God, Myths and Politics
Interview by Infidelis Maximus
(June 4, 2006)
Acharya S recently entered my thoughtscape while I was doing some research on the Christ myth and happened to stumble onto her work. I was immediately fascinated by it. For one thing, I was pleased to see someone giving Kersey Graves his due. Some modern scholars like to pick on him, but I have always liked him and appreciated his work in helping debunk Christianity. For another, she is an expert in astrotheology , which I think is the missing piece in understanding much of the remaining mysteries of the Bible. For example, as she alludes below, the Book of Revelation contains numerous astrotheological references that are lost on the modern reader. Much of the symbolism people have imputed to the Bible is actually basic astrotheology. Acharya believes that today’s religions descend largely from sun worship, and her work is a fascinating exploration of that concept.
Below is an interview I conducted with her over email. We touched on everything from the Bible to religious extremism to politics, as you’ll see. Stop by Acharya’s site, www.TruthBeKnown.com , for more info. For more info on her most recent books, visit www.StellarHousePublishing.com .
INFIDELIS MAXIMUS: You frequently debunk evangelical Christian positions but do not consider yourself a hard-core atheist. What do you consider yourself?
ACHARYA S: I am neither a theist nor an atheist, as I believe the human mind can conceptualize both ideas at once—and that many people do alternately believe and doubt the existence of a "higher power" of some sort. For example, at times there appears to be something magical about the cosmos, when bizarre or delightful "coincidences" occur. At too many other times, however, such as when horrible things happen to entirely innocent creatures like babies, there seems to be absolutely nothing in charge of life on Earth. In other words, sometimes it seems as if there is "divine intervention," while at others, nothing.
My perspective of "God" is pretty much along the lines of what Carl Sagan described when he said the following:
The idea that God is an oversized white male with a flowing beard who sits in the sky and tallies the fall of every sparrow is ludicrous. But if by "God" one means the set of physical laws that govern the universe, then clearly there is such a God. 14
I am also reminded of a story about "the Buddha" in which he tells a fervent theist that there is no God and a rabid atheist that "God is."
The following equation may sum up the question:
God is now here.
God is nowhere.
To me, this simple concept represents true freethought.
IM: You've mentioned being involved with archaeological digs around the world. Give us some examples of your favorite digs and why they were your favorites.
AS: I have only physically been involved in a couple of excavations, although I've probably been to a couple of hundred archaeological sites, the vast majority of which were in Greece. I also dug at a "paleo-Indian" tool-making camp in Connecticut. That was a great deal of fun, because there was no serious pressure, while in Greece, where I excavated at Corinth—the place where St. Paul is alleged to have spoken—everything was quite serious. Nevertheless, these experiences were very exciting.
IM: Do you believe there was ever any sort of historical person behind the Jesus figure or is he merely a myth?
"I am quite convinced through intense study, analysis and exegesis of the pertinent texts and other data that there is no historical core to the onion of the New Testament character called Jesus Christ."
AS: I am quite convinced through intense study, analysis and exegesis of the pertinent texts and other data that there is no historical core to the onion of the New Testament character called Jesus Christ. Between the patently obvious characteristics of preceding pagan gods that were applied to the Christ character, and the incorporation of Old Testament scriptures, as well as various sayings found in pre-Christian texts, the entire construct appears to have been contrived. As Gerald Massey stated in regard to this question, "A composite of 20 people is no one." 15
When we consider ancient religion, inspecting for example the story of Hercules, we have no problem accepting that he is a mythical character. Such was not the case in ancient times, when the followers of Hercules were as certain that Hercules had been a real person who walked the Earth as are the Christians today regarding Jesus.
IM: What do you think of the historicity of other NT characters besides Jesus such as Peter, Paul, James, John, Mary, Mary Magdalene, etc? Do you believe they existed? Why or why not?
AS: None of these characters finds any place in the historical or archaeological record of the time, and their lives have a decidedly unreal air about them. I believe there is a strong basis for the claim that they are in large part mythical entities, although James and Paul seem to have been founded upon one or more historical personages, with Paul also incorporating aspects of mythical characters such as Orpheus. 16
IM: You wrote the foreword to the AUP reprint of Kersey Graves's The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors . What do you say to critics who claim Graves was a dishonest hack?
AS: I can assure you that I have not discovered one individual in modern times who has looked into the issues surrounding Kersey Graves as much as I have. When the subject is studied in depth , it becomes apparent that Kersey Graves made nothing up, as he has been charged, but was working with preceding scholarship. Whether or not that scholarship is accurate becomes the issue then, not whether or not Kersey Graves "fabricated" anything. I have examined many aspects of his work and have not found one instance of "fabrication." More careful citation on Graves's part would have prevented many of these aspersions from being cast upon him.
