An Agricultural Testament, Sir Albert Howard. OUP 1940, reprinted by the Soil Association 2006. A brilliant scientist’s fascinating story of discovering modern compost-making.
The Living Soil, Eve Balfour. Faber & Faber 1943, reprinted by the Soil Association 2006. An original look at the health of soil and humans, which triggered the founding of the Soil Association – still a great read.
Mother Earth 1946-64 (quarterly journals of the Soil Association). Not currently in print, but worth reading when they are for entertaining distillations of timeless wisdom. New Mother Earths are now available from the Soil Association.
Nutrition and Health, Sir Robert McCarrison and H. M. Sinclair. Faber & Faber 1953. Everybody should read this demonstration of the effects of good and bad nutrition.
Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, Weston A. Price. Price Pottenger Foundation 1945. Another must-read – you won’t want to eat cake after this graphic, far-reaching account.
The Organic Salad Garden, Joy Larkcom. Frances Lincoln 2001. A rare combination of beauty and information from a pioneering gardener.
Salad Leaves for All Seasons by Charles Dowding, Green Books 2008. Salad leaves explained by the expert.
Secrets of the Soil, Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird. Harper & Row 1989. Just in case we think we know it all – a lot of this information still needs to be used.
Teaming with Microbes, Jeff Lowenfels and Wayne Lewis. Timber Press 2006. Excellent explanation of soil life.
The Weed Problem, F. C. King. Faber & Faber 1951. An original exposition of the value of compost.
Wild Drugs: a forager’s guide to healing plants, Zöe Hawe. Octopus 2010.