airtight container: We recommend storing each prepared condiment in an airtight container—that is, one with a tight seal to prevent additional air from getting in.

butter: The recipes call for unsalted butter. If salted butter is all you have, please reduce the amount of additional salt used in the recipe, generally by half.

eggs: The recipes are formulated for large eggs, including white eggs, brown eggs, blue eggs, and speckled eggs.

ice bath: Several recipes require an ice bath, an important step for stopping the cooking process instantly. The recipes that require an ice bath note that you should have a bowl of ice reserved in the freezer for this step. Make sure to set it up ahead of time.

large saucepan: Holds about 4 quarts or more of liquid.

measuring cups: When measuring dry ingredients, make sure to level the top with a knife or your hand.

medium saucepan: Holds about 3 quarts of liquid.

micro zester (rasp grater): A specialized grater that zests or grates finely. If you don’t have one, you may use a regular zester or grater and chop the zest into fine pieces.

parchment paper: If you bake at all, I highly recommend keeping a roll on hand. It makes baking easy by shielding the baking sheet from burned juices or sticky messes. A lot of the recipes call for a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. If you do not have parchment paper, use a nonstick baking liner or a nonstick baking sheet.

salt: Kosher salt is recommended in all the recipes. It tastes purer than table salt. If you choose to use table salt, please cut the amount in half. Table salt has finer granules, which results in more salt per volume.

silica gel: This is the same substance that’s contained in the packets you find in new shoes or clothing. They are used to control humidity. They are not edible, but you can place them in containers holding foods that need to stay dry, such as meringues, brittles, and fruit or veggie chips.

small saucepan: Holds about 2 quarts or less of liquid.

vanilla: Vanilla beans are used throughout the recipes. They can be expensive, but their flavor makes them worth every cent. If you are unable to use vanilla bean, I recommend substituting a few drops of high-quality pure vanilla extract.