is for Geese. Jane and Michael, as Good as Gold, are feeding them on the Green by the lake.
Mr. Banks, whose name is George. Greets the Group as he Goes by. "What are you Giving them?" he asks.
"Grass, Gravel. Grubs, and Gumdrops!"
"Gracious!" Mr. Banks Groans. "I'm Glad I'm not a Goose!"
"They are Gallant swans in disguise," says Jane. "And Michael is really a Giant Killer, and I am Goldilocks."
"And I never Guessed it!" Mr. Banks Grins. "Did you know that I was a Grand Duke? I play the Guitar in the Gayest way and never have to pay the Grocer."
"If you Got a wish. Mary Poppins." says Michael, "what Great person would you be?"
She Gives him a Gleaming, self-satisfied Glance.
"Mary Poppins." she says.