IM: Having written quite a bit about both camps, who do you think poses more of a threat to world peace: Islamic extremists or Christian extremists?
AS: At the moment, the Christian extremists—such as Inquisitors or theocratic fundamentalists—have been reduced in their power to control everyone else's lives and behavior. Christianity in general has been tamed of its vicious and violent past. Islam has yet to experience that sort of push to become civilized, such that my conclusion is that Islam in its most fervent form—held by millions of people worldwide—is much more of a threat to humanity as a whole.
This extremist perspective—Islamic fundamentalism—is upheld by hundreds of millions of "moderates" who are either too afraid to mitigate it or are willfully going along with it. This mentality is not a small thing, and it is spreading quickly for a variety of reasons, including and especially through a high birth rate.
IM: Do you believe the New Testament's Book of Revelation provides any guidance about future events or the end of the world?
AS: No, not at all. The Book of Revelation is basically an astrotheological text reflecting what is called the "Great Year" or the 26,000-year cycle of the precession of the equinoxes. 17 The only manner in which it is a "guide" for the future—and this is a big deal, in actuality—is that Revelation is being used as a blueprint to deliberately bring about Armageddon. This fact does not bode well for the future of humankind.
IM: What do you say to Christians who claim the United States is "a Christian nation" and that Christianity should have more of a role in American government given that the country was founded by Christians?
AS: That America was founded by "Christians" is a bunch of hooey. Even if the Founding Fathers considered themselves "Christian"—and a number of them, I believe, are more aptly described as "Deists"—they were not of the ilk we find today calling themselves "Christians" or the kind from yesteryear either. The American Founding Fathers were in general a group of extraordinarily enlightened individuals who knew very well what harm religion could do to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness," and they worked very hard to make sure religion would not destroy their dream of creating an egalitarian and free society. 18
"There is no doubt that Judeo-Christian—and, coming soon, Islamic—perspectives are the most influential forces in the American government today."
As concerns Christianity having more of a role in the American government, give me a break! There is no doubt that Judeo-Christian—and, coming soon, Islamic 19 —perspectives are the most influential forces in the American government today. The current candidates for president prove that point repeatedly in their "expressions of faith."
IM: What do you think of George W. Bush's faith-based initiatives?
AS: It's a scary thing, to be sure. As if faith-based organizations don't have enough power as it is! When I think of George Bush or his somewhat ideological predecessor, Ronald Reagan, I think of "The Handmaid's Tale"—very frightening!
IM: Do you think the war in Iraq has ultimately made the world a better place or a worse place?
AS: The mess in Iraq has been incredibly badly handled and has created a huge amount of animosity towards the U.S. and Americans in general. The fact is that Saddam Hussein was in large part empowered by the same warmongers who subsequently took him out. Such treachery and deception do not do anyone any good at all. George Bush joking about not being able to find the weapons of mass destruction in his closet and elsewhere is frankly a disgrace. Behind the scenes of this nightmare, of course, are what we could call "international industrialists" and "third-party weapons manufacturers." Moreover, when people attack "Americans" as being responsible for this horror, who in specific are they referring to? I didn't vote for George Bush, I can guarantee you that!
IM: What are your hopes for the world your son will inherit?
AS: I am deeply concerned that my son will grow up in a world that has lost most of its freedoms and is profoundly entrenched in a theocracy more bizarre and heinous than the world has ever seen before, because this theocracy will be so far-reaching as to leave practically no place on Earth free of its fascistic and sadistic tentacles. I am disturbed to consider that my little guy might be compelled to wear a particular form of dress, to pray in a particular manner, to think in a certain way and to be aggressive towards and oppressive of women. I myself may not be around for such a development, but I am horrified to contemplate such a future for him and his offspring, as I am for just about anyone on the planet.
"What we are seeing is a bunch of sadistic, cruel and psychotic barbarians who are using religion and God to force their savagery and brutality upon the rest of mankind."
What we are seeing is a bunch of sadistic, cruel and psychotic barbarians who are using religion and God to force their savagery and brutality upon the rest of mankind. This deranged menace has always been with us, but now it is fast becoming overwhelming, and I believe we are already in deep trouble. Like the proverbial frogs in the pot of boiling water, however, many people simply cannot feel the heat. Nevertheless, the peril is there.
Like most thinking individuals concerned for the future, I sincerely hope that we will be able to overcome this dire threat and will instead enter into an age when human beings have achieved psychological and spiritual health, appreciating and cherishing the extraordinary wonder and beauty of life in the cosmos as whole.