vii Three army tanks are sent See ‘Army Tanks Close Tehran Airport in Apparent Effort to Stop Khomeini’ by Jonathan C. Randal, Washington Post, 24 January 1979.
viii In Tehran, troops open fire See ‘Iran, in Apparent Shift, Hints Khomeini May Return’ by Jonathan C. Randal, Washington Post, 30 January 1979.
ix Accompanied by a retinue ‘Millions Welcome Khomeini to Iran’ by William Claiborne, Jonathan C. Randal and William Branigin, Washington Post, 1 February 1979; ‘Veil of Fears’ by John Simpson, Guardian, 1 February 1994. See also ‘With God Not on Our Side’ by David Hirst, Guardian, 4 February 1989; obituary of Shah pour Bakhtiar, Daily Telegraph, 9 August 1991; ‘Iran: The Impossible Revolution’ by Fouad Ajami, Foreign Affairs, Winter 1988/89.
2 ‘Enlightenment is man’s emergence’ ‘Answer to the Question: What is Enlightenment? [Beantwortung der Frage: Was ist Aufklärung?]’ by Immanuel Kant, Berlinischer Monatsschrift, September 1784. Reprinted in Was ist Aufklärung? Thesen und Definitionen edited by Eberhard Bahr (Reclam, Stuttgart, 1986).
3 ‘I do not know whether we will ever reach mature adulthood’ ‘What is Enlightenment?’ by Michel Foucault, in The Foucault Reader, edited by Paul Rabinow (Pantheon Books, New York, 1984).
4 ‘the chief challenger of the fundamentals’ Radical Enlightenment: Philosophy and the Making of Modernity 1650–1750 by Jonathan Israel (Oxford University Press, 2001).
4 ‘By separating theology from natural philosophy’ The Party of Humanity: Studies in the French Enlightenment by Peter Gay (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London, 1964).
5 ‘lies not so much in what was preached’ The Enlightenment by Jack Lively (Longmans, London, 1966).
6 ‘The Enlightenment made explicit’ ‘Whatever Happened to Reason?’ by Roger Scruton, City Journal (New York), Vol. 9, No. 2, Spring 1999.
12 ‘I’m going to borrow some of her elegant phraseology’ See ‘Jeane Kirkpatrick: The Ambassador from Commentary Magazine’ by James Conaway, Washington Post, 1 November 1981.
13 As Professor Stanley Hoffman pointed out New York Times, 31 December 1980.
15 ‘it is doing no good to the cause of party morale’ ‘Tories: Thatcher-Bashed’, Economist, 1 March 1980.
15 ‘The importance of Margaret Thatcher’ ‘The British Election of 1979 and Its Aftermath’ by Kenneth Watkins, Policy Review, Summer 1979.
16 ‘The regime is dedicated’ ‘Maggie Might Make Lots of Magic’ by Herbert Stein, Fortune, 10 September 1979.
16 ‘What happens in Britain is of great importance’ ‘Hooray for Margaret Thatcher’ by Milton Friedman, Newsweek, 9 July 1979.
17 ‘I admire her greatly’ ‘Wave of the Past? Or Wave of the Future?’ by Lawrence Minard, Forbes, 1 October 1979.
17 ‘What happens here in Britain’ ‘Britons Deflate US Economist’ by Leonard Downie Jr, Washington Post, 3 March 1980.
19 ‘It’s kind of hard to sell “trickle down’” ‘The Education of David Stockman’ by William Greider, Atlantic Monthly, December 1981.
20 ‘no parallel upsurge of riches’ The Politics of Rich and Poor by Kevin Phillips (Random House, New York, 1990).
22 In 1988 a report See Sweatshops in the US (US General Accounting Office, Washington DC, August 1988).
22 ‘Oh exactly. Very much so’ Weekend World, London Weekend Television, 16 January 1983.
24 ‘given every financial and other encouragement’ One of Us by Hugo Young (Macmillan, London, 1989).
26 ‘The ideas and programmes’ One World, Ready or Not: The Manic Logic of Global Capitalism by William Greider (Simon & Schuster, New York, 1997).
27 ‘I believe in “Judaeo-Christian” values’ The Downing Street Years by Margaret Thatcher (HarperCollins, London, 1993). An interesting account of Thatcher’s entrepreneurial theology can be found in ‘Religion as an Environmental Influence on Enterprise Culture – The Case of Britain in the 1980s’ by Alistair R. Anderson, Sarah L. Drakopoulou-Dodd and Michael G. Scott, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, Vol. VI, No. 1 (2000).
27 ‘the future of the world depended on the few men and women’ Dartford Chronicle, 8 June 1951.
27 ‘Are we to move towards moral decline’ Transcript of speech by Sir Keith Joseph MP, Edgbaston, 19 October 1974.
