admire to think that somebody is very good
Air Force the planes that a country uses for fighting, and the people who fly them
allow to say that somebody can have or do something
ambassador an important person who represents their country in a foreign country
attack to try to hurt or kill somebody
award a prize for somebody who has done something very well
become to begin to be something
believe to think that something is true
bullet a small piece of metal that comes out of a gun
candidate a person who wants to be chosen for something
Catholic a member of the Christian church that follows the Pope in Rome
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) a part of the US government that collects information about other countries
charming very pleasant or attractive
choose to decide which person or thing you want
citizen a person who belongs to a country or a city
control to have power over something
courage not being afraid when you do something dangerous
Democrat a member of the Democratic Party, one of the two main political parties in the US
divide to make something into smaller parts
election a time when people choose somebody to be a leader
enter to go into something
equal rights the same rights to vote, work, go to school, etc. as everybody else
government a group of people who control a country
hero a person who has done something brave or good
idea a new thought or plan; a picture in your head
illness a problem with the body that makes you ill
intelligent good at learning and thinking
join to become a member of a group or organization
law a rule of a country that says what people may or may not do; (n) lawyer someone who helps people with the law
leader the most important person in a group, a government, etc.
military advisor a soldier who gives advice about war and fighting
missile a powerful weapon that is sent through the air; missile site a place where missiles are kept
navy the ships that a country uses for war and the people who work on them
nuclear using the energy that is made when an atom is broken
part one of the pieces of something
party a group of people who have the same ideas about politics
patrol a group of people that go round a place to see that everything is all right
peace a time when there is no war or fighting
political (adj) connected with government; (n) politician a person connected with government
problem something difficult to understand, or find an answer for
promise to say that you will certainly do something
protect to keep something safe
relationship the way people or countries behave with each other or how they feel about each other
Republican a member of the Republican Party, one of the two main political parties in the US
Senior used after the name of a father who has the same name as his son
shock a sudden and unpleasant surprise
space the area outside the Earth’s atmosphere
speech a talk that you give to a group of people
state one of the fifty different parts of the US, e.g. California
surrender to stop fighting because you cannot win
test to use something to find out if it works well
torpedo a type of bomb that travels under the water
train (v) to teach somebody to do a job
university a place where people go to study after they leave school
vote to choose someone in an election
war fighting between armies of different countries
weapon something that you use to fight with