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Abort (tunnel entrance)
see also Asselin Tunnel
Abrahams, Harry
Abrams, Creighton
Alger, James
Allen, Larry
Anderson, Mays W.
Appells (prisoner assemblies)
Ash, William (Tex)
Asselin and
details of escape
digging of escape tunnel
Hohensalza Prison and
post-war life
writings on experience
Asselin, Eddy
Ash and
Bryks and
Day and
details of escape
digging of escape tunnel
gambling business
Hohensalza Prison and
planning for escape
Rivers and
Williams and
X Organization and
Asselin Tunnel
“cake” used in
destruction of
discovery of
engineering behind
stories about
see also Abort
Aten, Frank
Bancker Jim
Baron, Richard
Bartmeier, Hans
1st Ranger Battalion
2nd Battalion
3rd Ranger Battalion
10th Armored Infantry Battalion
10th Signal Training and Replacement Battalion
37th Tank Battalion
81st Combat Engineer Battalion
317th Parachute Battalion
509th Parachute Infantry Battalion
Battle of the Bulge
Baum, Abe
advance on Hammelburg
advance on Oflag XIII-B
arguments over chain of command
capture by German forces
Danube I and
defeat by German forces
frustration with Task Force
G-2 and
Goode and
injuries during capture
Nutto and
orders given for Task Force
Patton and
planning for Task Force
post-war life
release of POWs
Stiller and
on tanks used by Germans against Task Force
Weasel and
see also Task Force Baum
Bickers, Jim
Bingham, Billy
Bird, the (radio receiver)
Bissell, Clayton
Blatherwick, Robert
Brach, Stanley
Brastich (Colonel General)
Brickhill, Paul
see also Great Escape, The (book)
Bronson, Charles
see also Great Escape, The (film)
Bryan, Wright
Bryks, Józef
Buckley, Jimmy
Bulletin, The (newspaper)
Burgeson, Floyd M.
Bushell, Roger
Calnan, Tom
Camp Lucky Strike
Campbell, Craig D.
see also Office of Strategic Services
Captured Personnel and Materiel branch (CPM)
see also G-2
Carpenter, Eric
Carter, Amon C., Jr.
Černý, Otakar (Otto)
Churchill, Winston
Clark, Albert (Bub)
Clark-Kerr, Archibald
Codner, Michael
Cohen, Hal
Colley, Frank H.
Cook’s Tours
Cooler (solitary confinement)
Ash and
Calnan and
Day and
escapees and
influence on Great Escape, The
Sage and
Schmitz and
Schultz and
Van Vliet and
Cory, Bill
Crandall, Robert (Bob)
Crawley, Aiden
Creech, John
Daily Bulletin (newsletter)
see also Oflag 64 Item, The
Danich, Radovan
Danube 1 tank destroyer unit
see also Koehl, Hauptmann
Day, Harry (Wings)
escape planning
Goodrich and
imprisonment in North Compound
Schubin and
Williams and
X Organization and
Deane, John R.
Diggs, Frank J.
arrival at Oflag 64
Bryan and
Dudziak family and
escapes and
Gestapo questioning of
newsletters and
Rembertów camp and
Tacy and
Dimling, John N. Dodge, Johnny Drake, Thomas D.
Campbell and
escapes and
Goode and
Meacham and
Oflag 64 and
Oflag 64 Item, The (newsletter) and
relationship with captors
transfer from Schubin
Waters and
Drury, Fred W.
Goode and
Gruenberg and
hospital group
Russians and
Dudziak family (Polish underground members)
Duke of Bedford (ship)
Duke of Wellington
Dunbar, Alan
Durgin, George
Diggs and
escape during march
escape planning
on forced march
Goode and
Holder and
Murphy and
post-war life
sentenced by German courts
skin condition
theater involvement
transfer to Schubin
Eastern Command (ESCOM)
Eggemann, Walter
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
Ellsworth, Reid F.
