
Chapter 15



I’D TAKEN GREAT PAINS when I’d decorated my room. Kyle had always been anti anything too feminine, preferring me to keep our décor to dark shades of wood and heavy furniture.

So I’d made sure to do the exact opposite when I’d moved out. Everything in my bedroom was soft shades of white.

My curtains. My sheets. My bedspread. Even my furniture was stained country white.

The bedside lamp was on; I’d been in bed earlier when Jackson had called.

He stopped at the threshold, still holding me like it was nothing. Not even shaking once. Like he could do it forever. It turned me on so hard that he could hold me like that. It’d been a long time since I’d felt small and feminine that way, and I found myself growing addicted to the strength of his arms.

“I like your room,” he said, voice gruff and deep, and I knew that before the night was through we’d have sex again.

My stomach flipped at the thought. I couldn’t imagine anything getting better than what we’d done in my living room.

But the way he was brushing his fingers so gently against the swell of my very naked butt, I had a feeling I’d only just begun to chip away at this man.

I was anxious. Nervous. Because I knew what was going to happen. We were going to get naked. It was the next logical step.

But I wasn’t ready for him to see me. Not yet. Not fully. I knew I had good legs, smooth and strong, but my stomach, my breasts, they weren’t where I wanted them to be.

And I wanted him to see me and still see the woman he thought I was. I didn’t want him to look at me like Kyle had. Didn’t want to see his eyes dim, darken, and look away.

I must have stiffened because he looked down at me, intelligent eyes studying me before he nodded slowly.

“I promised slow, Rose. And I meant it.”

Gently, he set me down on my feet, making sure I was good before letting me go. And then he walked through my door without an ounce of shame, and I wanted to giggle at the fact that while he wore no pants, he still had his shirt on.

But Jackson had the kind of body that made you forget about laughing. He was gorgeous. His ass was gorgeous. Tight and firm and dimpled at the corners from working his glutes to their absolute max. Strong thighs, lightly dusted with dark hairs.

My pulse fluttered and I felt a wave of dizzy lust consume me. It wasn’t possible that I’d ever get enough of him. And while I still couldn’t understand how someone as perfectly lovely as him could see anything equally as exciting in someone like me, I was so damn grateful for it.

I clutched the doorframe just as he snapped the lamp off, casting the room in long shades of navy blue, moonlight, and shadows.

He was a dark, black pillar standing inside, lifting an arm out to me, beckoning me to him.

“I promise you’re safe, Rose. Come here.” His words wrapped like satin around my heart, tugging me toward him despite all my misgivings and fears.

And I couldn’t fight him. Couldn’t deny him anymore. I entered my room, heart thumping wildly as I saw his shadowy form shuck off the last bit of his clothes.

My breath felt heavy, constricting as I reached for my top. My fingertips were like ice as I slid it off, tossing it to the ground.

A moment later his hand had found mine, and he was the one guiding me toward the bed. I watched him crawl to the center of the mattress before giving my hand a light tug to join him.

I did, but the nerves I’d not felt in the living room slammed over me. What if he ran his hands down my stomach and hated it? What if my thighs jiggled too much when he moved over me?

What if—

“Lie down, cupcake. Put your head on my chest. Let’s talk.”

I frowned. “Talk? What? Why?”

He chuckled, and the sound was so sexy it made me ache all over again. Made me crazy for more and more of him.

I’d been right that day; a woman couldn’t help but scream his last name when all that heat and fire consumed her.

“I’m starting to wonder if you’re just with me for my body,” he said with a laugh, and I gasped, slapping playfully at his chest, which he flexed under my palm. It was hard, rock solid, and so warm.

I wet my lips. “Well if you must know, yes, that’s about ninety-nine percent of it, Just Jackson.”

“Rose,” he growled, and I loved that I got to him that way.

I chuckled, feeling more at ease than I had before and letting him finally tug me down.

He shifted, maneuvering us so that I lay flush to his side, my head on his shoulder. His clean scent of soap mixed with my perfume made me breathless as I sucked in lungfuls of that delicious smell.

We smelled good together.

Mm,” he murmured, rubbing his hand in slow circles down my spine, fingers tickling as they tapped a delicious sequence across the swell of my ass. “God, I love your curves. You’re so fucking beautiful, Rose.”

I frowned, feeling stupidly close to tears to hear him say it. Because sometimes I didn’t believe it about myself, but I really felt like he did. Like he did actually see me that way.