27 ‘we must not focus our attention exclusively on the material’ Transcript of speech by Margaret Thatcher, Zurich, 14 March 1977.
29 ‘If a man will not work’ Transcript of speech by Margaret Thatcher to the general assembly of the Church of Scotland, The Mound, Edinburgh, 21 May 1988. (Her critics promptly dubbed this speech ‘the Sermon on the Mound’.)
29 Alas for the theory Internal Revenue Service data on charitable deductions, cited in ‘Look Who’s Being Tightfisted’, Business Week, 5 November 1990. See also the Gallup survey reported in ‘US Charities See Increase in Gifts’, Boston Globe, 16 December 1990.
31 ‘This debt is essentially the cost’ ‘When the Lending Stops’ by Lester C. Thurow, New Perspectives Quarterly, Vol. 4, No. 3, Autumn 1987.
32 ‘In the months and years prior to the 1929 crash’ ‘The 1929 Parallel: Modern Stock Market Speculation’ by John Kenneth Galbraith, Atlantic Monthly, January 1987. See also A Short History of Financial Euphoria by John Kenneth Galbraith (Viking Penguin, New York, 1993).
33 ‘In these latter days’ ‘The Royal Road to Bankrutpcy, By One Who Took the Ride’, Atlantic Monthly, January 1933.
34 ‘I can calculate the motions’ Quoted in ‘The Speculation Mania’ by Richard Lambert, Financial Times, 22 March 1986.
35 ‘Why is the market so high’ ‘The Bull Tops 2000’ by George Russell, Time, 19 January 1987.
41 As the Economist noted ‘Tom Peters, Performance Artist’, Economist, 24 September 1994.
42 One man who certainly understood how to profit See ‘Let a Thousand Gurus Bloom’, Washington Post, 12 February 1995.
43 In the words of Mike Fuller ‘Gurumania’ by Carol Howes, Calgary Herald, 1 October 1994.
46 One corporate client, Atlantic Richfield ‘Soul Searching’ by Kenneth L. Woodward, Newsweek, 8 July 1996.
48 The comic writers Christopher Buckley and John Tierney God is My Broker: A Monk Tycoon Reveals the 71/2 Laws of Spiritual and Financial Growth by Brother Ty with Christopher Buckley and John Tierney (Nicholas Brealey Publishing, Santa Rosa and London, 1998).
49 No coach class for him For more on Chopra, see: ‘A Touch of Oprah’s Wand for a Guru of Self-Healing’ by Paul D. Colford, Newsday, 15 July 1993; ‘The End of History and the Last Guru’ by Matt Labash, Weekly Standard, 1 July 1996; ‘The New Age Gurus: Do They Need Therapy?’ by Andrew Billen, Observer, 1 September 1996; ‘How to Know Deepak’ by Bill Amundson, Denver Rocky Mountain News, 12 March 2000; ‘A Mystic Spinning Words into Gold’ by Jim Remsen, Philadelphia Inquirer, 28 February 2001; ‘The Multi-Millionaire Mystic’ by Christopher Goodwin, Evening Standard (London), 10 May 2001.
53 ‘Of course this benchmarking is only a rough guide’ Quoted in ‘Gurus of Gobbledegook’ by John Micklethwait and Adrian Wooldridge, Sunday Telegraph, 27 October 1996.
54 Bill Clinton, who invited both Covey and Anthony Robbins to spend the weekend The Choice by Bob Woodward (Simon & Schuster, New York, 1996).
55 Ten days after the Camp David ‘Let a Thousand Gurus Bloom’, Washington Post, 12 February 1995.
56 As Newsweek pointed out ‘Self-Help USA’ by Daniel McGinn, Newsweek, 10 January 2000.
57 Government spending on private consultants rose ‘The Annual League Tables’ by Philip Abbott, Management Consultancy, 1 August 2001.
57 In the summer of 1996 he despatched ‘Andersen Androids Invade New Labour’ by Richard Woods and Andrew Grice, Sunday Times, 24 November 1996.
64 James Adas of the New York Times posed the obvious question ‘What is Fukuyama Saying? And to Whom Is He Saying It?’ by James Atlas, New York Times magazine, 22 October 1989.
66 ‘When a serious work of history’ ‘Against “Declinism” – American Power After the Cold War’ by Joseph S. Nye Jr, New Republic, 15 October 1990.
67 ‘How is it that some people become famous’ See Professor Philip Green’s review of Trust by Francis Fukuyama, Nation, 25 September 1995.
67 By the time he had expanded his essay into a book The End of History and the Last Man by Francis Fukuyama (The Free Press, New York, 1992).
