


Reflections Upon
the Witch’s Mirror

Before I first began doing research for this book, I had a handful of some pretty good ideas for magic using mirrors since I’ve been including different kinds of mirrors on and off in my magical practice for years. I welcomed the opportunity to share what I’ve learned so far as well as discover new ways to work with mirrors. Researching a project is a lot like opening presents to me, as I revel in learning something new; I’m betting you love learning new stuff too. I hope that some of the ideas in this book have helped you look at mirror magic with new eyes. After all, mirrors are all about getting a different perspective.

We witches are always discovering that facing our shadow side helps us to grow, so even if we did scare ourselves half to death with Bloody Mary as a kid, we have learned to see beyond that. We witches walk between the worlds, torch in hand illuminating the path before us, tipping our faces up to that silvery mirror in the sky and embracing things we didn’t understand as children while making them our own.

On the other hand, there are many people who see mirrors as purely scientific apparatus that reflect light, direct lasers, and help us see the bigger picture. Some see only a tool for beauty; for them, the scariest thing in the mirror is a bad hair day or new crow’s feet. Many use mirrors as a tool for self-improvement; big wall mirrors in exercise classes are so we can check our stance, our pose, and make sure we’re doing what we should be. Some people see mirrors as an element of decoration used to brighten up a space, reflect a pretty view, or make a room magically appear larger. Mirrors are all these things, but they are also much more.

When we look beyond the mirror as a tool for reflecting our physical being or as an object of pure superstition, we discover what it really is. It is something in between those two perceptions. When we realize that, the mirror becomes a tool to help us rediscover our own personal worth and our spiritual side, an object to inspire introspection like no other. A mirror becomes a magical tool of great value.

The word reflection describes more than just the physical property of a mirror. Reflection is also a word that we use to describe what happens when we look within and remind ourselves of our spiritual nature, the significance of our path, and our place in the universe.

I hope that you learned a lot within the pages of this book. When you gaze upon your own reflection within your witch’s mirror, may you see all the beauty, magic, and potential that resides behind your powerful magical eyes, and may you become inspired to work with a witch’s mirror or two along your magical path.

Mirror, mirror of the witch

Bless my magic full and rich

Show to me your secret light

Bless my spirit both day and night


Blessed be!

Mickie Mueller
