Preface by Carol F. Thomas
Editor’s Note by David B. Axelrod
I Want to Love Your Wife by David B. Axelrod
introduction: Transforming His/story into Her/story: Merlin Stone’s Dramatic Entrance onto the Stage of Our Story by Gloria F. Orenstein
my life with merlin stone: a memoir by Lenny Schneir, as told to David B. Axelrod with Carol F. Thomas
Poems by Lenny Schneir
merlin in her own words: Excerpts from Talks and Articles selected by Lenny Schneir
unraveling the myth of adam and eve, Chapter 10 from When God Was a Woman
ancient mirrors of womanhood: A Reflection on the Poetic Genius of Merlin Stone by David B. Axelrod
three thousand years of racism: Recurring Patterns in Racism by Merlin Stone
unpublished writings by Merlin Stone
the importance of merlin stone by Lenny Schneir, with David B. Axelrod
merlin stone, artist and sculptor by David B. Axelrod
i remember merlin by Cynthia Stone Davis
a gallery of merlin stone photos and artifacts
a great sense of hope: letters to merlin stone
the legacy of merlin stone: One Feminist’s View by Carol F. Thomas
epilogue by Carol F. Thomas