His hand curved, sliding all over my ass as he sighed in contentment.

“I’ve wanted to do this forever, Rosie.”

“Forever.” I chuckled even as I squirmed from the frisson of heat he was creating between my thighs as he continued to stroke me. “We’ve only known each other a couple of months.”

“Yeah, but somehow it feels longer. Like I’ve known you all my life. Like it just took us a little while to finally find each other, but we’ve been on a collision course from the beginning. I dunno.” He ended with a soft chuckle, like he was shy and I just couldn’t for the life of me fathom someone like Jackson ever being shy or tongue-tied.

It was adorable, and I loved hearing him talk like that. Kyle would never cuddle after sex. I mean, early on in our marriage maybe, but once I’d gotten fat, all that had stopped.

Growing more comfortable, I decided to slide my top leg through his.

A rumble of approval was his response before he quickly trapped my foot between his calves. I was so glad I’d shaved earlier.

“I love this, you know,” I admitted shyly, not wanting him to think he was the only one able to talk so openly.

“What’s that, babe?” He kissed the crown of my head and I shivered.

There was something so erotic about whispering in the dark of the night, not able to see him but able to feel him. To touch him however and wherever I wanted to.

I planted my hand on his stomach, completely and totally obsessed with his washboard and resenting the fact that the moonlight wasn’t enough to see each and every sculpted and tight delineation of it.

Painting swirls on his stomach with the pads of my fingers, I said, “Holding you like this. Being held by you. I love sex, don’t get me wrong. But I think this part is my favorite.”

He chuckled, and I bit the inside of my cheek at the wash of goose bumps ghosting over his hot skin. The man drove me nuts. Absolutely insane with want.

“Yeah, you surprised the hell out of me earlier. Didn’t expect you to be such an animal.”

I groaned, burying my face in his chest. “Oh jeez, don’t remind me. Not sure what came over me.”

“No. You’d better greet me like that every day, woman. I’ve gotten a taste now, there’s no going back.”

I laughed, which caused my entire body to jiggle and I hated that. Hated that feeling, always had. But Jackson moaned, rolling onto his side and taking me with him.

His hands now framed my face and in the darkness, I could see the sheen of his eyes, the soft curve of his smile.

I touched his wrist, mouth parting, lost and mesmerized by him. But rather than attack me as I’d half expected him to, he kissed the tip of my nose.

“What’s your favorite color?”

I blinked, confused by the thick tension blazing between us and the mundanity of his question.

“I wanna know everything,” he said softly. “About you. And I want you to know everything about me. This isn’t just about the sex for me, Rose.” He kept saying that, and call me crazy, but I was starting to believe him.

Curving my cheek into his palm, I nuzzled him like a kitten. “You know, you’d think that question would be simple wouldn’t you?” I whispered, not looking into his eyes. Even in the darkness it was hard to open up, but I wanted to try. For him, I wanted to try. “For so long I’ve been someone I don’t know. Always dressing in black, or clothes that hid me, because I didn’t want to be seen. It was easier, a way to protect myself from the hurt.”

“Don’t do that anymore.” He shook his head.

I felt the heated press of his eyes and couldn’t help but look back at him, locked in his dark, shadowy gaze, falling headlong into a passion like I’d never known before.

“You’re too beautiful to hide away from the world.”

I snorted, fighting tears, but the bloody, stupid things came anyway, sliding hot down my cheeks.

“I think you’re the only person in the world who could possibly think that.”

“No,” he murmured, tracing my tears away with the pad of his thumb. “I’m not. It’s not the world that doesn’t see you. It’s you. You don’t see what I see. What others see. You have fire. Passion. It burns through you like a blaze and blinds everyone it touches. I didn’t stand a chance against you, and I’m a selfish bastard because a part of me is grateful that you can’t see it. Because if you did, there’s no way in hell you’d have chosen me.”

I laughed. “You are insane. You are hands down the most gorgeous man I’ve ever met in my life. Like stratospheric hot. Just... not even normal kind of hot. I still have a hard time understanding why you’re even—”

“I know what I am, Rose. I’m a good time. Been told that all my life. And I was okay with that, but not anymore. My life is a near daily struggle. Dealing with a brother who’s become more like a son because our mom can’t cope with reality anymore. And I hated her so damn much for it. When Dad died, I needed her, but she ran. Drowned her sorrows in pills and booze and men. Remy was a rip of the condom, a truth she reminds him of on a near daily basis.”

