My laptop doesn’t contain enough ink to thank my dear friend Andy Schloss for his culinary prowess and writerly professionalism in crafting the recipes for this book. Profound thanks to my editor, Jean Lucas, who has shown inordinate grace and wisdom in dealing with me. Thanks also to the rest of the crew at Andrews McMeel, most especially to Holly Ogden for her beautiful book design work, and to Kirsty Melville for believing in this book and publishing it. Thanks also to my excellent agent, Lisa Ekus, for her faith and friendship.
Thank you, Adrian Hale, for your calm acumen and beautiful hands (literally and figuratively) in food styling. My gratitude to Pamela Fabregra for all the hustle and creativity: I still owe you a tank of gas. Additional styling thanks to Kierstin Buchner, Ellen Jackson, and Delores Custer for your hard work and good counsel. Thank you, Leela Cyd, for contributing your excellent graphical eye. My thanks to Mark Fitzgerald for photo-editing help. Thank you, Pete Perry, for your generosity on all fronts photographic.
Deep thanks to the indomitable Melissa Smith at The Meadow for holding down the fort during my absences while writing. I am ever grateful to Mark Chapman, Violet Tchalakov, Kristen Cooper, Kayla Carlson, Linda Le, Nicole Alden, Kimberly Ess, Jordan Frand, Jamie Swick, Nick Raz, Jamie Newman, Annette Strean-Cornelius, Arturo Martinini, and the rest of the brilliant staff at The Meadow for their passion and hard work spreading the good word of salt.
Thank you to my friends in Pakistan: Maqbool, Ejaz, Mian, Zohaib, Akhtar, and others. Thanks to Matt, Caitie, Poppy, Fiona, and Cecilia Coleman for lending me your home (and yourselves!), and also to Miriana, Matt, and Mike Clark for the stepladders and dinners along the way. Thanks to the many bighearted people who sent me pictures and ideas for cooking over the years.
Most of all, I thank my two beautiful and brilliant boys. Austin, your quick humor and wily playfulness help me to see the truth in myself; and Hugo, your high-octane curiosity and boisterous affection are my keenest reminders of the awesome vitality of the human spirit.