Romans 1
3 a. came
9 b. Or in
16 c. NU omits of Christ
18 d. hold down
19 e. evident
19 f. among
20 g. divine nature, deity
23 h. perishable
26 i. Lit. females
27 j. Lit. males
27 k. Lit. female
29 l. NU omits sexual immorality
29 m. greed
29 n. malice
31 o. without understanding
31 p. NU omits unforgiving
Romans 2
5 a. unrepentant
5 b. storing
9 c. Gentile
17 d. NU But if
17 e. rely
27 f. Lit. letter
29 g. A play on words—Jew is literally praise.
Romans 3
2 a. sayings, Scriptures
4 b. Found true
8 c. Lit. judgment
13 d. grave
19 e. accountable
22 f. NU omits and on all
24 g. without any cost
25 h. mercy seat
28 i. declared righteous
Romans 4
1 a. Or (fore)father according to the flesh has found?
3 b. imputed, credited, reckoned, counted
4 c. according to
16 d. certain
Romans 5
1 a. Some ancient mss. let us have
3 b. endurance
4 c. approved character
6 d. at the right time
15 e. trespass or false step
16 f. trespasses
17 g. trespass
18 h. Or one trespass
18 i. Or one righteous act
Romans 6
6 a. rendered inoperative
7 b. cleared
11 c. consider
13 d. Or weapons
17 e. entrusted
19 f. unto sanctification
22 g. unto sanctification
23 h. free gift
Romans 7
1 a. rules
Romans 8
1 a. NU omits the rest of v. 1.
6 b. fleshly
7 c. fleshly
11 d. Or because of
15 e. Lit., in Aram.,Father
21 f. decay
26 g. NU omits for us
Romans 9
3 a. Or relatives
28 b. NU the LORD will finish the work and cut it short upon the earth
29 c. Lit., in Heb., Hosts
31 d. NU omits of righteousness
32 e. NU by works, omitting of the law
Romans 10
1 a. NU them
15 b. NU omits preach the gospel of peace, Who
Romans 11
6 a. NU omits the rest of v. 6.
11 b. trespass
12 c. trespass
17 d. richness
22 e. NU adds of God
25 f. estimation
26 g. Or delivered
32 h. shut them all up in
Romans 12
1 a. urge
1 b. rational
12 c. persevering
13 d. Lit. pursuing
17 e. Or Provide good
Romans 13
2 a. Lit. receive
9 b. NU omits “You shall not bear false witness,”
13 c. decently
Romans 14
6 a. NU omits the rest of this sentence.
9 b. NU omits and rose
10 c. NU God
13 d. any longer
18 e. NU this thing
19 f. build up
20 g. A feeling of giving offense
21 h. NU omits the rest of v. 21.
22 i. NU The faith which you have—have
23 j. M puts Rom. 16:25–27 here.
Romans 15
1 a. weaknesses
2 b. building up
4 c. perseverance
7 d. NU, M you
8 e. minister
14 f. M others
16 g. Consisting of
24 h. NU omits I shall come to you and joins Spain with the next sentence.
25 i. serve
29 j. NU omits of the gospel
31 k. are disobedient
Romans 16
5 a. NU Asia
11 b. Or relative
16 c. NU All the churches
18 d. NU, M omit Jesus
19 e. innocent
24 f. NU omits v. 24.
25 g. M puts Rom. 16:25–27 after Rom. 14:23.