is for Dinner. Mrs. Brill, quite Distracted. Dashes in with the roast Duck and nearly Drops the Dish.
"What, no Dumplings?" Mr. Banks grumbles.
"Don't be Difficult, Dear," says Mrs. Banks. "Ellen has one of her Dreadful colds, and it is Mary Poppins Day out."
"How Distressing! Well. Drink up. Barbara! Dry your hands, John! Your hair is a Disgrace. Michael! It's Deplorable," Mr. Banks Declares. "Whenever Mary Poppins goes out. we have a Domestic Disaster. When I say Do, you all Don't; and when I say Don't, you Do!"
"Dates for Dessert. Daddy," says Jane, who is always Diplomatic.
"How Delicious!" cries Mr. Banks. "Things are not so Dismal, after all. We shall have a Delightful Dinner."
Down the stairs Darts Mary Poppins. Dressed in her Dainty best. A Dimple Dances in her cheek and a Daisy in her hat. No one says Do or Don't to her. Nobody would Dare!