Ellsworth, Ted
Exin (village)
Fabian, Bill
Ferguson, Clarence
Ferret, the
Fisher, Leo
Fuchs, Hauptmann Hans
Fuchsstadt (village)
G-2 (military intelligence)
Baum and
Captured Personnel and Materiel (CPM) branch
Deane and
escapees and
Shular and
Task Force Baum and
Van Vliet and
Ward and
Gaish, Peter
Gammages (codename for supplies)
Gehrig, Franz
assignment to Hammelburg
capture of American troops
Nutto and
Robbins and
Task Force Baum and
Gericke, Don
Geneva Convention
POW welfare during hostilities
prisoner uprisings
prisoner wages
Protecting Power provision
repatriation provisions
solitary confinement
Gieves (codename for tailors)
Goldhurst, Peter
Golubev, K. D.
Goode, Paul R. (Pop)
Abrahams and
Deane and
Drury and
escape of fellow POWs and
Goeckel and
at Hammelburg
Hemingway and
Kleber and
Meltesen and
opposition to escape attempts
post-war life
role at Oflag 64
Russians and
Schneider and
Sigler and
Task Force Baum and
and transfer of POWs from Oflag 64
Goodrich, Charles (Rojo)
Graham, Charles O.
Great Escape (event)
Clark and
compared to film adaptation
date of
digging of tunnels
execution of re-captured escapees
German reaction to
Sage and
Schubin compared to
preparation for
Great Escape, The (book, Brickhill)
Great Escape, The (film)
Grecka, Eugenia
Gruenberg, Ernest M.
Hanson, Kermit V.
Harriman, Averell
Hemingway, John (Jack)
Hill 340
Hill 427
Hill, Jonel C.
Himmler, Heinrich
Hipp, Helmut
Hitler, Adolf
Hoge, William M.
Hohensalza Prison
Holder, H. Randolph (Boomer)
Diggs and
Durgin and
escape attempts
escape ban and
escape planning
Goode and
Maludzińska and
post-war life
radio broadcasts
Russians and
transfer to Schubin
Höllrich (village)
Hoppe, Richard
Infantry regiments
10th Armored
509th Parachute Battalion
Item, The
see Oflag 64 Item, The
Jachalski, Alfons
Jeschke, Günther
Juskalian, George
Kakkonen, Captain
Kammerle, Hauptmann
Kanners, Vic
Kapsa, Józef
Katyn Massacre
Kee, Robert
Kleber, Brooks E.
Koehl, Heinrich
Kotikow, Alexander
Kricks, Willi
Król, Stanislaw (Danny)
Kroll, Bob
Lange, Robert
Le Viseur, Oberstleutnant
Lessouda Force
Lewandowski, Franciszek
Lockett, James W.
Lotz, Oriel
Luckenwalde camp
see also Stalag III-A
MacArevey, James J.
Maludzińska, Stefania
Marshall, George C.
Meacham, Merle A.
Meltesen, Clarence
Menner, Hauptmann
Meskall, George
Mills, Jim
McQueen, Steve
see also Great Escape, The (film)
Montgomery, Bernard
Moosburg camp
see also Stalag VII-A
Morton, Joe
Morton, Thomas O.
Moscow Trio
see also Colley, Frank H.; Dimling, John; Gruenberg, Ernest
Munson, Nicholas
Murphy, Hill T. (Spud)
Musiał, Dariusz
Nelson, Alfred C.
see Daily Bulletin; Oflag 64 Item, The
NKVD (The People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs)
Nutto, William J.
Odom, Charles
Office of Strategic Services (OSS)
see also Campbell, Craig D.; Sage, Jerry
Oflag IV-C
Oflag VII-B
Oflag IX-A/Z
Oflag XIII-B
Oflag XXI-B
see also Oflag 64
Oflag 6-B
Oflag 64
Cooler in
Diggs and
escape attempts from
escape bans at
escape planning at
injured POWs at
layout of
leadership structure at
military intelligence and
POWs’ lives following imprisonment
Red Cross and
renaming of
repatriation of
Russians and
transfer of POWs from
see also Oflag XXI-B; Oflag 64 Item, The
Oflag 64 Item, The (newspaper)
see also Daily Bulletin
Oflag 64-Z
Otterbein, Louis
Paget, John
Pancake, Richard
Patton, George S.
