Luke 1

1 a. Or are most surely believed

3 b. Lit. accurately followed

9 c. he was chosen by lot

19 d. this good news

28 e. NU omits blessed are you among women

29 f. NU omits when she saw him

34 g. Am a virgin

45 h. Or believed that there

46 i. Declares the greatness of

78 j. Lit. Dawn; the Messiah

78 k. NU shall visit

Luke 2

5 a. NU omits wife

7 b. feed trough

9 c. NU omits behold

12 d. feed trough

14 e. NU toward men of goodwill

17 f. NU omits widely

21 g. NU for His circumcision

33 h. NU And His father and mother

37 i. NU until she was eighty-four

38 j. NU God

40 k. NU omits in spirit

43 l. NU His parents

51 m. obedient

Luke 3

2 a. NU, M in the high priesthood of Annas and Caiaphas

7 b. Offspring

14 c. Lit. shake down for money

19 d. NU brother’s wife

Luke 4

1 a. NU in

2 b. tested

4 c. NU omits but by every word of God

5 d. NU And taking Him up, he showed Him

8 e. NU omits Get behind Me, Satan

8 f. NU, M omit For

12 g. test

13 h. testing

18 i. NU omits to heal the brokenhearted

18 j. downtrodden

23 k. NUCapharnaum, here and elsewhere

26 l. Gr. Sarepta

28 m. rage

35 n. Lit. Be muzzled

38 o. afflicted with

41 p. NU omits the Christ

41 q. Or say that they knew

44 r. NUJudea

Luke 5

11 a. left behind

12 b. begged

17 c. NU with Him to heal

30 d. NU But the Pharisees and their scribes

30 e. grumbled

33 f. NU omits Why do, making the verse a statement

36 g. NU tears a piece from a new garment and puts it on an old one

38 h. NU omits and both are preserved

39 i. NU omits immediately

39 j. NU good

Luke 6

1 a. NU on a Sabbath that He went

9 b. M to kill

10 c. NU, M him

10 d. NU omits as whole as the other

21 e. satisfied

26 f. NU, M omit to you

26 g. M omits all

35 h. expecting

45 i. NU omits treasure of his heart

48 j. NU well built

49 k. NU collapsed

Luke 7

10 a. NU omits who had been sick

16 b. seized them all

19 c. NU the Lord

19 d. should we expect

21 e. illnesses

23 f. caused to stumble

28 g. NU none greater than John;

29 h. declared the righteousness of

30 i. the experts in the law

31 j. NU, M omit And the Lord said

34 k. An excessive drinker

Luke 8

1 a. proclaiming the good news

2 b. sicknesses

3 c. NU, M them

3 d. possessions

8 e. Lit. fruit

10 f. secret or hidden truths

13 g. testing

15 h. endurance

18 i. thinks that he has

23 j. danger

26 k. NU Gerasenes

27 l. NU and for a long time wore no clothes

36 m. delivered

37 n. NU Gerasenes

45 o. NU omits and those with him

45 p. NU omits the rest of v. 45.

48 q. NU omits be of good cheer

49 r. NU addsanymore

51 s. NU adds with Him

51 t. NU, M Peter, John, and James

54 u. NU omits put them all outside

Luke 9

17 a. satisfied

23 b. M omits daily

31 c. Death, lit. departure

33 d. tents

35 e. NU My Son, the Chosen One

41 f. unbelieving

41 g. put up with

50 h. NU you

50 i. NU your

54 j. NU omits just as Elijah did

55 k. NU omits the rest of v. 55.

56 l. NU omits For the Son of Man did not come to destroy men’s lives but to save them.

Luke 10

1 a. NU seventy-two others

11 b. NU our feet

12 c. NU, M omit But

15 d. NU will you be exalted to heaven? You will be thrust down to Hades!

17 e. NU seventy-two

20 f. NU, M omit rather

22 g. M And turning to the disciples He said, “All

25 h. expert in the law

30 i. robbers

35 j. NU omits when he departed

39 k. NU the Lord’s

41 l. NU the Lord

Luke 11

2 a. NU omits Our

2 b. NU omits in heaven

2 c. NU omits the rest of v. 2.