I swallowed hard, hating myself right then. Because Jackson was right, I had been seeing exactly what everyone else had. The outside. The wrapping. Jackson was a human being and he was hurting.

Wiggling up until I was leaning against the headboard, I patted my lap and he came over with a soft sigh, laid his head on my stomach and wrapped his body around my legs. Slid his arm over my hip, holding me tight. Breathing me in.

And then he started shaking, and my soul broke because I knew he was crying. The tears were silent, but they were there, falling onto my lap and pricking at my conscience. Making me hate myself for seeing only his stunning body when he was more, so much more than just a pretty face.

Feeling helpless and desperate to save him, I began humming beneath my breath as I ran my fingers over his head, finding the hair band and slowly sliding it out.

He sighed, almost moaning when I began to play with his hair, twisting it gently through my fingers, wanting to keep him with me forever.

And we just breathed together as I held him. Several minutes passed, but the quiet was comfortable, easy.

“I know it’s hard now, trust me,” I whispered, “but I promise it gets better.”

Jackson squeezed me tight before planting a tender kiss to my stomach, and I trembled. His touch was so gentle. Even when he was in pain, he took the time to think of me.

“Amber,” I said with a soft smile.

“What?” he asked, looking up at me.

His face was mostly in shadow, but I cupped his jaw, running my thumb over his bristled cheek. “My favorite color. It’s amber.”

It’s the color of you.

I held still, knowing what I was saying. Wondering if he would understand.

He trembled, and I felt the tremors course through the ropey muscles of his back. Turning his cheek into my hand, he rocked his face gently back and forth, scratching my palm with his whiskers, filling my soul and making me feel broken all at the same time.

I loved him.

I shouldn’t.

But I did. Oh God. I did. With all my heart, I loved him. It was new. But it was a blazing fire inside me.

Closing my eyes, I counted slowly to five in my head. I had to trust him. Had to trust myself with him. And that meant being willing to get hurt again. Being willing to open myself to ridicule and hoping like hell that he’d meant it when he said he wouldn’t hurt me. Hoping like hell that he was real. As real as this newfound love blossoming in me, giving me strength when I felt weak.

Releasing a shaky breath, I rolled away from him. Not understanding my intent, he tightened his grip, but I tutted gently, and channeling every bit of courage I had left, I flicked on the bedside lamp.




I SHOT UP TO MY KNEES, almost afraid to tear my eyes off Rose’s terrified face. I knew that eventually we were going to get here, but I hadn’t expected it to be tonight. Hadn’t wanted to rush her, knowing how fragile my girl was in so many ways.


Her hands were fisted into the comforter and she was tense, but her chin was held high and those kissable, tempting lips were set in a determined slant.

“Do it, Jackson. Look at me.”

My insides trembled, and my cock immediately went stiff, aching, needing, wanting more of her honey. A small grin flitted across her face before she nodded, and moving like a sexy, curvy kitten, lay down and dropped her hands to her sides.

A strangled sound spilled off my tongue, but there was no way in hell I wasn’t taking this. I was going to savor this, seeing her for the first time.

I’d seen her a thousand times in a million different ways in my dreams. But I’d known reality would be far better.

Scooting in toward her, I started at her neck, planting two fingers beneath the curve of her jaw and slowly sliding them down.

“Like touching the velvet of a flower petal. You’re so soft, my Rose.”

She gasped as I spoke, breaths coming choppier, quicker, causing her breasts to rise and fall. I grinned, pressing gently down on her rapidly beating pulse before exploring her collarbone.

“You’ve got two small moles, right at the tip of your left clavicle. Dusky. Smooth. I love kissing them.”

She swallowed hard, fisting the sheets tighter, but I wasn’t done with her.

Taking her hand in mine, I threaded my fingers through hers. “Such little hands, but they bring me to my knees anytime you touch me.”

Her beautiful lips parted.

Sliding my hands up her forearm, I traced whorls, patterns along her skin, grinning as I watched her ivory-smooth body start to race with goose bumps. “I think your arms are one of your best features.”

A short, high-pitched, breathless laugh spilled off her tongue.

I smiled. “No, it’s true. They’re sexy,” I said as I gave her bicep a gentle squeeze. “Firm, muscular, but not hard. I love how they wrap around me. How they hold me.”

Her laughter soon turned to short, excited pants.

I flattened my palm over the very top of her right breast, heart threatening to strangle me at the sight of the quarter-sized areola and tiny hardened nipple. “God, baby, you’re gorgeous. Dusky rose nipples—you have no idea how much I want to taste them.”

