Pulling It All Together

Let’s look at an example of how Rails applies a number of Ruby features together to make the code you need to maintain more declarative. You’ll see this example again in Generating the Scaffold. For now, we’ll focus on the Ruby-language aspects of the example:

 class​ CreateProducts < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1]
 def​ change
  create_table ​:products​ ​do​ |t|
  t.string ​:title
  t.text ​:description
  t.string ​:image_url
» t.decimal ​:price​, ​precision: ​8, ​scale: ​2

Even if you didn’t know any Ruby, you’d probably be able to decipher that this code creates a table named products. The fields defined when this table is created include title, description, image_url, and price, as well as a few timestamps (we’ll describe these in Chapter 23, Migrations).

Now let’s look at the same example from a Ruby perspective. We define a class named CreateProducts, which inherits from the versioned[37] Migration class from the ActiveRecord module, specifying that compatibility with Rails 5.1 is desired. We define one method, named change. This method calls the create_table method (defined in ActiveRecord::Migration), passing it the name of the table in the form of a symbol.

The call to create_table also passes a block that is to be evaluated before the table is created. This block, when called, is passed an object named t, which is used to accumulate a list of fields. Rails defines a number of methods on this object—methods named after common data types. These methods, when called, simply add a field definition to the ever-accumulating set of names.

The definition of decimal also accepts a number of optional parameters, expressed as a hash.

To someone new to Ruby, this is a lot of heavy machinery thrown at solving such a simple problem. To someone familiar with Ruby, none of this machinery is particularly heavy. In any case, Rails makes extensive use of the facilities provided by Ruby to make defining operations (for example, migration tasks) as simple and as declarative as possible. Even small features of the language, such as optional parentheses and braces, contribute to the overall readability and ease of authoring.

Finally, a number of small features—or, rather, idiomatic combinations of features—are often not immediately obvious to people new to the Ruby language. We close this chapter with them.