My gratitude for reading, notes, proofing, suggestions, kind words, support or invaluable advice: Jim Casaburi, Deirdre Molitor, Arvid Molitor, Barry Galef, Shannon Winkelman, Gary M. Black, Lisa McCluskey and Darla Ashford; Ann Martin for help with all the high school German I forgot; Art Eisenson for his expertise on weaponry; Scott Blume and Cameron Blume for info on self-driving cars; Jan Todd for her penetrating analysis of the career of the legendary Katie Sandwina; Colin Woodard for his excellent history, The Republic of Pirates.
Deepest thanks to Barry and Ellen, Ginny Scott, Marty Rudoy, Robert & Michelle King, David Larmore, Glenn Camhi, Steve Chivers and Robin Stein, friends indeed.
And to Sue and Deirdre, for enduring it all again.