Acts 1
2 a. He ascended into heaven.
3 b. unmistakable
8 c. NU My witnesses
14 d. purpose or mind
14 e. NU omits and supplication
15 f. NU brethren
18 g. reward of unrighteousness
18 h. intestines
20 i. deserted
20 j. Gr. episkopen, position of overseer
Acts 2
1 a. NU together
3 b. Or tongues as of fire, distributed and resting on each
8 c. dialect
11 d. Arabians
15 e. 9 A.M.
23 f. NU omits have taken
24 g. destroyed or abolished
24 h. Lit. birth pangs
30 i. NU He would seat one on his throne,
33 j. Possibly by
38 k. forgiveness
40 l. crooked
41 m. NU omits gladly
42 n. teaching
45 o. would sell
45 p. distributed
47 q. NU omits to the church
Acts 3
2 a. Beg
15 b. Or Originator
20 c. NU, M Christ Jesus
20 d. NU, M ordained for you before
21 e. Or time
24 f. NU, M proclaimed
Acts 4
16 a. remarkable sign
16 b. well known
25 c. NU through the Holy Spirit, by the mouth of our father, Your servant David,
36 d. NU Joseph
36 e. Or Consolation
Acts 5
17 a. jealousy
21 b. Sanhedrin
21 c. council of elders or senate
23 d. NU, M omit outside
24 e. NU omits the high priest
25 f. NU, M omit saying
33 g. cut to the quick
35 h. be careful
36 i. followed
41 j. NU the name; M the name of Jesus
Acts 6
1 a. Greek-speaking Jews
8 b. NU grace
13 c. NU omits blasphemous
Acts 7
11 a. affliction
14 b. Or seventy, Ex. 1:5
30 c. NU omits of the Lord
37 d. NU, M omit Him you shall hear
38 e. Gr. ekklesia, assembly or church
38 f. sayings
51 g. stubborn
54 h. furious
Acts 8
5 a. Or a
9 b. magic
9 c. Or nation
11 d. magic arts
26 e. Or a deserted place
37 f. NU, M omit v. 37. It is found in Western texts, including the Latin tradition.
40 g. Same as Heb. Ashdod
Acts 9
5 a. NU, M omit the rest of v. 5 and begin v. 6 with But arise and go
13 b. bad things
15 c. Lit. sons
17 d. M omits Jesus
20 e. NU Jesus
29 f. Greek-speaking Jews
31 g. NU church. . . was
31 h. built up
36 i. Lit., in Aram., Gazelle
36 j. Lit., in Gr., Gazelle
Acts 10
1 a. Cohort
2 b. charitable gifts
3 c. 3 P.M.
6 d. NU, M omit the rest of v. 6.
9 e. Noon
15 f. Declared clean
17 g. was perplexed
21 h. NU, M omit who had been sent to him from Cornelius
30 i. NU Four days ago to this hour, at the ninth hour
31 j. charitable gifts
32 k. NU omits the rest of v. 32.
36 l. Lit. sons
39 m. NU, M they also
43 n. forgiveness
45 o. The Jews
Acts 12
4 a. Gr. tetrads, squads of four
5 b. NU constantly or earnestly
6 c. guarding
18 d. disturbance
20 e. who was in charge of the king’s bedchamber
20 f. Lit. nourished
23 g. breathed his last
25 h. NU, M to
Acts 13
6 a. NU the whole island
8 b. opposed
15 c. encouragement
17 d. M omits Israel
17 e. Mighty power
23 f. M salvation, after
26 g. stock
26 h. message
34 i. the state of decay
34 j. blessings
36 k. in his
36 l. underwent decay
37 m. underwent no decay
42 n. Or And when they went out of the synagogue of the Jews; NU And when they went out of the synagogue, they begged
Acts 14
2 a. embittered
2 b. Lit. souls
9 c. Lit. Who
12 d. Jupiter
12 e. Mercury
Acts 15
8 a. bore witness to
11 b. NU, M omit Christ
13 c. stopped speaking
17 d. NU LORD, who makes these things
18 e. NU (continuing v. 17) known from eternity (of old).’