68 ‘How far shall we trust a “Universal History”’ ‘Francis Fukuyama and the end of history’ by Roger Kimball, New Criterion, February 1992.
71 ‘I am a child of Niehbur’ ‘Looking the World in the Eye’ by Robert D. Kaplan, Atlantic Monthly, December 2001.
74 As Edward Said pointed out ‘We All Swim Together’ by Edward Said, New Statesman, 15 October 2001.
75 The only difference, as critics pointed out ‘Challenging Huntington’ by Richard E. Rubenstein and Jarle Crocker, Foreign Policy, No. 96, Fall 1994, pp. 113–28.
75 The Nobel laureate Amartya Sen ‘Amartya Sen Rejects “Clash of Civilisations” Concept’, The Hindu, 13 November 2001.
75 ‘These are the two touchstones of any debate’ ‘The Clash’ by Joel Achenbach, Washington Post, 16 December 2001.
79 Dons who normally confine their disputes ‘Unquiet Flow the Dons’ by Dennis A. Williams and Anthony Collings, Newsweek, 16 February 1981.
79 he did admit that it was the ‘enormous explosion of work…’ See Colin MacCabe’s letter in Guardian Weekly, 15 February 1981.
80 As a young lecturer observed ‘Highbrows go witch hunting’ by Andy Martin, The Times, 13 May 1992.
81 ‘Students taking courses in literature’ ‘Farewell to a Fad’ by Barbara Ehrenreich, The Progressive, March 1999.
82 ‘England is sick’ Quoted in Literary Theory: An Introduction by Terry Eagleton (Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1983).
84 They don’t have the same regime of truth ‘Iran: The Spirit of a World Without Spirit’, from Politics, Philosophy, Culture: Interviews and Other Writings 1977–84 by Michel Foucault (Routledge, New York and London, 1988).
86 ‘In pulling the rug out’ ‘Where Do Post-Modernists Come From?’ by Terry Eagleton, Monthly Review, July 1995.
86 For the purposes of his experiment he needed a genre See ‘On the Simulation of Post-Modernism and Mental Debility Using Recursive Transition Networks’ by A. C. Bulhak, Technical Report 96/264 (1996), Department of Computer Science, Monash University. For the Post-Modernism Generator, visit
87 ‘A writer on structuralism in the Times Literary Supplement From the lecture ‘Science and Literature’ (1968), reprinted in Pluto’s Republic by Peter Medawar (Oxford University Press, 1982).
87 ‘In the first place, singularities-events’ Quoted in ‘Post-Modernism Disrobed’ by Richard Dawkins, Nature, 9 July 1998.
89 ‘For some years I’ve been troubled’ ‘A Physicist Experiments with Cultural Studies’ by Alan D. Sokal, Lingua Franca, May-June 1996.
90 ‘that there exists an external world’ ‘Transgressing the Boundaries: Toward a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity’ by Alan D. Sokal, Social Text Nos 46/47 (Spring/Summer 1996).
94 ‘He got it wrong’ ‘Postmodern Gravity Deconstructed, Slyly’ by Janny Scott, New York Times, 18 May 1996.
96 ‘It is always possible to face up to any experience’ Quoted in In Defence of History by Richard J. Evans (Granta Books, London, 1997 and 2000).
97 ‘There is in fact a massive, carefully empirical literature’ In Defence of History, op. cit.
98 ‘Although historians often frame their criticisms’ ‘Theorising the Writing of History’ by Ellen Somekawa and Elizabeth A. Smith, Journal of Social History, Vol. 22 (1988).
99 ‘The most usual ideological abuse of history’ ‘Outside and Inside History’, lecture delivered at the Central European University, Budapest, 1993; reprinted in On History by Eric Hobsbawm (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London, 1997).
100 ‘What one generally calls a fact is an interpretation’ Quoted in Intellectual Impostures by Alan Sokal and Jean Bricmont (Profile Books, London, 1998).
102 ‘While the parents of a six-year-old child can decide’ Against Method by Paul Feyerabend (New Left Books, London, 1975).
104 ‘Science is about fact’ ‘Problem is Polities’, Topeka Capital Journal, 16 May 1999. See also letters page of same newspaper, 7 September 1999.
105 ‘I suspect that politics is what keeps them silent’ ‘Malone the Victor, Even Though Court Sides With Opponents, Says Mencken’ by H. L. Mencken, Baltimore Evening Sun, 17 July 1925.
106 The American presidential election of 1800 The Enlightenment in America by Henry May (Oxford University Press, New York, 1976), p. 278.
107 to the Marquis de Condorcet Quoted in The Portable Enlightenment Reader edited by Isaac Kramnick (Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1995).
