
Bigfoot On Fire


We don’t know which state or year our first story took place in, but that’s never a good enough reason to ignore a tense encounter with the mythical beast. The following events took place on and around an unnamed cranberry ranch – while a group of teenagers worked there.

Things there escalated from normal to strange, to violent and then life threatening. This was not an experience any of those involved would ever forget – one detail makes this crystal clear, as the reason we know about this story is because a mother told it to her young daughter – who then shared it with several active Bigfoot hunting groups.

Even though the Bigfoot creature didn’t show its face until much later on – things all over the ranch weren’t exactly “right” since day two. The teenagers would work on the ranch and then go fishing in the nearby river, even though they were advised against it.

The first time they went to the river, some of them crossed it for fun, which ended up with them almost getting chased by bears. They got very lucky – the animals in that area were very passive and showed little to no interest in people. Their second day at the river though – the bears acted very unusually...

Some of them ran across the river while the teens were there – scaring them to the bone. They thought the bears were going after them – but their assumption was wrong, as the bears just ran past them into the forest.

The bears were running away – that much was clear, but from what exactly? No other creature topped them in the food chain in that area, making their behavior very puzzling. The teens thought nothing of it and considered themselves lucky, a feeling that would completely vanish as more days passed on the ranch.

One night – while they were sleeping in a cabin they all shared – a loud noise woke most of them up, and the ones it didn’t, were woken up by the ones it did. Someone was bashing the cabin walls violently – over and over again. None of them dared to step outside – but a few did muster the courage to yell at the person and ask them to stop. There was no reply – the bashing kept on going throughout the night.

Just before the sun went up – the bashing stopped. Who would do such a strange thing? It could have been someone pranking them – but bashing the walls for hours during the night is way beyond a simple prank. But what about the noise itself? It sounded like – whoever the person was – used a thick chain to do it.

This wouldn’t be the last time chains were used for violent means in this story. A few days passed where nothing unusual happened – but something unexpected did. One of the teenagers that got there late brought her dog. The ranch owners said it would be too dangerous for the animal to be running around the area freely – as nearby farmers owned aggressive guard dogs and other animals that could cause it harm.

The dog – named Bessy – was tied to the cabin in which the teens stayed. One day – when they came back from fishing – they found Bessy dead. The poor dog was barely recognizable after what had been done with it, it was bashed to the point where parts of it looked like mashed meat.

After further inspections of the poor creature – it seemed like a chain was used for the disturbing deed. The ranch owners – after the teens asked them who might have done such a terrible thing – said they were sorry about the dog, but that they couldn’t help them. The way they acted about the whole thing was as strange, as the killing was pointless.

A few days later – the group went to the cinema, they were going back in a truck – which broke down not so far from the ranch. The man who was driving them said fixing it would take him ages and that the group should go the rest of the way on foot. Before they moved, he told them to stay safe and close to the road, and to watch out for an angry bull which was on one of the farms...

They were soon at that exact farm, and as the man said, an angry bull was there. But he wasn’t alone... They saw the bull getting ready to charge a tall hairy figure which was standing right in front of it...

The kids screamed at what they thought was a man – telling him to get out of the way. They were all shocked when the hairy creature grabbed the bull’s horns – and then, in what seemed like an easy feat for it, tipped the bull over and snapped its neck. They could hear the sound of its neck breaking clearly, even though they were far away.

All of the teens froze in place – like their minds couldn’t believe what their eyes were seeing. The creature – after it did what seemed like checking if the bull was dead – turned its body towards them.

Some of the older boys in the group took out their knifes and pointed them at the creature, while walking backwards towards the ranch. The rest of the group started running away as fast as they could – screaming at the tops of their lungs, waking up everyone on the nearby farms.

The creature slowly followed them up until they started the screaming – after which it turned its back to them and walked into the nearby forest – outside of their vision. But this was not the last time they would see the giant – the only difference being, is that the second time, the creature would be the one giving them the unexpected visit.

A few more days passed before the final, most chaotic event took place...

Did you notice there seems to be a pattern here? That every time the creature shows up, it takes it a few days to appear again? Or maybe it’s not even the same creature every night...

Like with every other time it showed up, it was night time. The creature went after the teens cabin once more – but no chain this time. There were only a few girls inside it at that moment, while most of the men and boys were in another cabin, playing cards.

The creature made its presence to them known before it bashed inside by making bone chilling roars, but it didn’t roar loud enough to be heard by anyone else but the girls inside the cabin. This makes the creature seem somewhat intelligent, and so does a number of other things that happened shortly after.

Most girls hid under their beds, while the one whose dog was killed grabbed a bat and waited for the monster to walk inside. The creature broke down the front door with such ease that it might as well have not been there at all. The girl – terrified, with tears running down her face – swung the bat at the creature's face.

Nothing... The creature barely reacted to it. The girl who did it broke down – she closed her eyes and just stood there. She was lucky – a few other girls in the cabin took some coal from the fireplace, throwing it all over the Bigfoot.

The creature burst into flames and – screaming so loud that everyone, even people on nearby farms heard it – ran outside. The men also heard the screams and, picking up their weapons, they tried leaving their cabin.

Tried – because the creature blocked their cabins door with a massive rock. One of the men ran up to a window, getting a good look at the burning beast as it ran towards the forest. He apparently took out his gun (which held 6 bullets) and fired all of his bullets at it – he swore all of them hit it, but the creature kept on moving.

Not so long after, all the people on the ranch could hear dogs barking and people shouting – people from nearby farms who gathered to hunt down the mysterious “Chain killer” – who they said had been killing their livestock for months.

They unleashed all of their tracking dogs after the creature. Slowly, but surely, the number of dogs barking lowered. Soon enough, one by one, all of them were silenced. The forest was quiet once more...

Nobody dared to go anywhere near the forest or even consider it, not until it was morning – which was when they entered it to investigate what happened the day before. They found all of their dogs dead – their necks snapped.

Near their corpses was some burnt grass – it looked as though someone huge had rolled around on it. It was around seven feet tall... Hence, the teenagers left the ranch the next day...

A wild story... Possibly true? One thing we always have to keep in mind is that, even when Bigfoot stories are 'real', they’re always told by people. This “paints” them a certain way, the person sharing it might have forgotten some parts, maybe they added a few bits to make it more interesting and so on.

Bigfoot experiences, just like Bigfoot stories are about how you take them. So, how did you take this one?

Chapter 2