“Do you think Daisy looks like Lissa?”

Jane’s stomach lurched. Had Kyle guessed? Or did he somehow know? I should have stayed in Denver. Should never have risked this.

“I, uh, suppose so.” Jane licked her lips, and saw him catalog the gesture. And the anxiety that triggered it.

“There’s not much Everson in Daisy’s features, is there?” Kyle said.

Jane’s heart clenched. Okay, so she didn’t like the guy. But he was the victim of a deception and she’d played a part in that, and while she wasn’t about to rise to the bait in his questions…

Wait a minute. Something didn’t quite add up, she realized. This conversation wasn’t following the line she’d have expected if he had any real idea.

Jane replayed his previous question in her head. There’s not much Everson in Daisy’s features, is there?

Realization hit, her assumptions shaken up by a kaleidoscope, to settle on a completely different picture.

“You think Daisy’s not your daughter.”