
36.  Squash and Rice Casserole 



-        2 T oil. Don’t’ use olive oil for this 

-        1 large chopped onion 

-        2 chopped carrots 

-        2 chopped celery stalks 

-        1 chopped red pepper 

-        1 t fresh thyme 

-        3 cups of vegetable stock or chicken stock 

-        2 cans of tomatoes 

-        Squash cut into cubes 

-        Zucchini cut into small chunks 

-        Salt and pepper for taste 

-        8 white mushrooms cut into quarters 

-        ½ pound ground beef or chicken if you want meat. 


-        In the instant pot sauté on medium and put all of the veggies and spices in there. You can then add the meat and rice, sautéing this for about a minute each 

-        Put this in a metal bowl or a crock, whatever fits within the cooker and cover with foil 

-        Put in the tomatoes and some chicken stock on top 

-        Stir in the squashes and the zucchini 

-        Put an inch and a half of water within the bottom of the rice cooker 

-        Put the bowl with the ingredients into there 

-        Cover with some aluminum foil 

-        Put the lid on and pressure cook on rice setting 

-        You can then serve it immediately for the best and most delicious results