Sometimes, rather than just tweaking the system, it is useful to put assumptions and habits to one side and design from first principles.
A good design activity to begin with, is wherever you are losing energy. This could be time, money, emotional energy, or how your house is organised. Most of us subconsciously know where this is. If you are unsure start with keeping a diary for a week of your energy leaks, like Suzi High did for her zone 00 design.
The anchor points
The design web is an active, dynamic and creative process. It is intuitive, holistic, engaging and participatory. New ideas and insights come from just writing things down and thinking in a systematic way. We gain more insights from making connections with what we already know. Ideas float to the surface. The design web creates new pathways for change that might have been there already, just overgrown, like the neural pathways that wiggle each toe separately. Observation is key throughout; we can observe ourselves through the process.
Each anchor point is a system by itself as well as connecting with all the others. The whole design web is connected and information and ideas are flowing around. You can start the design web wherever feels appropriate. All of the activities in the book have built up our experience in designing and have given us different ways of approaching the anchor points. Some of the activities have related to more than one anchor point, demonstrating there are fuzzy edges between them, each one can connect to more than one other, and flow into another. From each one there are different directions we can face. It is like learning a new dance, from each anchor point there are steps we can take into another anchor point, and once you know a few of the basic moves you can adapt it to your own pace and style. Some people may like to spend time slowly delving deeper for insights, others may like to hop about quickly gathering initial thoughts.
We will now look at each anchor point in turn highlighting the opportunities it holds, some hints on how to approach it and a few options for possible next steps.
The expressive phase of the child
- The vision anchor point provides direction; it is at the top of the web, like the North Star.
- This anchor point opens up our imagination and connects us with our dreaming processes.
- This is the time of unboundaried dreaming, to express what abundances we want to create and our ideals; our ideal self, livelihood, family, group and community.
- We can focus on where we want to be and not have to think about how to get there.
- Our vision ignites hope.
- Once voiced we can practice non-attachment to the details of our vision and allow for different things to develop.
- Guided visualisations.
- Any art medium – storytelling, collages, painting – is useful to sidestep our automatic limitations and access our dreaming state.
- Give a timescale for the vision: one, five, ten years from now.
- Tell a story of the place you would like to be.
Steps to other anchor points
- Our vision leads us to the helps – what resources and support we need.
- Our vision will give us some of the functions/needs for the integration anchor point.
- We can think about what limits we have in getting there.
- We can overcome our modesty and value what we have. Our internal resources include our skills, knowledge and abilities; our stamina, courage, kindness and joy. Our sense of humour and thoughtfulness can see us through challenging times.
- Within a group of people there are many internal resources. We can honour the experience of others and qualities that they bring.
- Thinking about external resources that we can access opens up our feelings of support.
- Connecting with the reasons why we want change provides incentives.
- Highlighting our motivations shows us where our passions and enthusiasms are. This is where the energy is that we can work and flow with.
- Skills audit.
- We can think about the abilities we have in each of the multiple intelligences.
- Identify transferable skills from other areas of life.
- Plant real seeds to represent each of the resources we have and watch them grow.
Steps to other anchor points
- The helps we have influence the action anchor point and the timescales we are able to give.
- What resources and support do we have to keep up momentum?
- We may need to take a pause to reassess our motivations.
- A chance to recognise energy leaks, concerns, emotional ties, and individual and cultural beliefs.
- Acknowledging these influences allows us to design around them, otherwise they are like hidden wires tripping us up or holding us back.
- We can voice concerns, from the ridiculous and fanciful to the mundane and predictable. Hearing other people’s concerns helps to gain perspective and reassurance. Highlighting potential problems allows us to begin putting strategies in place in case they happen.
- The limits in our design may be things that are pulling us off route. This gives us a chance to say ‘no’ because we are saying ‘yes’ to something else.
- We have the opportunity to revisit this anchor point as the limits in our system change over time.
- Honesty and awareness are foundations of this anchor point.
- Recognising the edges of our comfort zones and the resistance that there may be to moving out of it.
- Imagine a plant growing – what weeds would you need to take out around it?
- We can use objects to represent the different limits.
- Interruption-free space to talk is valuable.
Steps to other anchor points
- We can look to our helps and see if there are any resources that could be used to extend our limits.
- We could be aware of any patterns of thinking, behaving and interacting that are holding us back or patterns we may have around change itself.
- Finding ways to extend our limits become functions of the integration anchor point.
The exploratory phase of the apprentice
- This anchor point represents an edge in the design between what is and what could be. What old patterns would we like to let go of and what new ones would we like to create in our lives?
- We can identify patterns in our life that are directly influencing the design. Patterns of thinking, behaviour and interaction and spirals of erosion.
- We can take a long view of the patterns at play, encouraging us to solve the problem from a bigger perspective. Instead of just finding solutions to fit the current situation, we seek ones that will endure.