109 ‘Thank heaven I sat at the feet of Darwin and Huxley’ Quoted in ‘Which Civilisation?’ by Michael Lind, Prospect, 25 October 2001.
109 ‘to show the people what fundamentalism is’ ‘Darrow vs. Bryan’, Associated Press, 20 July 1925.
111 ‘The inferior man’s reasons for hating knowledge’ ‘Homo Neanderthalensis’ by H. L. Mencken, Baltimore Sun, 29 June 1925.
112 ‘This is a terrible, tragic, embarrassing solution’ Quoted in ‘Candidates Are Evolving Backward’ by David Sarasohn, The Oregonian, 1 September 1999.
113 In March 2002 the Guardian revealed ‘Top School’s Creationists Preach Value of Biblical Story Over Evolution’ by Tania Branigan, Guardian, 9 March 2002.
115 Even extra-terrestrial conspiracy theories were granted some academic respectability Aliens in America: Conspiracy Cultures from Outerspace to Cyberspace by Jodi Dean (Cornell University Press, Ithaca, 1998). See also reviews of the book by John Leonard in The Nation, 15 June 1998, and by Mark Goldblatt in Reason, 1 March 1999.
118 ‘What is going to happen?’ Griffith Observer, May 1962; quoted in ‘The Millennium is Coming!’ by John Mosley (program supervisor of the Griffith Observatory), Skeptic, Vol. 4, No. 4, 1996, pp. 46–54.
119 By 1980 even Gribbin himself New Scientist, 17 July 1980.
120 ‘Why this one-track emphasis’ Griffith Observer, January 1975; quoted in ‘The Millennium is Coming!’ by John Mosley, op. cit.
122 ‘Travel agents, moving company workers, bottled-water suppliers’ ‘Quaking with Anticipation’ by Beth Ann Krier and David Larsen, Los Angeles Times, 6 May 1988.
123 Returning home on 7 May ‘First Lady’s Astrologer Says Earthquakes Won’t Come This Month’, Associated Press, 11 May 1988.
124 ‘The image of two women, one of them peering into a crystal ball’ ‘The Stars Were Their Alibi’ by Alexander Cockburn, Nation, 21 May 1988.
125 A study of Wall Street stockholders ‘How They Sign Deals in Scorpio City-Washington High Fliers and their Astrologer Mentors’ by Diana McLellan, The Times, 15 May 1988.
127 But why stop at professional astrologers? ‘The Stars Are Out’ by Francis Wheen, Guardian, 3 January 1996; ‘Chance a Fun Thing’ by Francis Wheen, Guardian, 10 January 1996.
130 ‘if you live in a Christian country’ Interview with the Dalai Lama by Alice Thomson, Daily Telegraph, 7 May 1999.
130 ‘The ceremony took place at dusk’ ‘New Age Cherie Stops Blair Being Stick in the Mud’ by Tom Baldwin, The Times, 15 December 2001.
132 ‘The inclusion of Indian ayurvedic medicine’ ‘Ministers Call for Herbal Cures on the NHS’ by Jonathon Carr-Brown, Sunday Times, 30 December 2001.
132 According to a 1998 survey See Journal of the American Medical Association, 11 November 1998.
132 ‘Have you tried squid’s cartilage?’ Snake Oil and Other Preoccupations by John Diamond (Vintage, London, 2001).
134 An even more fantastic ratio See ‘Homeopathy: The Ultimate Fake’ by Stephen Barrett MD, on the excellent Quackwatch website.
136 ‘tap into the power of alternative therapy’ ‘Charles Helps to Build “New Age” Hospital’ by Zoe Brennan and Nicholas Hellen, Sunday Times, 26 August 2001.
136 The founder-editor of Flying Saucer Review, the Earl of Clancarty See obituary of the Earl of Clancarty, Daily Telegraph, 22 May 1995.
137 How could one disprove it? See ‘Francis Wheen’s Diary’, Independent on Sunday, 12 May 1991.
138 There was no respite in the commercial breaks ‘UFORIA’ by Ed Vulliamy, Guardian, 5 August 1997.
138 ‘The thing you have to remember about The X-Files’ ‘Adventures in Alien Territory’ by Jim White and Rebecca Fowler, Mail on Sunday, 21 September 1997.
139 A teacher in Ontario ‘X-Files Mark the Spot’ by Paul Benedetti, Calgary Herald, 13 September 1997.
140 ‘Soap operas, cop series and the like’ ‘Science, Delusion and the Appetite for Wonder’, Richard Dimbleby Lecture by Professor Richard Dawkins, transmitted on BBC television 12 November 1996.
140 in Communion he finally confessed Communion by Whitley Strieber (Beech Tree Books, New York, 1987).
