Other titles from Permanent Publications

Permaculture Design cover

Permaculture Design: A Step by Step Guide

This ebook explains the permaculture design process in detail, and is based on course worksheets which have been designed, refined and tested on students over time.

Permaculture in a Nutshell cover

Permaculture in a Nutshell

A concise and accessible introduction to the principles and practice of permaculture in temperate climates – in the city, the country and on the farm.

Plants for a Future

Plants for a Future

Describing edible and other useful plants, both native to Britain and Europe and from temperate areas around the world, includes herbs, vegetables, flowers, shrubs and trees suitable for: ornamental gardens, lawns, shady areas, ponds, walls, hedges, agroforestry and conservation. This pioneering ebook takes gardening, conservation and ecology into a new dimension.

Sepp Holzer's Permaculture

Sepp Holzer's Permaculture

Sepp offers a wealth of information for the gardener, smallholder or alternative farmer yet the book’s greatest value is the attitudes it teaches. He reveals the thinking processes based on principles found in nature that create his productive systems. These can be applied anywhere.

Roundwood Timber Framing

Roundwood Timber Framing

Filled with detailed colour photographs and drawings, this unique and practical 'how to' ebook will unquestionably be a benchmark for sustainable green building.

Meat ebook

Meat: A Benign Extravagance

At its heart, the ebook argues that the farming of animals for consumption has become problematic because we have removed ourselves physically and spiritually from the land.

Grounds for Hope cover

Grounds for Hope: Ways to Live Legally on Cheap Land in the UK

Grounds for Hope is the result of years of research by Chrissie Sugden into the options for people wanting to live legally on land without formal planning permission.

Find Your Power cover

Find Your Power: a Toolkit for Resilience and Positive Change

Find Your Power describes how to strengthen your ability to bring about positive change. Drawing on insights from addictions recovery, positive psychology and holistic science, it includes proven strategies for improving mood, building strengths and increasing effectiveness.

Earth Care Manual cover

Earth Care Manual: a Permaculture Handbook for Britain and other Temperate Climates

This ebook offers a vision of a sustainable future and the practical steps we can take towards it. Written by one of world’s foremost teachers and practitioners of temperate permaculture, it explains in depth how to apply permaculture to any situation, from the smallest of buildings and apartments, to houses, gardens, orchards, farms and woodlands.

DIY 12 Volt Solar Power cover

DIY 12 Volt Solar Power

If you want to introduce alternative power supplies around the house and garden or even live totally off-grid in your boat, caravan or yurt and need a practical introduction to solar power and 12 volt supplies, here is the essential guide to the subject.

Tipi Living cover

Tipi Living

A guide to all aspects of tipi living: choosing, pitching, maintaining, moving, fire-making, furnishing and cooking in a tipi.

Birthrites cover

Birthrites: Rituals and Celebrations for the Childbearing Years

Encouraging us to create our own celebrations and rituals around the subject of conception, birth, naming, adoption and also loss. Inspiring and inclusive, it helps us to mark significant events with families and community, as well as more intimate private moments.

The Alternative Kitchen Garden cover

The Alternative Kitchen Garden: An A-Z

The Alternative Kitchen Garden is an evolving idea of what a kitchen garden could be in the twenty first century – organic, environmentally sustainable, resilient and about relocalising at least some of our food production. It's also a place not only for learning and practising growing skills but for enjoying ourselves and having fun.