
Chapter One

Into the Park


Light, dark, light, dark—the sunlight flickered between the treetops. Since the trees were so close to the road, the light appeared to go off and on like a flashlight as Max, Josie, and their grandparents drove down the road. Max and Josie were traveling with their grandparents from one national park to another on a summer adventure.

“The way the light goes from light to shadow is funny,” said Josie, “It makes it hard to read when the light keeps flickering.” She closed her Nancy Drew mystery and gazed out the window. “Those pine trees are funny. They don’t have any branches until the top.”

“They are easy to look through,” added her younger brother, Max. “I’m watching for bears. With these tall, skinny trees, I bet I can see a bear walking through them.”  

“Those trees are called lodgepole pines,” informed Grandpa. “Long ago, Native Americans used the straight long pines to support their lodges. They’re nice for building. They grow really tightly together, and it is fun to watch them sway in the wind.”


“One of my favorite childhood memories is relaxing in a hammock and watching the tops of the trees swaying in the wind,” Grandma added.

“Where are we going now?” asked Max. Ever since they had left their campsite in Yellowstone Park, the road had been lined by pine trees, and Max was ready for a break.

“We are headed for an adventure!” said Grandma.

“I know that Grandma, but where are we going on an adventure?” asked Max, shaking his head at his grandma.

“We are going to Grand Teton National Park, and guess what? It is not very far from Yellowstone,” answered Grandma.

“How far?” asked Josie, as she pulled a map out of her knapsack. She scanned her map until she located their approximate position. “Wow! It is close. We will be there really soon.”

“Grand Teton National Park is only ten miles south of the Yellowstone exit, so we’re almost there,” said Grandpa. 

“We’re heading to Colter Bay Campsite to set up camp,” said Grandma. “Afterwards we can canoe or go for a short hike!”  

“Canoe!” shouted Max. “I love getting in the water!” 

“I don’t know, Max,” said Josie, folding her map back up, “I think I’d rather go on a hike.”  

“Well, if you kids are speedy-quick in helping us set up camp, we’ll have time to paddle around in a canoe for a while and still have time for a short hike near the campsite,” Grandma said as she finished sketching the lodgepole pines along the road.