
From The Superbeings:

The abundant life for each individual is the Will of God. God is the source of all prosperity and is forever providing us with whatever we need in abundant measure. (p. 13)

Money itself won’t necessarily make a person happy, but a prosperity consciousness will bring forth poise, confidence, contentment, peace, joy, and freedom from the fear of lack—in addition to tangible supply. So money without the consciousness for it isn’t our objective. What we want is a spiritual understanding that God is our all-sufficiency of supply in all things. Thus, money becomes a spiritual experience when we work with the principle.

It’s interesting that people who have evolved in consciousness to where they can truly be called Superbeings have little concern for demonstrating supply. And the reason is that they recognize that they’re the boundless wealth of the Universe in expression. They know that they’re related to the One Mind and that this Mind is their inexhaustible Resource. The result? They attract all good things to them in overflowing measure and continually experience the joy of abundant living. They let their minds speak for them, and each consciousness makes its own particular demand on the universal treasury.

How rich can you be? As rich as you think you can be, or as wealthy as your contentment level. However, most people are content in just “getting by,” and if that’s as far as your consciousness can expand, then so be it. You have made that choice. But know that you can achieve the total freedom of financial independence if you choose it and work to uplift your consciousness to accommodate that level of completeness. When Jesus told us to seek the Kingdom, he didn’t say to try for a little bit of the Kingdom or half the Kingdom. He said to go for it in its entirety, to incorporate the total spiritual consciousness of plenty in our hearts. And he said to do this first—and then all things would be added (attracted) to us.

When we realize the presence of God within us, that realization is the spiritual experience … it’s the Kingdom of Heaven (Harmony) within you. And out of this Kingdom—this spiritual consciousness—flows everything that we could desire in this life. (pp. 94–95)

A few prosperity secrets:

1.  Do not tell anyone (not on the spiritual path) that you are working on prosperity from a spiritual-mental approach. If you do, you will break the connection and drain the power building up in and around your new mental equivalent. Secrecy is an absolute essential.

2.  Understand that you are not trying to make anything happen. You are simply releasing the abundance that is already a part of your True Nature. Eliminate all pressure and intensity. Let the substance flow into visibility and experience. Easy does it!

3.  As your good begins to materialize, do not get “puffed up” with spiritual pride. Remember, you are not doing the work. It is spiritual substance that is interpreting itself as the fulfillment of your desires, and you are but a channel for its outpouring.

4.  Critical thoughts and feelings of fear will hold back your good, while a consciousness of love and trust will speed up the flow. Love is the fulfillment of the Law, and Faith is the energy that clears the channel.

5.  Acknowledge the Spirit within as the one Source of abundance—the one Source of your supply. Look only to God for your prosperity.

6.  Do not outline the way your good is to come forth. Let the Spirit surprise you with Its delightful ways of showering you with abundance.

7.  Recognize that it is the Will of God for you to be wealthy. Understand that there is not anything that even resembles lack, limitation, or poverty in His Consciousness. You were born to be rich! You are the offspring of the Infinite Abundance of the Universe.

8.  Do not delay your demonstration by holding in mind the idea of receiving your good “tomorrow.” God works in the now.Now is the accepted time.” If you live in the future, your prosperity will always be one day ahead of you.

9.  Abundance in the physical world is an outpicturing of a prosperity consciousness, so work from within. The higher your consciousness, the greater your prosperity. As above, so below.

10.  Gratitude and thanksgiving are vital ingredients in developing a prosperity consciousness. Nothing opens the door to the Storehouse as quickly as a thankful heart.

11.  You develop a prosperity consciousness by changing your mind—by replacing ideas of lack with ideas of abundance. Spend more time each day thinking about what you want rather than what you do not want. You don’t want lack, so stop thinking about it.

12.  Keep your money circulating. If you hoard it for a rainy day, you may have to spend it on an ark. (pp. 103–104)

From The Manifestation Process:

Always remember that your desires are first fulfilled in consciousness, and then they come forth in the outer world clothed with materiality. So the secret is to be thankful while your good is still invisible! You can’t wait until you possess the visible form to express your gratitude or you will delay the entire process, or perhaps cancel it out altogether. (p. 30)

If you’re out of money, find a way to earn some. Do the best you can—even if it means sweeping floors—while you’re working on a prosperity consciousness. Remember that God always meets us on the level where we are in consciousness, which means that regardlessof whereweare in our spiritual development, God can and will meet our needs. But we also have our part to play as a co-creator. And the greater the sense of separation from the Spirit of God within, the greater the activity on the physical plane must be—with each action dedicated to pleasing your God-Self. (pp. 33–34)

From The Workbook for Self-Mastery:

When you concentrate on the effects of your world, you’re lowering the vibrationof your consciousness. The lower the vibration, the more difficult it is for your good to come forth into manifestation. But when you concentrate on the Spirit-Substance of the Great I AM within you, you’re raising the vibration of your consciousness. Think on this: While your mind could possibly conceive of a limitation of the form, it certainly couldn’t possibly conceive of any limitation in Spirit! (pp. 62–63)