141 ‘During the two-hour show’ ‘That’s Entertainment! TV’s UFO Cover-Up’ by Philip J. Klass, Skeptical Inquirer, November/December 1996.
144 The irony was redoubled See ‘Flash! Fox News Reports that Aliens May Have Built the Pyramids of Egypt!’ by Richard C. Carrier, Skeptical Inquirer, September/October 1999.
145 ‘This film is the first hard evidence to emerge’ ‘Space Oddity’ by Martin Walker, Guardian, 25 July 1995.
145 The autopsy was shot in southern England ‘How We Faked Alien Autopsy’ by Nick Fielding, Mail on Sunday, 17 January 1999.
147 ‘If you open your mind too much’ ‘What a Load of Rubbish’ by Edward Fox, Daily Telegraph, 28 August 1995.
147 As Elaine Showalter pointed out Hystories: Hysterical Epidemics and Modern Culture by Elaine Showalter (Columbia University Press, New York, and Picador, London, 1997)
152 ‘We had a UFO series recently’ See ‘The Loopiest Tabloid of Them All’ by Francis Wheen, Guardian, 4 June 1997.
158 ‘America discovered how useful the invocation’ Who Paid the Piper? The CIA and the Cultural Cold War by Frances Stonor Saunders (Granta Books, London, 1999).
159 ‘Honestly, openly, and with firm conviction’ See ‘Nationalist Republicans and the Cold War’ by John Kenneth White, The Public Perspective, Vol. 8, No. 9, November 1997.
160 ‘Jimmy Carter was more devout’ Reagan’s America: Innocents at Home by Garry Wills (William Heinemann, London, 1988).
160 ‘Let us pray for those’ ‘Reagan Slams Godless Communism’, Guardian Weekly, 20 March 1983.
162 ‘there is no way to read that sentence’ ‘Buchanan on the Firing Line; Buckley Calls on Candidate to Recant Antisemitic Statements’ by Charles Trueheart, Washington Post, 12 December 1991. See also ‘Buchanan Inconsistent with All Republican Traditions’ by Alan J. Steinberg, New Jersey Jewish News, 21 October 1999; ‘It’s “Respectable” Buchanan Who Tars the Republicans’ by Menachem Z. Rosensaft, Los Angeles Times, 1 January 1992.
165 In his last will and testament ‘US Agents Discover Will of Hijackers’ Leader’ by Kate Connolly, Observer, 30 September 2001.
165 ‘It is only the civilised who would be ashamed’ ‘Damn Them All’ by Nick Cohen, Observer, 7 October 2001.
167 ‘When I was coming up’ ‘Bush Follows in the Mis-Steps of His Father’ by Frank Bruni, New York Times, 23 January 2000.
167 ‘There is no “us”’ See ‘Why We All Love to Hate: Political psychologists bring hostile national groups together to explore the need for enemies’ by David Gelman, Newsweek, 28 August 1989; ‘Without Communism, America Looks for New Adversaries’ by Jim Abrams, Associated Press, 5 May 1992.
168 A Gallup poll ‘US Survey Rates Japan Greater Threat than USSR’ by John N. Maclean, Chicago Tribune, 5 March 1991.
169 ‘You and I may be friends’ ‘Pat’s Answers’ by Tom Bethell, American Spectator, February 1992.
170 ‘I’m from Louisiana’ ‘Duke to Challenge Bush in GOP Primaries’ by Steve Daley, Chicago Tribune, 5 December 1991.
170 Meanwhile, in California ‘Official Draws Fire for Attack on Japanese’ by Sonni Efron, Los Angeles Times, 6 December 1991.
171 ‘a national epidemic of indifference’ ‘US Interest in Japan at Rock Bottom’ by Jim Mann, Los Angeles Times, 21 June 2000.
172 ‘We must not relax our efforts’ Transcript of President Reagan’s State of the Union message, 6 February 1985.
172 ‘This conjunction of an immense military establishment’ ‘Eisenhower’s Warning’ by William D. Hartung, World Policy Journal, 22 March 2001. See also ‘How We Lost the Peace Dividend’ by Ann Markusen, The American Prospect, Vol. 8, No. 33, 1 July 1997, and Forging the Military-Industrial Complex: World War II’s Battle of the Potomac by Gregory Hooks (University of Illinois Press, 1991).
173 ‘not fitting … for a President to criticise Congress’ ‘Military-Industrial Man’ by Lars Erik-Nelson, New York Review of Books, 21 December 2000.
174 Since Boeing had cunningly spread work ‘Cut the Budget Deficit? You Must be Joking’ by Martin Walker, Guardian, 10 July 1989.
175 ‘this money can be followed and frozen’ ‘Costs a Bundle and Can’t Fly; Dubious Weapons Systems Reap a Bush Budget Bonanza’ by Jason Vest, The American Prospect, Vol. 13, No. 5, 11 March 2002.
