Discussion Questions
1. Do you believe in ghosts? Have you ever been in a building that felt haunted?
2. What do you think about the idea of love at first sight? Is it possible for a first impression to be accurate enough to build a relationship on it?
3. With a bit of evidence, Hyacinth allows herself to be swept into a fantasy of the haunted manor. How likely are you to dismiss scientific fact in favor of a feeling?
4. Setting is critical in a gothic novel. How did the landscape of Ashthorne Hall become a character in the novel?
5. Have you ever tried raising orchids? Did you have success? (The author has a black thumb and half a dozen bloom-less orchid stems in her kitchen. Feel free to reach out with any tips on bringing the flowers back to life.) What hobby are you passionate about pursuing?
6. Many of the events of this story are based in a character’s fear. Were they right to be afraid? How did they overcome their fear? What are you afraid of?
7. Which characters in the story did you connect with most?
8. Several kinds of love are prevalent in the book: instant attraction, family pride, love for work, adoration of a sibling, romance, protection, and love of home. How do you see each of these leading to a successful conclusion?
9. Would you live in a nearly empty manor house? What would you absolutely require in order to stay?