“Jackson.” Her voice sounded shattered, broken, and I almost buckled, almost caved, but I had to keep looking at her. All of her.

Had to imprint this memory in my head to last me the rest of my life. This moment, right now, it was burning its way into my heart. I’d never known what a perfect moment was until just now.

But this was it. Touching her. Hearing her soft, kittenish mewls as I did. Feeling the strength of my need burn through me, making my dick so hard and desperate to brand her as mine over and over and over until the whole world knew it too.

I couldn’t help but roll her nipple through my fingers just once more and was rewarded by an immediate buck of her hips and a sweetly gentle whimper. I swallowed hard.

I wanted this moment to be as special for her as it was for me, but I was losing the battle. I wasn’t sure how much longer I’d be able to keep off her.

My cock wanted back inside its favorite place to be, wanted to sink into her heat.

I brushed my hand down her stomach. She wasn’t flat like the women I’d been with before, but the curves were lush and feminine, a true hourglass body, and I wondered why in the hell it’d taken me so long to figure out just how hot a thick woman could be. Yeah, there were marks on her stomach, scattered all around. Light, silvery lines. But they were only a testament to the strength and resilience of the female body.

She sucked in a sharp breath when I traced the length of one.

“Jackson, please,” she whispered, sounding broken and scared, and I shook my head, not giving her the chance to tell me to stop, to look away.

Suddenly I was moving over her, holding my weight on my hands and the balls of my feet as I hovered there. Her hands went immediately to my chest, not pushing me away but not drawing me close either.

“Open your legs,” I commanded with a hard edge to my voice.

Her beautiful face drew into a small frown. She was debating. Struggling. I wasn’t going to let this happen. This was our first time seeing each other—what happened here would set the tone for everything else.

I was going to prove to her, show her, what she meant to me.

Dipping down, I kissed her. Long and hard and slow, wet and deep, sliding my tongue over hers.

And only a few moments later, she was soft for me, pliant, forgetting her fears, spreading her lovely thighs for me.

Groaning, I sank between her legs, lying on top of her, sharing my weight with her and moving down her body as I continued the sensual onslaught, lacing her petal-soft skin with wet, sucking kisses. I stopped once I reached her breast and finally gave in to my need of her, nuzzling the side of her round, perfect breast before swirling my tongue around her tight bud and pulling it into my mouth.

Salty. Sweet. A potent combination of the feminine. I worshiped her breast, flicking at her nipple, sucking it down. Biting. Nibbling. Massaging her other one with deep, hard strokes.

“Oh God, Jackson. Ohhh,” she breathed, and my dick ached, wept against the sheets.

But I wouldn’t give in. Not yet. I was going to bring us both to frenzy and then, and only then, would I give us the release we both craved.

“I love when you say my name like that,” I mumbled, licking my way across her chest before arriving at her other breast and giving it the same tender treatment.

Her fingers curled through my hair, tugging on the ends even as her hands held me fast.

“You taste like sweet candy. I’m addicted to you, baby,” I murmured, giving her one last kiss before continuing my downward trek, kissing her stomach, her stretch marks before swirling the tip of my tongue around the edge of her belly button. I loved her stomach and thought I could worship it forever.

She was soft in all the right places. I nuzzled the lower swell of her belly, mentally adjusting all future workouts. There was no way in hell I was letting her lose these curves.

“Rosie, I think we’re gonna start switching up our workouts,” I said, voice sounding like gravel. I glanced up at her.

She was panting, face flushed, but looking at me curiously. “What?”

And I almost chuckled at the dazed look in her eyes. I doubted she was thinking straight at the moment, which filled this caveman with a sense of pride.

Chuckling heatedly, loving the fact that I turned her on so much, I clasped tight to her hips and kneaded. “I think I’d die if you lost all these curves, woman. God, you make me so fucking hot.”

Rolling her eyes with a soft breathy gasp, she shook her head. “You’re so crazy, Jackson.”

I growled because I wasn’t lying. I couldn’t seem to stop from grinding my hips into the sheet as I worshiped her body with my mouth and tongue, head swimming and dizzy as heat spiraled and coiled tighter and tighter through my blood.

She must have noticed the shift in me because without my even needing to ask, she spread her legs, opening herself wide to me, and my mind blanked as I stared at the prettiest pink pussy I’d ever seen.

Her ivory skin was tinted bright pink, blushing and glistening with honey.

