Song of Exile

Richard David, Anna Bishop. The Adventures of an Intrepid Prima Donna, Currency Press, Sydney, 1997

Phil Eva, ‘Home Sweet Home? The “Culture of Exile” in Mid-Victorian Popular Song’, Popular Music, vol.16, 1997, pp.13–50

Miriam Moffitt, Soupers and Jumpers: The Protestant Missions in Connemara 1848–1937, Nonsuch Publishing, Dublin, 2008

Tim Robinson, Connemara: Listening to the Wind, Penguin, Ireland, 2006

New Zealand Folksongs,

The New Jerusalem

Extract from ‘The Death of the Hired Man’ from The Poetry of Robert Frost, by Edward Connery Lathem, published by Jonathan Frost. Reprinted by permission of The Random House Group Ltd.

The Brilliant City Inside the Soul

Distance Looks Our Way

Charles Brasch, ‘The Islands’, A Book of Australian and New Zealand Verse, edited by Walter Murdoch and Alan Mulgan, Oxford University Press, 4th Edition, 1950. (This volume was presented to my husband at school in Christchurch, in 1952, as a Special Prize for Latin in the Upper VI, so it is part of my New Zealand narrative. Charles Brasch changed the poem in later years, and left out a verse, but it is the earlier one that I, like a lot of New Zealanders, have been familiar with.) Quoted with the permission of Alan Roddick, for the Estate of Charles Brasch.

Janet Frame, Living in the Maniototo, Vintage Books, Australia, 2008

Janet Frame, Towards Another Summer, Vintage Books, Australia, 2007

Stéphane Mallarmé, ‘Autobiographie’, Lettre à Verlaine,, translated by the essayist

Stéphane Mallarmé, Collected Poems and Other Verse, with parallel French text, Oxford University Press, 2006

Stéphane Mallarmé, ‘Divagations’, translated by Barbara Johnson, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2007

No Poet’s Song

The Brisbane Centenary Official Historical Souvenir, Watson, Ferguson & Co, Brisbane, 1924

JG Steele, The Explorers of the Moreton Bay District 1770–1830, University of Queensland Press, Brisbane, 1972

TC Truman, ‘Rewriting the History of the Birth of Brisbane’, Courier-Mail, April/May 1950

Helen Gregory, The Brisbane River Story, Australian Maritime Conservation Society Inc, 1996

David Malouf, ‘A First Place: A Mapping of the World’, delivered as the fourteenth Herbert Blaiklock Memorial Lecture on 26 September, 1984, and published in Southerly 45, 1985

And the original manuscripts of John Oxley’s Field Books are held in the Mitchell Library, Sydney.

Home Triptych

Daniel Barenboim, A Life in Music, Arcade Publishing, New York, 2003

Julian Barnes, Nothing to be Frightened of, Jonathan Cape, London, 2008

Bruce Beaver, Charmed Lives, University of Queensland Press, Brisbane, 1988

Judith Beveridge, Wolf Notes, Giramondo, Sydney, 2003

Steven Carroll, The Lost Life, 4th Estate, Sydney, 2009

Joan Didion, The Year of Magical Thinking, Knopf, New York, 2005

Sebastian Faulks, Human Traces, Vintage, London, 2006; Engleby, Vintage, London, 2007

Philip Fisher, Wonder, the Rainbow, and the Aesthetics of Rare Experiences, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass, 1998

CS Lewis, A Grief Observed, Faber, London, 1961

David Malouf, Ransom, Knopf, Sydney, 2009

Thomas Mann, Buddenbrooks, Everyman’s Library, New York, 1994

Drusilla Modjeska, Stravinsky’s Lunch, Picador, Sydney, 1999

Dorothy Porter, Little Hoodlum, Prism, Sydney, 1975; Akhenaten, University of Queensland Press, Brisbane, 1992; Crete, Hyland House, Melbourne, 1996; The Bee Hut, Black Inc, Melbourne, 2009

David Rieff, Swimming in a Sea of Death, Simon & Schuster, New York, 2008

RM Rilke, The Selected Poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke, translated by Stephen Mitchell, Vintage International, New York, 1989

Alfred Tennyson, The Poetical Works of Lord Tennyson, Collins Clear-type Press, London (no date on my edition) Christos Tsiolkas, The Slap, Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 2008

Who Trespass Against Us

Josephine Hook, Coming Home: A History of the Corpus Christi Community, Greenvale, The Institute for Public History, Monash University, Melbourne, 2007

Bede Nairn, ‘McGirr, John Joseph Gregory’ in Bede Nairn and Geoffrey Serle (eds) Australian Dictionary of Biography Vol 10, Melbourne University Press, 1986

Start With the Tulip

Hans Christian Andersen, ‘Thumbelina’, Fairy Tales and Legends, The Bodley Head, London, 1959

Emily Bronte, Wuthering Heights, Gordon Classic Library, Thomas Nelson and Sons, Edinburgh, 1954

Charles Dickens, Barnaby Rudge, Complete Works of Charles Dickens, Heron Books, London, 1967

HA Guerber, Myths and Legends of the Norsemen, George Harrap and Company Ltd, London, 1910

Kathleen and Michael Hague, East of the Sun and West of the Moon, Harcour Brace Jovanovich, Inc, New York, 1980

AE Housman, ‘A Shropshire Lad’, William Brendon and Son Ltd, The Mayflower Press, Plymouth, England, 1932

John Masefield, ‘Reynard the Fox’. Extract reproduced with the kind permission of the Society of Authors, Literary Representatives of the Estate of John Masefield. Taken from a journal kept by the essayist in the 1950s, transcribed from Other Men’s Flowers, compiled by AP Wavell, Jonathan Cape, London, 1946

Anna Pavord, The Tulip, Bloomsbury, New York and London, 1999

Evelyn Waugh, A Handful of Dust, Penguin Books, London, 1971

Thomas Wolfe, Look Homeward, Angel, Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, 1929; You Can’t Go Home Again, Signet Book, New York, 1966

Steven Spielberg (dir), ET: The Extra-Terrestrial, screenplay by Melissa Mathison, 1982

Victor Fleming (dir), The Wizard of Oz, screenplay by Noel Langley, Florence Ryerson and Edgar Allan Woolf, adapted from the novel The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L Frank Baum, 1939

Chris Columbus (dir), Home Alone, screenplay by John Hughes, 1990

This Plush Embrace

Gaston Bachelard, The Poetics of Space, trans Maria Jolas, Beacon Press, Boston, 1994

Philippa Tristram, Living Space in Fact and Fiction, Routledge, London and New York, 1989