Please note that some of the links referenced in this work are no longer active.


Ash, W., with Brendan Foley. Under the Wire: The Wartime Memoir of a Spitfire Pilot, Legendary Escape Artist, and “Cooler King.” London: Bantam, 2005.

Baron, Richard, Abe Baum, and Richard Goldhurst. Raid! The Untold Story of Patton’s Secret Mission. New York: Putnam, 1981.

Bingham, Billy. Memoirs of World War II. Manchester, KY: Possum Trot University Press, 1995.

Brickhill, Paul. Escape or Die: Authentic Stories of the RAF Escaping Society. London: Evans Brothers, 1952.

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Brickhill, Paul. The Great Escape. Movie tie-in edition. Greenwich, CT: Fawcett, 1963.

Brickhill, Paul. Reach for the Sky: The Story of Douglas Bader D.S.O., D.F.C. London: Collins, 1954.

Brickhill, Paul, and Allan Michie. “Tunnel to Freedom.” In Secrets and Stories of the War. London: Reader’s Digest Association, 1963.

Brickhill, Paul, and Conrad Norton. Escape to Danger. London: Faber and Faber, 1946.

Calnan, Thomas D. Free as a Running Fox. New York: Dial Press, 1970.

Carroll, Tim. The Dodger: The Extraordinary Story of Churchill’s Cousin and the Great Escape. Edinburgh: Mainstream, 2012.

Dando-Collins, Stephen. The Hero Maker: A Biography of Paul Brickhill. Sydney: Random House, 2016.

Deane, John R. The Strange Alliance. New York: Viking, 1947.

Diggs, J. Frank. Americans behind the Barbed Wire. New York: iBooks, 2003.

Diggs, J. Frank. The Welcome Swede. New York: Vantage Press, 1988.

Edy, Don. Goon in the Block. London, Ontario: Edy, 1961.

Ellsworth, Reid F. The Reid F. Ellsworth Story: An Account of War and Divine Interposition. Phoenix: Ellsworth, 1997.

Ferguson, Clarence. Kriegsgefangener 3074: Prisoner of War. Waco, TX: Ferguson, 1983.

Gamon, Victor. Not All Glory: True Accounts of RAF Airmen Taken Prisoner in Europe, 1939–1945. London: Arms and Armour Press, 1996.

Garris, Herbert L. A Grand Tour of Russia to Odessa, Winter 1945. Pinehurst, NC: Village Printers, 1985.

Gilbert, Gustave M., Robert E. Conot, and Robert Overy. Justice at Nuremberg. Norwalk, CT: Easton Press, 2006.

Harsh, George. Lonesome Road. New York: W. W. Norton, 1971.

Holder, H. Randolph. Escape to Russia. Athens, GA: Iberian, 1994.

James, Albert B. Moonless Night: One Man’s Struggle for Freedom 1940–1945. Barnsley, UK: Pen and Sword, 2006.

Jason, Sonya N. Maria Gulovich: OSS Heroine of World War II. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2009.

Kee, Robert. A Crowd Is Not Company. London: J. Cape, 1982.

Lovell, Glenn. Escape Artist: The Life and Films of John Sturges. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2008.

Mayer, S. L., and Masam Tokoi, eds. Der Adler, The Luftwaffe Magazine. London: Arms and Armour Press, 1977.

Meltesen, Clarence R. Roads to Liberation from Oflag 64. 3rd ed. San Francisco: Oflag 64 Press, 2003.

Pearson, Simon. The Great Escaper: The Life and Death of Roger Bushell. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 2014.

Rubin, Steven Jay. Combat Films: American Realism, 1945–2010. 2nd ed. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2011.

Sage, Jerry. Sage. Wayne, PA: Miles Standish Press, 1985.

Smith, Graham, ed. Military Small Arms. London: Salamander, 1994.

Smith, Sydney. Wings Day: The Man Who Led the RAF’s Epic Battle in German Captivity. London: Collins, 1968.

Stanley, Peter. Commando to Colditz. Sydney: Pier 9, 2009.

Taylor, James, and Warren Shaw. A Dictionary of the Third Reich. London: Grafton, 1988.