175 President George W. Bush appeared at the Elgin air force base ‘Sky High: The Military Busts the 2003 Federal Budget’ by Frida Berrigan, In These Times, 18 March 2002; see also ‘The Defence Chiefs Prepare to Go over the Top’ by Peter Riddell, The Times, 4 March 2002.
179 ‘The very concept of a war on drugs’ In the Time of the Tyrants: Panama 1968–89 by R. M. Koster and Guillermo Sanchez Bourbon (Secker & Warburg, 1990); see also Christopher Hitchens’s review in the London Review of Books, December 1990.
180 ‘The blowback theory is dead wrong’ ‘Back to Front’ by Peter Beinart, New Republic, 8 October 2001.
181 ‘it was an irony indeed’ ‘The World in the 1980s: notes on the new political culture’ by Fred Halliday, Nation, 4 September 1989.
182 ‘There is something in human history like retribution’ New York Daily Tribune, 16 September 1857.
185 ‘stunning new study of ethics’ ‘A Way Out of Moral Disarray’ by Jim Miller, Newsweek, 14 September 1981.
186 ‘What matters at this stage’ After Virtue: A Study in Moral Theory by Alasdair MacIntyre (University of Notre Dame Press, 1981).
188 ‘One of the strange features’ ‘Gray’s Progress’ by Jeremy Shearmur (Ms from Department of Political Science, Australian National University, 1997). See also ‘The Ways of John Gray: A Libertarian Commentary’ by Daniel B. Klein, The Independent Review, Vol. IV, No. 1, Summer 1999.
188 ‘What ever happened to John Gray?’ See ‘What’s Wrong with Global Capitalism?’ by Robert Skidelsky, Times Literary Supplement, 27 March 1998.
189 Those who routinely deplore Enlightenment anti-imperialism is a strangely neglected subject. For a pioneering study, see ‘Enlightenment Anti-Imperialism’ by Sankar Muthu, Social Research, Vol. 66, No. 4 (1999).
190 ‘the Spaniard, the first to be thrown up’ Political Writings by Denis Diderot, edited by John Hope Mason and Robert Wokler (Cambridge University Press, 1992).
190 ‘Byron and Kipling, Delacroix and Ingres’ ‘George Washington’s False Teeth’ by Robert Darnton, New York Review of Books, Vol. XLIV, No. 5, 27 March 1997.
195 Hence the increasingly urgent need…‘Again, Al Gore Gets Personal; Large Part of Speech Recounts Sister’s Death from Lung Cancer’ by Edward Walsh, Washington Post, 29 August 1996. See also ‘The Forgotten Chapters: Al Gore’s Uncomfortable Past Alliance with the Tobacco Industry’ by Joan Beck, Chicago Tribune, 1 September 1996.
197 ‘Nobody has mastered the feminisation of political discourse’ ‘All Venusians Now’ by Mark Steyn in Faking It: The Sentimentalisation of Modern Society, edited by Digby Anderson and Peter Mullen (Social Affairs Unit, London, 1998).
200 ‘That Diana’s therapised victim-speak’ ‘Diana and the Backlash’ by Linda Holt, in After Diana: Irreverent Elegies edited by Mandy Merck (Verso, London and New York, 1998).
202 The Times reported that many women in therapy ‘Diana’s Death Resonates with Women in Therapy’ by Jane Gross, New York Times, 13 September 1997.
204 ‘Icons do not die’ Independent, 1 September 1997. Quoted in Glen Newey’s excellent essay ‘Diarrhoea’, in After Diana: Irreverent Elegies, op. cit.
208 ‘the Liverpudlianisation of Britain’ ‘Lennon Sucks, But Am I Just a Jealous Guy?’ by Euan Ferguson, Observer, 20 October 2002.
209 ‘In the case of Diana’s death’ ‘The Unbearable Lightness of Diana’ by Elizabeth Wilson, New Left Review, November-December 1997.
214 ‘No serious challenge on the Left exists’ ‘There’s Plenty of Life in the “new” Third Way Yet’ by Peter Mandelson, The Times, 10 June 2002.
214 In Andrew Martin’s novel Bilton Billon by Andrew Martin (Faber & Faber, London, 1998).
220 ‘We need to build a relationship of trust’ Speech by Tony Blair to the Singapore Business Community, 8 January 1996.
221 ‘Thank you very much, Dr Etzioni’ Quoted in ‘Should We Live This Way?’ by Joan Smith, Independent on Sunday, 22 June 1997, an excellent skewering of communitarianism’s progressive pretensions.
222 When Demos spoke, Tony Blair listened See ‘The Unspeakable in Pursuit of the Unthinkable’ by Francis Wheen, Observer, 9 October 1994.
