Symbols and Abbreviations

logical implication (IF … THEN)
logical equivalence (A→B AND B→A)
indicates a relation of family resemblance, “is similar to”
existential quantifier (∃x, there is an x such that)
is embedded in/among the cluster of
¬ logical negation (NOT)
logical disjunction (OR)
logical conjunction (AND)
BCT, BCTs Basic Colour Term(s)
CTP Chinese Text Project (
CS, CS’s conceptual scheme(s)
CS {Cn}, CS {En} a meaningful collection of FR-concepts
FR-concept family resemblance concept
FR-extension extending FR-concepts across languages and traditions
FR(C), FR(E) a particular Chinese/English FR-concept
FR(Cn), FR(En) a number of Chinese/English FR-concepts
FR(ΣCn), FR(ΣEn) a hybrid concept, the “sum” or “average” of a number of concepts
meta-CS meta-conceptual-scheme
NNSSL no need to speak the same language
PC principle of charity
PH principle of humanity
TLS Thesaurus Linguae Sericae (
X, Y, Z variables for a tradition, a text, or an individual
Zi, Zj, Zk variables for a group of philosophers
XYZ-model minimalistic model of the holism of interpretation