10 reasons for writing this book
- People have often asked us to do so.
- We would like to gather together the knowledge and insights which we have gained in the course of a quarter of a century in our work as tarot authors and in conducting seminars (not only for the benefit of our readers, but also for ourselves).
- We like to write about tarot!
- Life is too short to waste time with substandard interpretations.
- The Rider / Waite cards contain a wealth of things still waiting to be discovered—by ourselves and by our readers (so we are hoping to receive your feedback!).
- At present the main focus of our work is on publishing, so we do not have as much time as we would like for giving lectures and seminars. This book can go some way towards filling the gap.
- Many people have problems with some of the tarot cards. We would like to encourage readers to look a little more closely at the contents so as to be able to draw their own conclusions.
- And we hope that this will help sharpen readers’ perception for their everyday lives, so that they are better able to look beyond what seems like a straightforwardly good or bad incident or experience and perhaps discover a deeper significance.
- We have never written a book such as this before. It struck us as being a helpful—and interesting—idea to summarize the essentials briefly and concisely.
- One can occupy oneself with a subject such as the tarot for 25 years without it becoming boring. (On the contrary, getting older is the prerequisite for accessing certain kinds of knowledge.) We would like to share these aspects, too.
Evelin Burger & Johannes Fiebig