- We can engage in possible solutions and look for sources of inspiration and useful patterns that could be adapted and replicated.
- We can select from all of our life’s experience for information and patterns that we can use in this context. The patterns of thinking, behaviour and interaction that led us to our previous success. The patterns of procrastination and arguments that we want to avoid.
- We can look at natural processes, cycles and rhythms to find functional patterns that can provide useful metaphors for our design.
- Throughout our lives we use a multitude of tools and methods. Are there some that we use in other areas of our lives that could be of use here? Can we transfer ways of working and thinking into a new situation?
- We can take patterns of scientific research, spiritual wisdom, time management, parenting strategies, organisational structures ... to give us ideas.
- Keeping a biotime diary helps us to tune into our own patterns.
Steps to other anchor points
- This can lead us to appreciation of ourselves for the positive patterns and previous successes in our lives
- How can we use our patterns to create momentum?
- What ideas do we have from these patterns?
- We have the opportunity to let our imagination and creativity flow.
- This anchor point captures the sparks of inspiration, seeds of ideas and glimpses of solutions. They do not need to be fully formed or well thought through.
- We are invited to think beyond the mundane and obvious, to move out of our old habits and discover new things. The ideas can be silly, wacky, and ambitious.
- Every voice can be heard and all ideas captured. Ideas that pop into your head when you are in other stages can be held here.
- A chance to give ideas time to brew, evolve, adapt.
- The ideas may come through research or from bouncing off other people
- Free yourselves from any screening or analysis of ideas
- Mind mapping
- Use random stimuli around you
Steps to other anchor points
- What ideas could you add to your vision?
- Can these ideas be brought into the design in the integration anchor point?
- We could generate ideas for different ways of showing appreciation.
- Using the principles is like throwing in a fishing line; sometimes we will get something useful, sometimes nothing and sometimes something unexpected.
- They can be used to generate more ideas or to analyse existing ideas.
- We can use them to help us with our action plans, or to question our needs.
- The principles will help us to root the ideas we want and discard inappropriate courses of action.
- They can be used to reflect on a problem.
- You could choose one principle as an anchor for the design, a reminder to keep the focus.
- Use them as a way of choosing between options.
- Pick one at random and see what it stimulates.
- Use the self-reflection questions for each principle discussed earlier.
Steps to other anchor points
- The principles can generate ideas and also be used to check to see if ideas fit with them.
- The principles can help with choosing priorities in the action anchor point. For example obtain a yield may encourage us to find actions that will give us quick yields.
- We can use the principles to keep us on track and maintain momentum.
The productive phase of the adult
- We are finding ways of how to reach our vision and designing the pathway there.
- We firstly require the functions or the needs – what are we actually trying to achieve with the design? What are the key themes and priorities? Breaking it down into manageable and usable chunks.
- We think about what systems we could put in place that would fulfil these functions.
- We are able to work the other way and think about the ideas we have and what needs they would meet, to help us determine the value of implementing them.
- We can create flows of energy between the systems so they can enhance and support each other. Like a net, the more connections there are the stronger and more stable the whole system is.
- The first step is to gather up all the information we have so far, and process it into something usable.
- In this anchor point we move to making decisions.
- Find at least three ways of meeting each of the functions, designing back-ups into our system – multiple elements for important functions.
- For each system think of three needs that it can meet – many yields for each function.
- Draw a web to make and examine the links and flows between systems. How do the inputs and outputs of one system relate to another?
Steps to other anchor points
- We can visit the ideas anchor point for options of how to fulfil the needs.
- We need to move to the action anchor point to establish priorities and timescales.
- What on-going maintenance do these systems need to keep momentum?
- We can gain clarity over what we have to put in and what we are hoping to get out.
- Our inputs include the time needed and any resources such as skills, materials, money and information.
- What are the yields we are expecting to get out of the actions? And what is the timescale for these yields?
- This is a chance to set up a pattern of success by creating achievable action plans. Expressing when things need to happen will soon highlight clashes or overburdens.
- There is a balance to be had between incremental changes and shocking the system into a new equilibrium. Incremental changes are usually more effective in the long-term; however there are circumstances where it is appropriate to make big jumps.
- From having done the input and output analysis on each of the systems it is easier to make decisions on what the priorities and commitments are going to be. A useful principle is minimum effort for maximum effect. What small things can we do that will have big effects? These are beneficial places to start.
- We might start to identify dependencies, things that we have to do before we can do something else.
- We can use post-it notes on a timeline as a flexible planning tool.
- The key here is to create a plan of action that is achievable, realistic, engaging, adaptable, motivating and easy to follow.
Steps to other anchor points
- The timescales need to be appropriate to the resources available in the helps anchor point.
- We need to check our action plan is in proportion to the limits.
- We can design in times for the pauses we need to rejuvenate ourselves.
