Discussion Questions

1. When Gwyneth witnesses the horrors of the first chapter, she responds by obeying her father but at the cost of her mental and physical health. How would you have reacted? Would you have fled as he commanded or stayed and sought justice?

2. Thad has an intuition, an attuning to the Spirit, that often leads him to the place he needs to go at a specific time. Have you ever known anyone who seems to do this? Have you ever heard the whisper of the Spirit leading you in this way?

3. Who is your favorite character and why?

4. Family plays an important role for the characters in Whispers from the Shadows, both in how they support us and how they can hinder us. Which aspects best encompass your own family experiences?

5. Gwyneth works through the trauma of her father’s murder by drawing and painting. What do you do to deal with stressors? What did you think of her method?

6. Thad tells Gwyneth that “we are all broken.” In what way is that true of each of the characters? How is it true for you?

7. Do you think Thad did the right thing in marrying Peggy? Why or why not?

8. Rosie helps Gwyneth see that she has put her trust and found her rest in a fallible man rather than our infallible God. Have you ever relied too much on a person? Who, and in what way? What was the outcome?

9. Sir Arthur’s decisions take him from a would-be hero to a villain’s accomplice throughout the book. How are you left feeling about him? How did your opinions change over the course of the book? What do you think of Mercer’s opposite change?

10. The salvation of the United States came when an entire city rallied together, unified, and stood firm against their enemy, though in the years prior they had been languid and more concerned with their individual goods than the nation’s. How does that parallel the country today? What can we learn from them?