A city boils. Another seethes. A third simmers. And the fourth is about to erupt.
Like a stove top, the cities of the Bay Area cook in concert, each steeped in danger, corruption, and a criminal underworld that ties them together. A new homicide sits in the middle of it all—the untimely murder of a lawyer in the Tenderloin neighborhood of San Francisco.
Filled with mystery as thick as the Bay’s infamous fog, Inspector Cole Hoffer’s investigation takes him deep into the most treacherous neighborhoods of San Francisco, Oakland and beyond, as he explores clue after clue, courtesy of a cast of pulpy characters operating in a black market just under our noses. In Hoffer’s Bay Area, there’s always money to be made, witnesses to be offed, and much bigger crimes to be concealed. After all, the Gold Rush never really ended, it just got deadlier.
For Cole Hoffer, Chuck Hattaran isn’t just another name on the homicide unit’s Big Board. The murdered lawyer is an affront to Cole’s career, his life, and his understanding of himself. That’s because Cole knew him. In fact, Cole was having an affair with Hattaran’s wife, Mia. And if Cole doesn’t figure out who had it in for Hattaran, there’s only one person left to point the finger at: Cole himself.