- We are encouraged to keep at something for long enough for it to pay dividends. Trees do not grow overnight, nor does our fitness or healthy relationships. Being patient with the natural processes makes the most of our efforts.
- We are not just carrying out one action hoping for change, we are creating new ways of being and building systems that become part of the fabric of our lives.
- At first when we exercise our muscles can be sore. Likewise starting anything new can be a strain at first and we need strategies for pushing us through the physical or psychological resistance to change.
- As we gain momentum things become easier and our capacities increase. Like a swing we can go higher and higher. We can utilise the momentum for other changes within the design and for future designs.
- Keeping it fun and engaging for everyone builds momentum.
- Sometimes we will start something and then realise that we need to take a step sideways or backwards before we can properly start, akin to weeding and preparing the ground before planting.
- Have clear aims, create milestones to navigate with and celebrate progress made.
- The new systems to put in place may require daily, weekly, seasonal, and yearly maintenance. Identifying these up front will ensure that you don’t take on more than you can maintain. Make your commitments realistic.
- Sustaining momentum requires keeping to the agreements you make with yourself and others.
Steps to other anchor points
- If we are struggling to keep momentum we can return to the limits. They can change over time and we can be making good progress and hit new and unexpected limiting factors.
- Is our momentum still connected with our vision and moving us towards it?
- Are our pauses appropriately timed so we keep rather than lose momentum?
The reflective phase of the elder
- It is important to recognise and value the efforts that have been made by everyone involved, and appreciate the support and resources we have used from outside of our system, both human and natural. Taking time to show our gratitude opens up our hearts as well as our minds.
- Appreciation is a need within all of us; meeting this need is motivating and stimulating.
- We can be appreciative of ourselves and others being active in the process; for our thoughts, ideas and honesty; for our visions and dreams and willingness to change; and for our connections and ability to work together. Appreciate the new neurons that have been created and patterns that have shifted.
- This is a time for sharing what we enjoyed and are continuing to enjoy.
- We can celebrate our yields. Perhaps there have been unexpected ripples of our actions and bubbles of joy to share.
- Our celebrations can be planned in advance – rewards to look forward to – that bring everyone together with fun and laughter. The celebrations can be used to mark achievements and decisions and remind us of the journey we have embarked upon.
- We can write messages of appreciation to ourselves, family or group members.
- Harvest festivals are a traditional way of sharing our yields and giving thanks. Perhaps we can find a way of adapting this idea to the yields we gain.
Steps to other anchor points
- Positive emotions and celebrations encourage us to maintain and increase momentum.
- This anchor point links with the helps. The yields we recognise and value will provide further motivations for change.
- We can show appreciation for the action we have taken.
- A chance to listen to the ripples of our actions.
- Focusing on the periphery can give us as much information as paying attention to the centre.
- We can reflect on the emergent qualities of our design. What unexpected things are happening?
- Identify and invite feedback from other sources.
- Evaluate our successes and challenges; what has worked well, what has been challenging and what needs tweaking.
- We can create specific times and routes for formal feedback, using methods such as PMI and Six Thinking Hats.
- Keeping a journal allows informal reflections to be recorded.
- Reflect on the process of designing for future designs.
- Create open-ended questions to ask everyone involved.
Steps to other anchor points
- What extra detail can we add to our vision as we get closer to it?
- What patterns have we noticed?
- We can revisit our action anchor point and see if it needs to be updated and if it is realistic.
- This anchor point is important to recharge batteries.
- Building in times of rest and rejuvenation is beneficial for self-care and nurturing relationships.
- If you are feeling overwhelmed, low in energy or feel you are getting little out for the effort you are putting in, then it is time to pause.
- Sometimes a break from the process is needed to distance yourself, or a chance to let things cool down if it’s getting heated between people.
- Here the pause is a conscious break. Time to refresh with a cup of tea, walk, fresh air or game. Healthy energisers to reinvigorate us.
- Times of celebration with group members.
- Times of no structure, times to just be and see what emerges.
Steps to other anchor points
- Ideas can bubble up when we have time off.
- During pauses we can replenish and access our internal resources and revisit our helps anchor point.
- Pauses give us space to clarify our vision.
The work on the design web continues. Each stage has growing edges, and we are designing living systems that continue to evolve, requiring us to be responsive to change. Over time some of the information on the anchor points may fall away like petals, making way for the current situation. The design and the system that is being designed are not separate. They are like our thinking and actions, one follows the other and back again.
We can move on to other systems we wish to design. As our effectiveness increases we are more able to engage with others. There are limitless opportunities for design.
Designs can be on the back of an envelope – for a quick focus and shift in direction and pace – or a lifetime’s engagement with change and renewal processes, and of course anything in between. Through experience we may move to an intuitive design process woven into our daily lives.
Design is an invitation to experiment, play, enjoy and welcome the stimulation of applying yourself to creating solutions.