—May 16—
I planned the whole prank myself.
I didn’t know what Noelle, Tobyn, and Micah were planning to do for their junior-year prank because, of course, they hadn’t told me after the truth came out. But I thought if I did something big, something to show I was sorry AND worthy of being a Flyy Girl, then maybe, just maybe, they’d forgive me for lying.
I was scared out of my mind that I’d get caught, but I thought that taking this risk could work in my favor, too. They’d see that I was willing to risk everything for their friendship . . . even going to military school.
I snuck into the school early in the morning and filled a bunch of plastic cups with water and carefully lined them up on the stairs that led to the Yard. All the cups were red except the ones I used to spell out I’M SORRY I LIED. The cups completely blocked the way, and no one could step down without knocking them over and spilling water everywhere, so when the students arrived, they lined up, took pictures, and laughed until the principal demanded that every student help pick up the cups until the stairs were clear.
So the girls would know that I did it, I also texted a selfie of me setting up the cups to all three of them with an apology:
Keep this to yourself, or turn me in. Just know I’m sorry and I’ll never betray your trust again.
—A Wannabe Flyy Girl
Today, Noelle texted back.
Your secret’s safe with us . . . so, wanna know what we’re doing next?