223 ‘These provoked snorts of hilarity’ ‘Waiving the Rules’ by Morley Safer, 60 Minute programme broadcast on 15 November 1998.
225 ‘In the past three months’ ‘A Talent to Annoy’ by Anne Karpf, Guardian, 11 March 1999.
235 ‘One sometimes wonders, in this era’ ‘The Market as God: Living in the New Dispensation’ by Harvey Cox, Atlantic Monthly, March 1999.
244 ‘Patent monopolies are the most costly’ ‘The Mirage of Progress’ by Mark Weisbrot, The American Prospect, Vol. 13, No. 1, 1 January 2002.
246 ‘In the United States, government promoted’ ‘Globalism’s Discontents’ by Joseph E. Stiglitz, The American Prospect, Vol. 13, No. 1, 1 January 2002.
248 F. M. Cornford’s famous Principle of the Wedge See Microcosmographia Academica by F. M. Cornford (Metcalfe & Co., Cambridge, 1908).
249 ‘under the sway of Jakarta and western business interests’ ‘Under the Influence: The Real Reason for the United Nations’ Peacekeeping Role in East Timor is to Maintain Indonesia’s Control’ by John Pilger, Guardian, 21 September 1999.
250 In 1770 the Abbé Raynal described Quoted in ‘The Politics of Globalisation Circa 1773’, by Emma Rothschild, OECD Observer, 1 September 2001.
251 ‘One link gave way’ Quoted in ‘The Politics of Globalisation Circa 1773’, op cit.
253 ‘The need of a constantly expanding market’ The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels (Penguin edition, London, 1967).
254 ‘What an extraordinary episode’ The Economic Consequences of the Peace by John Maynard Keynes (Macmillan, London, 1919).
257 In 2000 the Guardian reported See ‘Babs’ Split Personality’ by Francis Wheen, Guardian, 6 September 2000.
260 ‘Few economists and almost no journalists’ See ‘The Mirage of Progress’ by Mark Weisbrot, The American Prospect, Vol. 13, No. 1, 1 January 2002.
265 ‘Greenspan sent a clear message’ ‘The Man Who Shakes the World’ by Frank Kane and Garth Alexander, Sunday Times, 8 December 1996.
265 ‘We have one general response’ Quoted in Dot.Con by John Cassidy (HarperCollins, New York, 2002), the most entertaining and instructive account of dotcom madness.
267 ‘During the madness of the bullish period’ ‘The Trail to the Dotcom Graveyard’ by Thorold Barker, Financial Times, 28 December 2000.
268 ‘One, is Internet mania based on nothing more than hype?’ ‘It’s Not Too Late to Grab Some Net’ by Duff McDonald, Money, July 1998.
268 ‘It was unbelievable how traditional media’ Quoted in Digital Hustlers: Living Large and Falling Hard in Silicon Valley by Casey Kait and Stephen Weiss (ReganBooks, New York, 2001).
271 ‘a new paradigm in asset management’ ‘Hedge Funds: Bubble or New Paradigm?’ by Alexander M. Ineichen, Journal of Global Financial Markets, Vol. 2, No. 4, Winter 2001.
271 ‘When you see reference to a new paradigm’ ‘Galbraith on Crashes, Japan and Walking Sticks’ by Ben Laurance and William Keegan, Observer, 21 June 1998.
272 ‘Diana was the upstart challenger’ Living on Thin Air by Charles Leadbeater (Viking, London, 1999).
272 ‘The idea of Living on Thin Air’ ‘Hewitt Admits Labour’s Industry Errors’ by David Gow and Patrick Wintour, Guardian, 16 May 2002.
272 speculative markets were ‘not too volatile’ See Irrational Exuberance by Robert J. Shiller (Princeton University Press, 2000).
274 ‘The future belonged to companies with no visible means’ ‘Death by Guru’ by Paul Krugman, New York Times, 18 December 2001.
275 ‘Imagine a country-club dinner dance’ ‘The Power Market: Once a dull-as-methane utility, Enron has grown rich making markets where markets were never made before’ by Brian O’Reilly, Fortune, 17 April 2000.
275 As Thomas Frank wrote One Market Under God: Extreme Capitalism, Market Populism and the End of Economic Democracy by Thomas Frank (Doubleday, New York, 2000).
276 ‘The company’s motto, “Learn the power of why”’ See ‘In the Belly of the Enron Beast’ by Peter Wright,, 25 January 2002.
277 ‘Spend long enough around top Enron people’ ‘The Energetic Messiah’, Economist, 3 June 2000.
