
Since the beginning of the civilized world, enlightened ones have taught that prosperity is a part of the natural process of life, and that lavish abundance is the unquestionable nature of each individual. And through the centuries, countless men and women accepted this truth, realized the law of infinite plenty within, and moved above the illusion of scarcity into the reality of unlimited wealth. They proved for themselves that the energy of abundance is constantly radiating from the Source within and flowing out to appear as money and financial well-being.

What one has done, all can do. The secret is to be aware of this unfailing principle, to understand that lack is simply the outpicturing of false beliefs, and to know that as you make the correction in consciousness, you will become a channel for the activity of ever-expanding affluence in your life.

The purpose of this book is to provide you with an easy-to-read collection of prosperity ideas for quick study and reference. You can refer to it throughout the day to remind you that you are the wealth of the Universe individualized—and that the only limitations you have are the ones you’ve imposed upon yourself. In Part I, the message of prosperity is traced through the ages; in Part II, you’ll find The 40-Day Prosperity Plan from my book The Workbook for Self-Mastery, as well as an introduction to the enclosed CD. Part III was written to help you condition your consciousness for a deeper understanding of the energy of money, and Part IV is a prosperity compilation from some of my other books.

This material certainly isn’t the last word on the subject of supply. However, if you practice the principles and dedicate yourself to opening consciousness to the infinite riches within, it won’t be long before you awaken to your Divine inheritance. And with each awakening, more of the error patterns of lack and limitation are erased from the collective consciousness. The good of the whole does begin with each individual.

John Randolph Price