Turner, John Frayn. Douglas Bader: A Biography of the Legendary World War II Fighter Pilot. Shrewsbury, UK: Airlife, 1995.

Vance, Jonathan Franklin William. A Gallant Company: The Men of the Great Escape. New York: iBooks, 2003.

Walters, Guy. The Real Great Escape. London: Bantam, 2013.

Walton, Marilyn, and Michael Eberhardt. From Commandant to Captive: The Memoirs of Stalag Luft III Commandant Colonel Friedrich Wilhelm von Lindeiner genannt von Wildau. Raleigh, NC: Lulu, 2015.

Williams, Eric. The Tunnel. London: Collins, 1959.

Williams, Eric. The Wooden Horse. London: Collins, 1949.


American Legion Magazine, December 1957

Atlanta Journal, February 1945

Baltimore Sun, 1981

Ex-POW Bulletin, January 1993

Fort Worth Star-Telegram, May 1971

Galveston Daily News, February 1945

Lethbridge Herald, Alberta, Canada, February 1945

Los Angeles Times, March 2013

Madison County (GA) Journal, May 2002

Military History, vol. 1, no. 4, February 1985

Moorhead (WI) Daily News, February 1945

Oflag 64 Item, 1943–1945

Port Charlotte (FL) Sun, February 2003

Post Oflag 64 Item, 1994

Providence Journal, December 1985

Prisoners of War Bulletin, vol. 3, no. 3, March 1945, American National Red Cross, Washington, DC

Racine (WI) Journal-Times, February 1945

Salt Lake City Tribune, February 1945

Stars and Stripes, Mediterranean Edition, April 1945

World War II Times, 1985


Hall, Norley. “Living Hell: The True Story of Mays W. Anderson and His Life as a German POW.” Available online at the Oflag 64 website:

Hill, Jonel C. “A Personal Reminiscence about My Adventures as a 19-Year-Old Draftee from Southern Minnesota, an Infantry Private in Europe in World War II.” Jonel C. Hill, Company F., 26th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division. Available online at the Oflag 64 website:


William R. Cory to Bob Thompson, September 1, 2002. Private Collection.

Colonel Thomas D. Drake to Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Campbell, November 24, 1944. Dwight Eisenhower Archive, 35104, Heritage Auctions, 2009.

General Dwight D. Eisenhower to Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Campbell, April 12, 1943. Dwight Eisenhower Archive, 35104, Heritage Auctions, 2009.

Mrs. Mamie Eisenhower to Lt. Craig Campbell, January 22, 1943. Dwight Eisenhower Archive, 35104, Heritage Auctions, 2009.

Mrs. Mamie Eisenhower to Lt. Craig Campbell, June 22, 1943. Dwight Eisenhower Archive, 35104, Heritage Auctions, 2009.

Mrs. Mamie Eisenhower to Mrs. J. B. Campbell, April 25, 1945. Dwight Eisenhower Archive, 35104, Heritage Auctions, 2009.


War Department to Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Campbell, June 11, 1943. Dwight Eisenhower Archive, 35104, Heritage Auctions, 2009.

General Dwight D. Eisenhower to Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Campbell, April 4, 1945. Dwight Eisenhower Archive, 35104, Heritage Auctions, 2009.

Colonel Ernest Lee to Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Campbell, March 28, 1945. Dwight Eisenhower Archive, 35104, Heritage Auctions, 2009.


A Debriefing of Colonel Paul R. Goode, SAO at Oflag 64 and Oflag XIII-B, and a Debriefing of Lt. Colonel James W. Lockett, interned at Oflag XIII-B. US Military Intelligence, CPM Branch, EX Report No. 617, May 17, 1945.

American Prisoners of War in Germany. Oflag 64. Military Intelligence Service, War Department. July 15, 1944, and November 1, 1945.


Schubin diary of Ed Ward, courtesy of Ed Ward, Jr.

World War II POW Journal of Thornton V. Sigler. Available online at


“From USA to Szubin,” May 13, 1971, Polskie Radio, Poland. English transcript courtesy of Mariusz Winiecki.


Oflag 64 Association.

Winiecki, Mariusz. The Oflag 64 Record, blog.

Taskforce Baum (Germany).

The Patton Saber, Winter 2011.