277 ‘I believe in God’ ‘Prophet or Profit? Energy Chief, Religious Leaders Dispute God’s Role in Utility Price Spiral’ by Sandi Dolbee, San Diego Union-Tribune, 2 February 2001.
277 ‘Today’s extraordinary trust in the power’ ‘The Curse of the Superstar CEO’ by Rakesh Khurana, Harvard Business Review, September 2002.
281 ‘And how does Mr Lay respond to this charge?’ ‘The Energetic Messiah’, Economist, 3 June 2000.
282 ‘It was one of the great fantasies’ ‘Shock Waves: Enron’s Swoon Leaves a Grand Experiment in a State of Disarray’ by Rebecca Smith, Wall Street Journal, 30 November 2001.
283 A feature in September 1999 Special report on energy by Gaston F. Ceron, Wall Street Journal, 13 September 1999.
283 Serious business journals profiled Enron’s bosses The examples in this paragraph are quoted in ‘Enron: Uncovering the Uncovered Story’ by Scott Sherman, Columbia Journalism Review, March/April 2002 – an excellent study of the press’s role in promulgating hype and fantasy.
284 ‘The business press, including Business Week’ ‘Let Us Count the Culprits’, Business Week, 17 December 2001.
284 ‘Investors counting on these gains’ ‘Energy Traders Cite Gains, But Some Math is Missing’ by Jonathan Weil, Texas Journal, 20 September 2000.
286 ‘The US may have rediscovered Keynesianism’ ‘Keynes Revisited’ by Gerard Baker and Ed Crooks, Financial Times, 6 October 2001.
286 ‘the most dramatic agenda replacement’ ‘For Bush, New Emergencies Ushered in a New Agenda’ by John F. Harris and Dana Milbank, Washington Post, 22 September 2001.
287 ‘A tough materialist analysis would be fine’ ‘Can there be a Decent Left?’ by Michael Walzer, Dissent, Vol. 49, No. 2, Spring 2002.
289 ‘racist arrogance’ See ‘Sectarian Propagandism: Bob Pitt argues that it is perfectly principled for socialists to defend the Taliban against imperialism’, Weekly Worker, 18 October 2001.
290 ‘While humane representations of Islam’ ‘The Agony of a 21stcentury Muslim’ by Ziauddin Sardar, New Statesman, 17 February 2003.
292 ‘All Islamic schools of law’ Why Do People Hate America? by Ziauddin Sardar and Merryl Wyn Davies (Icon Books, Cambridge, 2002).
294 ‘It has become painfully clear’ ‘They Can’t See Why They Are Hated’ by Seumas Milne, Guardian, 13 September 2001.
294 ‘American bond traders, you may say’ ‘In Buildings Thought Indestructible’, New Statesman, 17 September 2001.
296 ‘Let us suppose’ Terror and Liberalism by Paul Berman (W. W. Norton, New York, 2003).
299 ‘The responses to 11 September’ Editorial by Mitchell Cohen in Dissent, Vol. 49, No. 1, Winter 2002.
300 ‘Certainly,’ the Washington Post reported ‘An Eminence with No Shades of Grey’ by Michael Powell, Washington Post, 5 May 2002.
301 ‘There is no limit to the follies’ ‘Notes on Nationalism’ by George Orwell, from The Collected Essays, Journalism and Letters: Volume Three (Penguin Books, London, 1970).
301 ‘A rhetorical tactic is at play’ Editorial by Mitchell Cohen in Dissent, Vol. 49, No. 1, Winter 2002.
303 ‘May we now agree to cancel this crime’ ‘Stranger in a Strange Land’ by Christopher Hitchens, Atlantic Monthly, December 2001.
304 ‘The leaders of the western nations’ See ‘It’s a War Against Islam!’ by Abu Musab, Kcom Journal, 30 September 2001.
305 ‘In the late nineteenth century’ Terror and Liberalism by Paul Berman (W.W. Norton, New York, 2003).
308 ‘Aristotle crept back into Europe’ The Ethical Crises of Civilisation: Moral Meltdown or Advance? by Leslie Lipson (Sage, Newbury and London, 1993).
309 ‘these fundamentalist thinkers expound’ The Challenge of Fundamentalism: Political Islam and the New World Disorder by Bassam Tibi (University of California Press, Berkeley, 1998).
309 ‘neither … inordinately difficult nor illegitimate’ Modern Islamic Political Thought by Hamid Enayat (Texas University Press, Austin, 1982).
310 ‘truth is great and will prevail’ See A Documentary History of Religion in America, Volume I: To the Civil War by Edwin S. Gaustad (William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, 1982).
311 ‘The Virginia act for religious freedom has been received’ Letter from Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 16 December 1786, quoted in Paine and Jefferson on Liberty edited by Lloyd S. Kramer (Continuum, New York, 1988).