advance on Eastern Front
Baum and
Diggs and
Graham and
Hoge and
Military Intelligence and
Odom and
POWs and
Stiller and
Task Force Baum and
victory in Sicily
Waters and
Pelzer, Gefreiter
Philpot, Oliver
Pongrantz, Hauptmann
Red Cross
repatriation of POWs
Deane and
Drake and
Ellsworth and
Fisher and
Geneva Convention and
newsletters’ coverage of
Soviet Union and
Van Vliet and
as way of relieving crowding at camps
Yalta conference and
Riggs, Tom
Robinson, Hervey
Rommel, Erwin
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Rose, Hauptmann
Rose, Robert J.
Rosen estate
Rosen, Hans von (Baron)
Saale River bridge
Sage, Jerry
escape planning
forced march and
Goode and
Great Escape, The, and
at Oflag 64
OSS and
post-war life
at Rosen Estate
Russians and
Saigh, Ray
Schaeffer, William H.
Schmitz, James (Jimmie)
Schneider, Fritz
American POWs and
Aten and
Dietz and
Diggs and
Drake and
evacuation of camp
execution of escapees
Goode and
Higgins and
Item newsletter and
prisoner escape and
Schultz and
Van Vliet and
Zimmermann and
Secor, Richard W. (Dick)
Shular, William R.
Sidles, John
Sigler, Thornton V.
Simms, Hauptmann
Soderberg, Henry
Solotoff, Irving
Stalag III-A
Stalag VII-A
Stalag VIII-B
Stalag XXI-D
Stalag Luft 3
Clark and
digging of escape tunnels at
Diggs and
Oflag 64 compared to
Oflag XXI-B escapees and
plans for escape from
Sage and
shooting of escapees at
Stewart, Donald B.
Stiller, Alexander
capture by German forces
flight from German forces
Patton and
release from imprisonment
at Saale bridge
Task Force Baum and
Waters and
see also Task Force Baum
stooge program
Stuart, Dewey
Stutter, Emil
Swabian League
Szalczynski, Henryk
Tacy, Nelson
see also Diggs, Frank
Task Force Baum
approach to Hammelburg
bad luck of
at Burgsinn
capture of
crossing at River Saale
Danube 1 and
defeat of
delay at Schweinheim
Eggemann and
escapees from Hammelburg and
formation of
Gehrig and
German monitoring of
Goode and
imprisonment of members
makeup of
Meltesen and
Moosburg and
Stiller and
top-secret status of
Waters and
see also Baum, Abe
Tessier, Adrian
Thalbitzer, Jorgen
Thompson, John
Thompson, Robert
Van Vliet, John H. (V.V.)
Chappel and
Cooler and
Durgin and
Goode and
Katyn massacre and
Luckenwalde escape and
Schubin escape and
Secor and
Stewart and
VE Day
von Gersdorff, Christoph
von Goeckel, Günther
von Rosen, Baron Hans
see Rosen, Hans von
Waldman, Sid (Mouse)
Walters, Bucky
Ward, Edwin O.
Wareing, Philip
Waters, John Knight
awarded Distinguished Service Cross (DSC)
“celebrity” status among fellow servicemen
Dunbar and
Goode and
leadership role during imprisonment
prisoner escapes and
prisoner morale and
relationship to Patton
shot by German troops
Stiller and
Task Force Baum and
transfer to XIII-B POW camp (Hammelburg)
at West Point
Weasel (armored vehicle)
Weasel (German guard)
Weaver, William
Wilcox, Lemund
Williams, Eric
Asselin escape and
Day and
exclusion from Asselin escape
planning for escape
Williams, George
Wise, Ellis
X Organization
Yosefovitch, Dragon
Zawada, Robert
Zhukov, Georgy
Zimmermann, Hauptmann G.
appointment as security head at Oflag 64
Cooler and
Cory tunnel and
Dietz and
prisoner escapes from Oflag 64 and
prisoner transfers and
prisoners’ view of
Zoller, Eugen