4 d. NU omits But deliver us from the evil one

11 e. NU omits bread from any father among you, will he give him a stone? Or if he asks for

15 f. NU, M Beelzebul

22 g. plunder

29 h. NU omits the prophet

34 i. Clear, or healthy

34 j. Evil, or unhealthy

39 k. Lit. eager grasping or robbery

41 l. Or what is inside

43 m. Or places of honor

44 n. NU omits scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites

53 o. NU And when He left there

54 p. NU omits and seeking

54 q. NU omits that they might accuse Him

Luke 12

1 a. yeast

6 b. Gr. assarion, a coin worth about 1/16 of a denarius

15 c. NU all covetousness

26 d. do you worry

27 e. clothed

31 f. NU His kingdom, and these things

39 g. NU not have allowed

42 h. at the right time

Luke 13

1 a. mixed

7 b. waste

9 c. NU And if it bears fruit after that, well. But if not, you can

11 d. straighten up

15 e. NU, M Hypocrites

19 f. NU omits large

21 g. yeast

21 h. Gr. sata, same as Heb. seah; approximately 2 pecks in all

31 i. NU In that very hour

32 j. Resurrected

35 k. NU, M omit assuredly

Luke 14

3 a. NU adds or not

5 b. NU, M son

11 c. put down

13 d. crippled

15 e. M dinner

21 f. crippled

35 g. rubbish heap

Luke 15

2 a. welcomes

7 b. upright

8 c. Gr. drachma, a valuable coin often worn in a ten-piece garland by married women

13 d. wasteful

16 e. carob pods

22 f. NU Quickly bring

Luke 16

1 a. squandering

6 b. Gr. batos, same as Heb. bath; 8 or 9 gallons each

7 c. Gr. koros, same as Heb. kor; 10 or 12 bushels each

9 d. Lit., in Aram., wealth

9 e. NU it fails

14 f. Lit. turned up their nose at

17 g. The smallest stroke in a Heb. letter

19 h. lived in luxury

21 i. NU what fell

Luke 17

1 a. stumbling blocks

2 b. cause one of these little ones to stumble

3 c. NU omits against you

4 d. M omits to you

9 e. NU omits the rest of v. 9; M omits him

21 f. NU reverses here and there

21 g. in your midst

23 h. NU reverses here and there

31 i. possessions

34 j. Or people

36 k. NU, M omit v. 36.

Luke 18

2 a. respect

3 b. Avenge me on

5 c. vindicate

14 d. put down

28 e. NU our own

31 f. fulfilled

Luke 19

5 a. NU omits and saw him

5 b. hurry

6 c. hurried

7 d. grumbled

13 e. Gr. mna, same as Heb. minah, each worth about three months’ salary

21 f. a severe

29 g. M Bethsphage

45 h. NU were selling, saying

46 i. NU shall be

Luke 20

5 a. NU, M omit then

9 b. tenant farmers

10 c. Lit. the season

19 d. M were afraid—for

23 e. NU omits Why do you test Me?

25 f. Pay

30 g. NU omits the rest of v. 30.

31 h. NU, M also left no children

Luke 21

2 a. Gr. lepta, very small copper coins

4 b. NU omits for God

5 c. decorated

8 d. NU omits Therefore

8 e. follow

14 f. say in defense

15 g. withstand

34 h. dissipation

36 i. NU have strength to

Luke 22

7 a. Sacrificed

14 b. NU omits twelve

18 c. NU adds from now on

31 d. NU omits And the Lord said

37 e. fulfilled

43 f. NU brackets vv. 43 and 44 as not in the original text.

57 g. NU it

60 h. NU, M a rooster

61 i. NU adds today

64 j. NU And having blindfolded Him, they asked Him

68 k. NU omits also

68 l. NU omits the rest of v. 68.

Luke 23

2 a. NU our

6 b. NU omits of Galilee

11 c. troops

15 d. NU he sent Him back to us

17 e. NU omits v. 17.

23 f. NU omits and of the chief priests

25 g. NU, M omit to them

34 h. NU brackets the first sentence as a later addition.

38 i. NU omits written and in letters of Greek, Latin, and Hebrew

39 j. NU Are You not the Christ? Save

42 k. NU “Jesus, remember me

44 l. NU adds already

45 m. NU obscured

45 n. the middle

51 o. NU who was waiting

Luke 24

1 a. NU omits and certain other women with them

4 b. NU omits greatly

11 c. nonsense

12 d. NU omits lying

13 e. Lit. 60 stadia

17 f. NU walk? And they stood still, looking sad.

27 g. explained

28 h. acted as if

35 i. recognized

40 j. Some printed New Testaments omit v. 40. It is found in nearly all Gr. mss.

42 k. NU omits and some honeycomb

46 l. NU that the Christ should suffer and rise

49 m. NU omits of Jerusalem

53 n. NU omits praising and

53 o. NU omits Amen.