Marah kneaded the bread slowly and glanced from time to time at the clay oven to check the fire that was beginning to burn down as it heated the oven for baking. Athaliah was at the marketplace to buy vegetables. It was pleasant to enjoy the peace of the morning since she didn’t have to face Zibeon until late afternoon when he closed the shop. She moved her shoulders to stretch and put a hand in the small of her back. The child within her grew large as she neared her sixth month. Her belly was stretching, and as women do, she moved her hand back and forth across the taut skin. As the babe moved to her touch, she smiled.
In spite of her own barrenness, Hannah was happy for her.
“God smiles upon you, Marah. He has given you a child quickly to please your husband and make your way easier.”
Marah sighed. At least the pain of that first week with Zibeon was behind her, and being practical in nature, she had accepted her lot in life. Sometimes, though, when she thought of that first night with Zibeon, she shuddered. The smell of the wine, his eager hands, and the pain within her that rolled and ebbed, the cries in the darkness that seemed to come from beyond herself. Mercifully she had fainted. She had awakened in the wee hours of the morning, her mouth dry.
Zibeon was asleep beside her, snoring noisily. Slowly, biting her lip at the jabs of pain, she had made her way to the corner of the room where a large jar of water had been placed. She drank greedily from the dipper, looking back toward Zibeon lest she make a noise that would awaken him. In the dimness of the room, she glanced down and saw shadows on her shift. As she touched one, she stifled a cry. It was dried blood. She dipped water into a small clay basin and washed herself as well as she could. Standing quietly in the darkness, she bowed her head. She was a wife now and there were duties she must bear. No one had told her what to expect. Reba would not, and Hannah must have thought Reba had borne the task, for she had not brought up the subject. Was it this way with all women, Marah wondered. Had it been this way for her own mother? Suddenly, without warning, a longing for her mother swept over her. Tears stung her eyes, but she straightened herself, willing the tears back to the depths from which they came. Her mother was gone and she herself was no longer a child. She was now Zibeon’s wife and she must work hard to please him. Quietly she crept back to the bed and lay down beside Zibeon. She was so weary. Zibeon still slept soundly, and in spite of her fear, she fell asleep again.
When Marah awoke, it was with a start. Zibeon was gone. Why had he not awakened her? Her mother-in-law must think her a lazy wife not to be up before her husband and about her tasks. Feeling stronger, she got up, and looked toward the water jar. The basin of water in which she had washed herself had been emptied. For a moment she felt a rush of gratefulness toward Athaliah. Perhaps she was not all she seemed. Marah washed her face quickly in fresh water and dropped a clean garment over her head, winding the woven belt around her waist.
As Marah entered the main room of the house, she found Athaliah busily sweeping.
“Mother-in-law, forgive me. I did not mean to oversleep. What can I do to help?”
The old woman looked at her a moment with her bright eyes. “Zibeon has had his breakfast and gone to the shop. You will do the washing and see that the water jars are kept full. I will see what other tasks you are capable of. I trust Reba trained you well in the matters of a household.”
“Yes,” Marah answered quietly. What good would it do to tell Athaliah that she had been doing most of the tasks of their household since she was ten.
The day passed quickly with Athaliah assigning many jobs. She followed Marah around and watched everything she did.
“Have you checked each garment carefully that it is clean?” Athaliah asked needlessly. “You must hang the garments so …”
Each task was carefully scrutinized. It would be hard to please Athaliah. Marah bore the comments in silence. Perhaps it was difficult to have another woman come into a household. Even though Athaliah wanted a wife for Zibeon, she had cared for him for so long it was probably hard to yield to another woman. I must let her see that I know my place, thought Marah. Surely in time I will gain respect in the eyes of my mother-in-law.
Now the morning sun rose higher and already she felt the warmth on her back. The chickens scratched about the yard and the goat was loudly proclaiming her need to be milked, for they had sold the kid. Dibri, the young son of a neighbor, had come and collected the sheep to take to the shepherd. Marah looked around her. She had a home, a husband, a family, and soon, a babe of her own. Her life could be worse, she reasoned to herself. Tomorrow would be the Sabbath, and Zibeon would go with the other men to the temple to pray. Since no work could be done, she would have a day to herself.
It was getting more difficult to kneel down at the stream and wash the clothes. The day before, as she worked on the cloth, Marah looked up and smiled as she saw Hannah put her basket down.
“You are well? The child grows.”
“I am well, Hannah, but I feel like a great cow!”
Hannah laughed and set about her own washing. “Your friend Atarah marries soon. It may be a race to see which comes sooner, the babe or the wedding.”
Marah laughed aloud with an exaggerated shrug.
“Zibeon is treating you well?” Hannah did not look up, but though the question was casual, Marah heard her concern.
“He is pleased about the child. He does not seem like such an angry man.” Marah paused, reflecting. “I was so afraid of him, Hannah. And those first few weeks I did not know how to behave. He was so unpredictable. Yet now,” she murmured thoughtfully, “he does not seem like such a bad man. Perhaps it is as you said that day on the way back from Jacob’s well. Perhaps he needed a wife to make his life easier.”
Hannah nodded. The two women talked as they worked, sharing the latest gossip, and finally parted to their respective homes. As Marah carried the basket of clothes, she noted that the afternoon shadows were beginning to stretch over the yard. Zibeon would be returning from the shop soon. She remembered that first day when she had braced herself to face Zibeon’s return. When he came, he strode boldly into the house and sat down by the small fire. Marah and Athaliah moved swiftly to set his dinner in front of him. He did not greet his mother or Marah but lustily consumed his food. From time to time he watched her. It was as if he were waiting for something.
At last Marah had taken a deep breath and blurted, “Your day went well, Husband?”
Zibeon paused and appeared to be surprised. Then he let out a great bellow of laughter.
“That is good, Wife. Yes, I had a fine day.” His eyes narrowed and he looked at Athaliah. “She is adequate in her duties?”
Athaliah had been hovering over him. “She will learn.”
“Mmmmm,” Zibeon murmured. Then he looked at Athaliah again. “Shimei has not returned?” he growled.
“No, my son,” she answered quickly. “It could be that the skins you sent him for took longer—”
“You make excuses for him?” Zibeon bellowed and both women trembled.
Zibeon leaned back on his elbow and belched. “Eat, old woman. I have had my fill.” As Marah hesitated, he indicated her with a wave of his hand. “You also, Wife. You will need your strength,” and he grinned. He unplugged the wineskin and took a great gulp.
“Did Reba leave with the caravan, my son?”
“Yes, Zohar the silversmith saw them leave at first light. Good riddance to that one!”
He spat. For once Marah could agree with him.
She waited, almost holding her breath as she helped Athaliah clean up the remnants of the meal. As Athaliah turned to her pallet at last, Zibeon picked up the small lamp.
“Come, wife,” he ordered.
Marah bowed her head and followed her husband from the room.