We've prepared a skeleton for the project, which you can find in the book's assets under Chapter10/lyricsfinder-initial.
The skeleton already includes Vue, InversifyJS, RxJS, and Axios.
More importantly, the domain and service layers are already included in the skeleton, along with a number of unit tests. This means that all the wiring has already been done to retrieve information about artists, songs, and lyrics.
We have done this so that we can concentrate on integrating and using Vue in the higher layers of the application.
Don't hesitate to dive into the service layer code to understand how it works. Since we have used a test-driven development approach, the best place to start your investigation is the test suite of the music service, located in src/services/music-service.spec.ts.
Follow these steps:
- Copy the Chapter10/lyricsfinder-initial folder in your workspace.
- Install the project dependencies using npm install.
You can validate that everything is in order by executing npm test from the root folder of the project. All tests should be green.
If you're really curious, you might notice that we have customized the TSLint and Jest configuration files. TSLint has been made stricter, while Jest has been configured to also include test files within the src folder.
We can now start the application.