I wish I could say I was smooth, taking my time with her, but I was ravenous and growing feral. Running my finger down her slit, I parted her, losing my mind at the sight of her swollen clit

She whimpered, biting her fuck-me lips with those perfect, straight white teeth of hers, and I couldn’t wait anymore. I sank into her and inhaled deeply. Rose smelled like sugar, like the musky perfume of an excited woman. My excited woman. With a moan ripped straight from my soul, I licked, taking my first taste of her and groaning deeply. It was the first time but not the last; there was no way I’d be able to not do this again. I needed more.

All of her.

I devoured her, shoving my bristled jaw against her creamy smoothness as I worked her over. Rose’s cries fed my frenzy as my mind became consumed with the sight, touch, taste, and smell of her.

She was wild, hissing and bucking her hips in silent command as she shoved her hands down on my head, telling me to feast.

I wanted to eat her out forever. Moving my mouth and tongue over her swollen nub, swallowing her sweet juices as I sucked and swirled, I was determined to make her come on me.

Her cries were animalistic, spurring me on as she rubbed herself harder, faster.

Moans and groans, hers and mine, filled the air.

“Please. Please. Please,” she whimpered and I nodded, knowing what she needed, how she wanted it.

“You close, baby?” I murmured between licks, glancing up at her, heart banging like a fucking drum in my chest at the sight of my Rose displayed before me.

Covered in a light sheen of sweet, eyes squeezed shut, mouth parted and keening toward the heavens, she was the prettiest thing I’d ever seen in my life.

“Yes. Yes,” she moaned deeply, moving hard on me, thighs squeezing my head in a silent demand I give it all to her.

I never wanted this to end, but I knew she was close. I shoved two fingers deep inside her tight, slippery sheath.

“Goddamn it, you’re tight, baby. Feel so fucking good.” I flicked my fingers up and that was it.

The madness took her. With one final thrust of her hips, she fractured. Splintered. A keening cry spilled from her throat as she shook and grunted deeply. And I had to have more of her.


Yanking my fingers out even as she continued to shake and tremble from her orgasm, I climbed up her body, swallowing her cries with my mouth, letting her taste her pleasure on my tongue.

Long legs wrapped around my waist, hugging me tight. Perfect. So damn perfect. I teased her soaking-wet pussy with the head of my thick cock, wanting inside her so bad it was a physical ache.

Had to get a condom.

Her kiss was brutal, punishing, and I fucking loved it, growling like a greedy bastard as I took all she had to give me.

“Pill,” she gasped. “On the pill. Clean... I’m clean.”

I blinked. Was she telling me what I thought she was? My ears rang. “I’m clean too. It’s in my wallet if you want to—”

“Yes. Go. Just go. Trust you.” She slammed her hands down on my ass with stinging determination, and she didn’t need to tell me twice.

I sank into her hot, slick warmth. I was home. This was home.

And what’d been wild and frantic just a second ago now turned into something almost spiritual as I stared into her eyes and she into mine.

We moved together, rolling our hips, and soon I saw the fire flickering in her chocolate gaze again. I bit down on my back teeth, sweat pouring down my back as my arms shook and I lost myself in this woman.

This wonderful crazy woman who’d turned my life on its head.

“Perfect match,” I whispered and then her eyes were rolling back and a loud, low groan spilled off her tongue.

Her sweet pussy gripped me tight as she came again, and I couldn’t hold back anymore. Her hips jerked, and it felt like she wasn’t just sucking an orgasm out of me but my soul too.

Unable to hold myself up, I collapsed on top of her, cushioned by her soft, perfect breasts, giving them tender kisses as I struggled to catch my breath, closing my eyes and smiling because I was one hundred percent done for. I’d given Rose everything I had. All of me. I hugged her tight, never having been much of a cuddler in my life, but liking this more than I could have imagined.

“You killed me, babe. I’m dead,” I mumbled, feeling drunk and leached of all life.

She giggled, making her gorgeous tits bounce against my cheek, and if she hadn’t just sapped me of all energy, I might have been tempted to attack her again. But I could barely even move. I’d never been this relaxed after sex before.

“Not sure you know this,” I said with a gentle nip to her breast, “but laughing after a guy just gave you two orgasms back-to-back might just make him feel—”

Snorting, she trailed her fingers idly over my back. “Best night of my life. Hands down. Best orgasms I’ve ever had. And... the best guy too.”

Wrapping my arms tight around her, I closed my eyes and sighed deeply.

I was never, ever letting this girl go.