To run around trying to “fix” your world with the consciousness that produced the problem in the first place will only aggravate the situation even more. To change your world, you must change your consciousness. Think of it this way: What you’re experiencing in life are your finite ideas projected into materiality. However, behind what you see is what Spirit sees, and that Infinite Vision constitutes the Reality. What about money? In and around and through your financial affairs is the Truth of lavish abundance, the High Vision of all-sufficiency, overflowing supply to meet every need with plenty to spare and share. If you’re seeing lack, limitation, and insufficiency, you’re looking at the illusion. But as the vibration of your consciousness becomes more spiritual, and you understand that the Spirit within you is appearing as your supply, the shadows of scarcity will dissolve. (pp. 78–79)

Each and every Soul throughout the Universe is a spiritual being—and since my I AM is your I AM, whatever I’m saying about you, I’m saying about me. If I criticize you, I’m criticizing myself. If I see you as poor and weak and unfulfilled, I’m seeing myself as poor and weak and unfulfilled. And what I see or say about myself is conditioning my consciousness accordingly. Because of the way the Law works, if I believe that you’re suffering from any kind of lack, I’m calling for an experience of lack in my life. (p. 95)

Your faith vibration attracts that which you have and experience in this world because like must attract like! Where is your faith? Look around you. If your faith is in an all-sufficiency, then so it is in your life. If your faith is pulsating to a “just getting by” frequency, then so it is in your world. If your faith is on the dial set of insufficiency, then there will never be enough to meet your needs. Your world simply reflects your faith. (p. 126)

From Practical Spirituality:

Your God-Self thinks only thoughts of abundance and never lack or limitation. These thoughts are in the form of pure energy within the Mind of your Higher Self. This thought energy constitutes a momentous force, a power, a mighty thrust that presses out and radiates through your consciousness. This Thought Energy, or Mind Power, is pregnant with the thinkingness of unlimited supply, boundless prosperity, and overflowing abundance. As this copious substance moves through your consciousness, it’s either distributed “as is” or altered according to the vibration of your energy field. It lets itself be impressed with the “shape” of your consciousness, and then goes forth into the physical world to become, or appear as, forms and experiences relating to your concept of abundance. (pp. 38–39)

Look at the code words: My consciousness of God as my supply is my supply. Let’s break down the statement. First, “My consciousness of God.” This means your awareness, understanding, and knowledge of the Presence within you—that God Presence, Christ, Spirit, Divine Mind, or whatever term for the Higher Power is most comfortable for you. When you are aware of something, you draw that something into your awareness, which is your consciousness. Awareness leads to Understanding, and understanding leads to Knowledge.

When you turn your mind within and contemplate the Presence, when you focus on that Spirit within, and when you recognize and become aware of the Infinite Mind right where you are, a most dramatic thing happens: At the moment of awareness, you open your consciousness to receive the Presence of God, because the energy, substance, intelligence, power, love, and will of that Presence follows the beam of your awareness! Your entire energy field is filled with the very Spirit of God. Remember, God is, but God is not in your experience unless there is awareness—recognition of the Presence. Spirit-Mind can express in your world only through your consciousness!

At this stage of your spiritual maturity, Spirit seems to ask you a question: “What would you have me be?” And that’s why you must identify the Presence as that which you desire in the outer world. Let’s say it’s money. Money is a symbol of the Divine Idea of supply. Now let’s connect the first two parts of the statement: “My consciousness of God as my supply.” Your consciousness of God as your supply fills your consciousness with God as your supply; therefore, your consciousness becomes your supply! We can now complete the statement: “My consciousness of God as my supply is my supply.” Can you understand what happens when you embody the truth and meaning of that statement? Your consciousness becomes cause to the outer world, and based on cosmic law, “As Within, So Without.”

Become conscious of the Presence within as the fulfillment of any desire you have, and your consciousness will outpicture itself as that fulfillment, easily, quickly, and in peace. (pp. 101-103)

A Prosperity Checklist

Ask yourself:

image    Is my primary interest in realizing the Presence of God, or is it in meeting a financial problem?

image    Am I still concentrating on the effect (money), or am I focusing my attention on Cause (Spirit)?

image    Am I willing to take my stand now and prove God once and for all as my all-sufficiency?

image    Have I devoted the necessary time to meditating on the Spirit within as the Source of my prosperity?

image    Am I conscious of the inner Presence as my abundance?

image    Do I have the understanding that my consciousness of the Presence is my supply?

image    Am I trying to demonstrate money or develop a greater consciousness of abundance?

image    Have I accepted the Truth that the living Presence within me is my all-sufficiency, and that the activity of this Infinite Mind is meeting my every need at this moment?

image    Have I identified myself with my all-sufficient Self so that I can say with great conviction, “I AM Abundance?”

image    Knowing that my consciousness of the indwelling Presence is my supply, can I now affirm and believe the Truth that I have abundance?

image    Can I see myself fulfilled and enjoying lavish abundance in my life and affairs?

image    Have I truly expressed a feeling of love for the visions of wholeness and completeness that I see in my visualizations?

