- forte means “play loudly”
- piano means “play softly”
- da capo means “return to the beginning,” means “play the song again”
- mezzo-forte means “play sort of loudly”
- mezzo-piano means “play sort of softly”
- glissando is when you suddenly leap between two notes
- fortissimo means “play very loudly”
- pianissimo means “play very softly”
- fermata means “hold that note”
- crescendo means “play louder”
- decrescendo means “play softer”
- sforzando means “play this with sudden force”
- staccato means “play this sharp and choppy,” means “let none of these notes touch”
- allegro means “play quickly”
- adagio means “play slowly”
- caesura means “time stops here,” means “everything is quiet”
- homophony means “play together, all at once, together make your chords”
- falsetto means “sing in your highest shrillest voice”
- creak means “sing in your lowest raspiest voice”
- grave means “play grimly”
- vivo means “play lively”