20 f. Or fornication
22 g. NU, M Barsabbas
24 h. NU omits saying, “You must be circumcised and keep the law”
25 i. purpose or mind
29 j. Or fornication
33 k. NU those who had sent them
34 l. NU, M omit v. 34.
37 m. resolved
40 n. committed
Acts 16
6 a. The Roman province of Asia
7 b. NU adds of Jesus
12 c. Lit. first
18 d. distressed
35 e. lictors, lit. rod bearers
Acts 17
5 a. NU omits who were not persuaded
5 b. M omits becoming envious
7 c. welcomed
11 d. Lit. noble
16 e. full of idols
18 f. NU, M add also
18 g. Lit. seed picker, an idler who makes a living picking up scraps
19 h. Lit. Hill of Ares, or Mars’ Hill
22 i. Lit. Hill of Ares, or Mars’ Hill
26 j. NU omits blood
Acts 18
5 a. Or in his spirit or in the Spirit
7 b. NU Titius Justus
12 c. Gr. bema
17 d. NU they all
18 e. Lit. many days
21 f. NU omits I must by all means keep this coming feast in Jerusalem
22 g. To Jerusalem
23 h. successively
Acts 19
13 a. NU I
13 b. adjure, solemnly command
16 c. M and they overpowered them
16 d. NU both of them
24 e. Gr. Artemis
27 f. NU she be deposed from her magnificence
31 g. Asiarchs, rulers of Asia, the province
35 h. Gr. Artemis
35 i. heaven
37 j. NU our
38 k. Lit. matter
40 l. Or charged with rebellion concerning today
Acts 20
8 a. NU, M we
13 b. arranged it
24 c. NU But I do not count my life of any value or dear to myself
24 d. course
26 e. Lit. clean
27 f. avoided declaring
28 g. M of the Lord and God
30 h. misleading
34 i. NU, M omit Yes
37 j. Lit. much
Acts 21
4 a. NU the disciples
8 b. NU omits who were Paul’s companions
15 c. made preparations
22 d. NU What then is to be done? They will certainly hear
25 e. NU omits that they should observe no such thing, except
25 f. fornication
26 g. completion
29 h. M omits previously
31 i. cohort
39 j. insignificant
Acts 22
9 a. NU omits and were afraid
20 b. NU omits to his death
23 c. Lit. threw
Acts 23
9 a. NU what if a spirit or an angel has spoken to him? omitting the last clause
11 b. Take courage
15 c. NU omits tomorrow
30 d. NU there would be a plot against the man
35 e. Headquarters
Acts 24
2 a. Or reforms are
4 b. graciousness
6 c. NU ends the sentence here and omits the rest of v. 6, all of v. 7, and the first clause of v. 8.
9 d. NU, M joined the attack
15 e. NU omits of the dead
20 f. NU, M what wrongdoing they found
26 g. NU omits that he might release him
Acts 25
2 a. NU chief priests
16 b. NU omits to destruction, although it is implied
18 c. suspected
23 d. pageantry
Acts 26
9 a. against
17 b. rescue
17 c. NU, M omit now
18 d. set apart
25 e. out of my mind
Acts 27
9 a. The Day of Atonement, late September or early October
14 b. A southeast wind that stirs up broad waves; NU Euraquilon, a northeaster
15 c. be driven
16 d. NU Cauda
17 e. M Syrtes
22 f. courage
29 g. Or wished
40 h. cast off
41 i. A reef
Acts 28
2 a. Lit. barbarians
7 b. Magistrate
11 c. Gr. Dioskouroi, Zeus’s sons Castor and Pollux
19 d. The ruling authorities
25 e. NU your
29 f. NU omits v. 29.