image    Do I intuitively feel that Spirit has manifested as my all-sufficiency even though the results may still be invisible? Have I spoken the word that “it is done”?

image    Have I totally surrendered all my needs, desires, fears, and concerns to the Presence within?

image    Have I expressed a deep sense of gratitude to the Spirit within before my good comes forth into visible manifestation? Is my heart overflowing with thankfulness and joy the majority of my waking hours?

image    Am I listening to the Voice within for guidance and instructions regarding any action that I am to take in the outer world? Am I following through with that action?

image    Have I totally forgiven everyone and everything in my consciousness?

image    Am I practicing unconditional love with everyone in my life?

image    Have I maintained a state of secrecy regarding the use of spiritual principles in the demonstration of my supply?

image    Knowing the Reality within all and the Truth about all, can I see everyone on this planet as abundantly supplied with every good thing, regardless of appearances?

image    Do I desire for everyone else that which I desire for myself?

image    Am I a joyful giver? Do I freely share my money on a regular basis, knowing that as I give, so shall I receive?

image    Have I done all that I can do to improve my relationship with my children?

image    In my personal relationship with my mate or love partner, do I care more about his/her feelings and welfare than I do my own?

image    Am I working to overcome any problems related to sex in my life?

image    Am I involved in a meaningful activity for creative self-expression?

image    Am I working on my Life Plan to see myself as whole and complete in every area of my life?

The more questions you’ve answered with a yes, the richer you are in mind and manifestation. (pp. 120-121)

From With Wings As Eagles:

Communication from the Higher Consciousness: “There is a Fountain of Love within you, and from it flows the fulfillment of all you could desire, the light substance to bring every form into visibility. The Fountain is never in disrepair … its operation is eternally perfect, and its power source is my love for you, a love so great that it is beyond your comprehension. The flow from the Fountain is endless and bountiful. Will you not stand in the stream with me now and eradicate all appearances of lack in your life? Come to me … come within and feel the rushing waters of infinite supply. Indeed your cup runneth over. There is no emptiness in my Universe, no shortages, no limitations. All is forever filled full. Can you understand that I am the Fountain, the Flow, and the Fulfillment? Can you now interpret this as the Source, the Cause, and the Effect?

“Now consider this, for it is very important. There is something between me and your phenomenal world. It is your consciousness. Your world mirrors that which is closest to it; therefore, your world is reflecting your consciousness. If you would have your world reflect my nature of loving sufficiency, I must be brought into your consciousness—even to the outer rim, so to speak. There, I stand before your world and the Truth is revealed. No good thing is then withheld from you. But you must not direct or prescribe the way. I am the way. Leave it in my hands. Be as a little child in joyful anticipation, keeping your thoughts on me, caring not and trusting me, fearing not and loving me. I am the Way!” (pp. 17–18)

A Thought-Form for Abundance

I am the Spirit of Infinite Plenty individualized.

I am boundless abundance in radiant expression.

What is expressed in love must be returned in full measure.

Therefore, wave after wave of visible money supply flows to me now.

I am a mighty money magnet and oceans of money engulf me.

I am wonderfully rich in consciousness.

I am bountifully supplied with money.

I now realize my plan for abundant living.

I see my bank account continually filled with an all-sufficiency to meet every need with a Divine surplus.

I lovingly see myself sharing this bounty for the good of all according to the Father’s guidance.

I happily see every bill paid now.

I joyfully see every obligation met now.

With great delight, I see the continuing flow of this money used with love and wisdom as I create the perfect scenes according to my highest vision.

Now create the complete scenario in your mind of exactly how you’ll use this continuing supply of money, particularly during the next 12 months. (pp. 43–44)

The Energy of Abundance seeks to express in visible form for the joy of it, and Substance- Light loves to appear and become that which is needed in the phenomenal world. Therefore, the principle of all-sufficiency, including money, is good—very good. And while we won’t limit the Unlimited, Spirit won’t manifest such an extravagance that it would be a burden. The Holy High Self would never overcompensate by making us servants of money. (p. 46)

The Universe doesn’t compensate individuals based on the activity of work, but on the activity of consciousness. Accordingly, if you feel your life is empty and useless, that your work is insignificant, or that the things that are yours to do are really meaningless, then you’ll be pressing out of universal Substance an income directly related to that consciousness: insignificant, trivial, useless, and valueless. On the other hand, once you see yourself as you are in truth and embody that vision in your feeling nature, you’ll move above lack and limitation. You’re an heir to all that the Father has, and all you have to do to receive your inheritance is to die to your old ways of thinking. Rising in place will be the Truth of you—a strong, vibrant, useful, significant, valuable, worthwhile, meaningful, loving, and fulfilled individual. (pp. 53–54)

If I dwell on limitation and insufficiency in any area of my life, I’m building a consciousness of lack, and lack always attracts more lack. If I say “I can’t afford” something, I’m building a “can’t afford” consciousness, and the law will bring more things and experiences into my life that I can’t afford. In demonstrating an all-sufficiency in my life, I seek the realization that my consciousness of God as my supply is my supply. (pp. 65-66)
